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Posts posted by Haelbarde

  1. Whenever I read banhammer, I always think of the gravity hammers from the Halo franchise (possibly a result of the Bungie forums being the first place I saw the term). What do you visualize the Banhammer to be? 


    And RE: the distance of mods/admins from the community. That's why you've got a whole bunch of staff - even if a couple staff join in, there'll be others around to moderate relatively impartially.

  2. Would that tell us much though? 


    Heh. Starts thinking about factions posting their internal vote tallies the round after, which is almost the same thing. I dunno. Pending more discussion, I don't think I'd be against that sort of idea.


    Also, you happen to be an Arbiter, a fitting rank for this game. Anyone else got setting relevant ranks? (I know that I become a bloodsealer if I get to 300, I think)

  3. I believe you mentioned that there would be changes to sig policy with the new adaptive forum update. I don't suppose you could spoil the specifics - I fear my sig is probably not regulation, and if I were to remake it, I'd be curious to know what I should be aiming for (also, for if I make a banner for someone too...)

  4. Mods/admins are only scary when they don't talk, or if they're telling you off (if you actually care about being told off :/). I can't say that I've found you scary at any point. Chaos was scary. But then the I saw him posting on the shard, and he made an AMA. 


    And because I feel compelled to have at least one question whenever I post in these AMA's, you writing a book at all? Nope, reading gives details like the fact that you in fact are. How about, have you finished a book? Or, how do you come up with the seed for a story? I often like come up with a world which has got some cool things in it, but then struggle to place characters that I'd like to follow for the length of a book.

  5. Upvote for having a single eyeball in your profile pic, like me! Because having two eyes is too mainstream. (Puts hipster glasses on)

    Should it not be 'hipster glass', having only one eye?


    I don't think his weakness is Tia or the act of gambling. I think it has something to do with risk/planning etc. He got upset pre-Calamity about losing a contest to be an astronaut for a month when he never even entered to participate. He avoided men like David from joining the Reckoners because he takes risks and pushes the plan into spontaneous directions. Tia may have something to do with his fears, but I think what he fears most is chaos, or risk/random chance of some kind. Or it could be rejection of his leadership (he teaches fifth grade because it can be controlled. He hires people for the Reckoners who follow orders. He likes control).


    Teaching kids because they can be controlled? Well I guess to a certain degree. But I'm pretty sure a 5th grader class is not going to be free of surprises. It has children in it.


    The AMA works. For those not following other threads, we're referencing this post: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14511-having-a-bad-day-stop-here-for-a-good-rant/?p=287400


    Here's my warnings: 

    1. I'm a recent college graduate who's slinging her way through looking for jobs and internships. I have no idea what my schedule might look like for... well, the forseeable future. It's highly possible I might not be able to commit in a few months either.
    2. I am only vaguely a DW fan. I have seen the show, but as stated previously in this thread, I've got some major issues with stuff (Moffat, Moffat, and Moffat, mostly.) But, I might feel weird if the main audience were mostly DW fans and I'm sitting here like "yeah, not really my thing."
    3. I've only played one Sanderson Elimination game, and it was... okay. I liked the roleplaying aspects more than the game itself, and it took a lot of time because I got all character invested, so... that's kind of a significant commitment.
    4. Considering that there are already people on this site who are, well, not fond of me, let's say, in terms of my Renarin defenses, I just want to be sure that setting me up as a character intent on brainwashing people into agreeing with her doesn't come across in poor taste. I love playing villians and pretending I'm evil, but I don't want to make anyone feel bad or perhaps have those who think it's not really all that much of a joke.

    That's fair enough. 

    Also, do I frequent the wrong parts of the Shard? I've not yet noticed that sorta negativity.


    A question then: Should I join the Feathertip/blades?

  7. That's the thing, Quiv. I've already got a Renarin fansite. My thing with character discussion is I just want it to be respectful. I mean, just don't bash characters. I think it's cool that my blathering has managed to get some more people to appreciate my favorite character (though if there is a rampant downvoter going after people, that's pretty unfortunate). I certainly don't feel any need to take over the site, though! 


    Fear me for the painful fanfics, not insidious plots to overhaul the system and start a new regime.

    If I did make a elimination game themed around Cybermen upgrading people to a love of particular Rosharan characters would you:

    1) mind if called you cybercontroller for the Renarin faction in this game?

    2) play said game?

  8. The only reason I said that was so I could get in before Haelbarde's quicklinks. And then he didn't post them. Wah.

    Yeh, my whole family is busy right now, so it's just me at home...in more ways than one.

    So what roles/factions do you guys have? :lol:

    With it being first cycle, there's less need for them. But also, I get the impression that most things will happen in the docs, with there being only a bit of global rule clarification and game discussion. Unless that doesn't turn out to be the case, I feel there's not much use for the quick links. 




    And a present. Very basic, and not that good, but it's something:


    Have a Banner!



    You can put that in your sig where you have the link. Means people can click your banner and find your AMA.

    EDIT 2:

    The code for that (if that's how you prefer to do things) is:

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