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Everything posted by Musica

  1. Okay so that's probably not the case, but- is there a chance the author of in-world Oathbringer at the start of each chapter is actually Kaladin? Maybe he writes about siding with the parshmen? The author write about "what he has done, and what those actions cost him"- could he be referring to "joining" the Parshendi- which many people would probably see as a betrayal? It doesn't sound very much like him, though, so probably not lol Another possibility that comes to mind is Adolin- perhaps talking about killing Sadeas? He isn't a main/center character though, and Sadeas's death is probably nor a big enough thing to become the center of an in-world book.. I know I'm reaching here, but Jasnah/Dalinar as the author is just TOO obvious... Also, I have to say that the whole "thanks for comparing women to peasants" line kind of annoyed me. And not in the obvious feminist way, but more because of the elitist, self-important sense I got from it. Then again, maybe I'm just being too sensitive to Shallan' s behavior. The chapters, especially Kaladin's, felt too short. Pattern was funny as a chaperone, and the Shallan-Adolin interaction was cute. Also, another mention of mating by a spren so soon after the whole Syl-Kaladin conversation makes me feel even more sure that we will see some baby-spren/Plate spren in this book:)
  2. What you say makes sense, but maybe that's because those Plates, much like the Blades, are made of dead spren? The feeding of Stormlight to the broken pieces brings them to life a little, and helps them form back into a full Plate, while the smaller pieces "die" as there is nothing to hold them together anymore?
  3. Holy storms. These chapters just keep getting better and better! First of all- Shardplates are made up from child-spren of the Radiants' spren!! How amazing is that?? Do you think those 'children' are other, simpler spren being bonded/invested/influenced by the Nahel-bonded spren, or newly-formed ones? Maybe small, scattered, formless parts left of Honor given shape by the spren? Sylblade! I seriously got the warm and fuzzies all while reading the Kaladin chapter. I adore his relationship with Syl:) Am I the only one, though, who felt like Syl sounded very similar to Shallan in their banter? I guess we now know how the Tarah flashbacks will come about. Kal dealing with a new/past relationship (or even just the possibility or concept) will be part of his arc and will possibly culimate in the forming of his Plate. Ren and Adolin were so adorable! We finally see Renarin using some of his abilities. I really want to lead more of Glys. Nobody wants to play nice with Dalinar. I already foresee frustration for me in that arc. I despise the whole miscommunication/deception thing that seems to be forming.. not to mention Mr.T, who will probably do anything he can to sabotage Dalinar's efforts..Almighty, please let someone find him out FAST. And what's up with negotiating with the Parshendi? And what are they doing in general? I theorized that maybe they still resist Odium's influence and choosing not to attack (and Kal's interaction with them will be what makes him question the war against them), but maybe they are just preparing for the Boss Battle. November is so far away...
  4. Edit: posted twice by accident. Left the other one.
  5. Of course she isn't dead! Dalinar's boon was to save her, and his curse was that he forgot her completely while everyone else were made to think she is dead and now see her as some other unrelated woman! In other words- she is alive, but might as well be dead! (At least dead for everyone who ever knew her). She is actually hiding as one of Dalinar's scribes, unable to tell peole who she really is. *It's the crack talking* LOL
  6. Haven't read through everything yet but- OMG that Kaladin chapter was everything I could have asked for and more!!! I knew he had a new brother! And we got to see Laral! For a second there, when Lirin wasn't surprised to see Kal's Shardblade (before he told everyone he was a Radiant) I thought he was gonna say he is a Radiant as well or knew Kal had the potential...Alas, not so haha I'm so happy Kal revealed himself as a Radiant so fast!! That chapter was amazing. He left way quicker then I thought he would, though. Too fast- I'm positive he would go back to Hearthstone sooner rather than later. There are still things to resolve. Now. Is it just me or is Renarin seriously suspicious?? Shallan' s reaction to him just reinforce that. My current theory is he knows Adolin killed Sadeas and is covering for him by making another completely identical kill. (It's probably not true but I still like the idea haha). And his reaction to Dalinar' s description of Odium's Champion! Could Renarin maybe somehow (pff) become that champion?? Or maybe he saw a vision of him? As for the killer- if it's not Renarin, it has to be someone who either saw the actual murder or saw the murder scene from up close and personal to have made the kill so identical. Who do you think it could be (other than Ren lol)- Someone who is covering for Adolin? Someone taking advantage of one murder to settle some old score? Someone looking to stir up trouble? Bondsmiths can 'draw' on other Radiants to make what they want! That's so storming cool! Just think of the possibilities! It will probably allow them to do different things depending on the Order of the Radiants around them. Why isn't it November already??? I can't wait anymore to be able to read it all at once! *Loved how people started calling Bridge Four the Windrunners:) **What about Mara? Why didn't we see her? ***Urithiru is weird ~
  7. Just had a thought- is it possible Shallan said and done nothing in her few appearances because SHE WASN'T ACTUALLY THERE?? Could she have sent an illusion of herself so that nobody would be looking for her while actually meeting with the Ghostblood/spying on someone/studying??? Is it possible she witnessed Sadeas's murder?? Or am I just reaching here? Also, Chanada - could it be Chana (the Herald)? Or did Brandon name her after a real life person whose name is Canada? Lol Edit: could the whole "the winds are of Honor" line from Syl be another step towards confirming the "windspren make Shardplate" theory?
  8. Finally got to read it!! I was kinda scared when I saw the Kaladin chapter from years back that we won't get to see what's going on in Hearthstone until at least next week! Thank you Brandon for not being a sadist! Haven't read all the comments yet but: Chapter 4- loved the wedding! Can't wait to see what will happen with Elhokar who is back on scene. And with bridge 4:) still no Shallan. Will probably get one or two of her chapters next week. Chapter 5&6- my current theory about the parshmen - either there weren't any before the Everstorm came (Roshone's fallen on hard times?) Or.. Do you think there is any chance they CHOSE not to attack? Maybe even save/help the people in Hearthstone? In the book description we learn that Kal will struggle with the fact that their anger might actually be justified...is it possible that the Everstorm just got them out of Slaveform but not necessarily turned them into Stormform? Maybe that's how Kal's new conflict will come about. Also, could indicate that he might actually try to fight for them as well..a possible path to Odium? The Reunion- I've been waiting for this! It was beautiful! (And Syl made me laugh a few times lol) Hesina- I believe she was going to tell Kal he has a new sibling (maybe even adopted?). Could be Lirin's new apprentice (who can't be his biological sister as that would make her about 4yrs old. No way she is already an apprentice). Am I the only one who loved Kal's mention of Adolin while judging the Lighteyes' uniform? I adore their budding bromance! (please don't let the whole Shallan thing ruin that, Brandon!) The Punch- EPIC! so satisfying! And I don't actually think it was that stupid. I think Kal's gonna be giving a little speech or something in his next chapter that will set things right. Also, does he have his writ of freedom (or whatever its called) that Dalinar issued him? Really hope he does. The book- I think the author is either Jasnah or Dalinar
  9. Do we know when exactly today the chapters are supposed to be released?
  10. Guess now we know where he got his name from *snicker* Sadeas: "You look like a thornbush." Dalinar: "a black thornbush." Sadeas: "our esteemed commander, the thorn in our enemies' side. I thereby declare you the Blackthorn!" Good thing those arrows were black lol As for the squire discussions- Windrunners are all about honor, loyalty, protecting and leading others. Honorspren are all about bonds and binding things/people together (i hope I'm not confusing with the Bondsmiths). I always took it to mean they have more squires because they tend to inspire loyalty from others, and people naturally gravitate to them- which seems a likely necessity to become squires. Think about it, Kaladin led more than one escape attempt while he was a slave, which means the other slaves, often bitter, beaten men if not downright criminals, were willing to believe in him and follow him. Same with his squad in Amaram's army, and of course, Bridge Four. I don't think fighting ability is the "passive attribute" of the Windrunners, but rather their..personal gravity? Haha
  11. *Sorry if I'm repeating things other people wrote* 1. Am I the only one kind of hoping that one of the surgeons who will treat Dalinar would be a young (maybe apprentice) Lirin?? Though I don't know if it works with the timeline (do we know how old Lirin is?) 2. Like someone else here pointed out, the golden light Dalinar sees around Odium/Odium's champion in his vision made me think about the vision he saw in WoR which the Stormfather said he did not send. It kind of makes me think that maybe Odium is influencing or trying to somehow influence the visions (a la Ruin in Mistborn) to make Dalinar question what he sees/doubt/interpret things wrong... 3. Young Dalinar is such a badass! (And crazy. And a bit of a bully) and I love seeing this side of him! 4. Is the Kaladin chapter we already have only a part of the chapter or all of it? I hope its not all of it, cause I've been waiting to see what happens after he reachs Hearthstone for too storming long! 5. Am I the only one who really hopes Adolin WON'T become a Radiant (even if it's by awakening his dead sword rather than bonding some other spren)? We have enough Kholin Radiants. I also really hope he won't become Odium's Champion (too predictable). Can a Radiant be corrupted and turned, while still maintaining their Nahel Bond? I know it probably won't happen, but either Dalinar or Kaladin turning to the Dark Side and becoming the Champion for Odium would be sweet;) Anyway, great start! Why isn't it November already=/.. if only I was at least capable of waiting a few weeks to read a bunch of chapters together it would've been easier, but I have a serious problem with delaying gratification..lol
  12. Both sides make good arguments. The way I see it, the whole thing can go either way. We have a pretty good groundwork for a believable relationship between Shallan and either Kaladin or Adolin. I think it is safe to say that a person can be attract- or even crush- on more than one person at the same time, as it is mostly a physical thing. 'Liking' someone in a romantic way is a deepening of that, something beyond the physical attraction. At the moment, I think both Adolin and Kaladin are 'crushing' on Shallan, or even more, while she is a bit more vague. There is attraction towards both men, but honestly her feeling could go either way from here. One last thing- regarding the whole 'I won't be protected' issue: In the chasm, Kaladin protected Shallan, and it was in the most natural way, simply a part of who he is, and she did not object because it was completely reasonable that the soldier trained for combat would take the lead in the situation and do the frontline fighting. There was no clash, and both had relied on each other's strength (Shallan by finding their way back, Kaladin by fighting the chasmfiend). They each acknowledged the other's abilities. Kaladin protecting Shallan was simply an extension of both nature and immediate need. With Adolin, he simply came out and announced that he will protect her, don't worry, which made her feel caged and edgy because of her past. Also, there was no give and take. It was 'I'll protect you, leave it all to me' instead of the contribution of skills that happened in the chasm. (Don't get me wrong, I know Adolin didn't actually mean to imply she should be comepletly depended on him or is unable to take care of herself, I'm just saying that's the way Shallan maybe felt). So the difference were the circumstances, actions-versus-words, and the mutual acknowledgment of skills and abilities versus the one-sided intention. Hope I managed to convey my thoughts...I'm half asleep and English isn't my native language=p
  13. Okay okay wait- how did I miss Felt? I'm usually much better at noticing things like that, but I don't even REMEMBER a Felt! Can anyone point out where he appeared in Mistborn and where in SA?
  14. I protest ! First time around I got 66% Bondsmith so I'm totally legit as a full Radiant! LOL I demand my own Shardblade! "Life before death! Strength before weakness! Journey before destination!", "I will unite Instead of divide, I'll bring people together!" (Waiting to see if those words are accepted...)
  15. I got: 66% Bondsmith 41% Stoneward 34% Windrunner 31% Skybreaker 25% Edgedancer 3% Elsecaller Which is kinda funny because I thought I would be more of an Edgedancer, Willshaper, Lightweaver and Truthwatcher (which I didn't get at all) variety. Still, I'm happy with that:) Edit: tried again and changed the answer I wasn't sure about and got- 47% Bondsmith 22% Stoneward 19% Edgedancer 19% Truthwatcher 19% Skybreaker 13% Elsecaller 13% Windrunner Apparently I really am a Bondsmith first and foremost LOL and Stoneward is still closest second. Also, I got exactly the same Orders plus Truthwatcher haha
  16. About no.3- could be a future Radiant. Maybe the Knights are having difficulties with the public, or they feel that unlike their past members, they are forsaken by the Almighty. Once loved, now abandoned and left to rediscover things that were once obvious. I'm not sure what to make of the 'shard of my soul' bit, though. Could the Spren have left humanity this time? What do you think?
  17. I'm pretty sure Gavilar's intention wasn't to bring back the Voidbringers, but rather the Knights Radiant. The Voidbringers were a means to an end- their coming back will also bring the Knights back in order to fight them. My current theory (a common one) is that the Knights' appearance correlates directly to the Voidbringers'. Though which ones are the first to appear and trigger the coming of the others is still up in the air.
  18. The way I understood it, it's not the Honorblade itself that draws on Szerh's Stormlight. The Honorblade grants him the ability to Lash, but because the Lashing are 'artificial' instead of being a result of a Nahel bond, they require more Stormlight. Just using the Honorblade without Lashing won't draw on the wielder's Stormlight (though I might be wrong). While reading the comments I had a realization- Maybe the difference between the way past Shardplates and current ones is even more similar to the difference between 'dead' Blades and 'live' ones- not only the fact that, as the common theory says, are Plates also made of Spren like the Blades, but also that you can bind and power the Plates in the Physical Realm the same way you do 'dead' Blades- with gemstones! (Bear with me while I try to put my thoughts to writing) A dead Blade can be bound by attaching a gemstone to the end of the hilt and carrying it around for a week, right? And Szeth says in the WoK prologue that the Lashing interfere with a Plate's gemstones- NOT with the Plate itself, but with the GEMSTONES that power it, that's why he can't use the 'dead' Plates. However, in Dalinar's visions, we clearly see Radiants wear Plates while also Lashing without any problem. Radiants do not require gemstones to bind and use their Blades beyond their function as a Stormlight storage. Maybe Radiants do not require gemstones to power their Plates, either, as the power come directly from the Nahel bond (or a secondary bond with the Spren that are 'cousins' to each Order's Spren), and so there is no interference? Those using Plates now are regular people missing the key element to use Blades and Plates to their full potential- the Nahel bond- and the gemstones act as an alternative power source and way of binding. Sorry if someone already theorized that and I missed it, but in most theories I read people focus on how a Plate is made, and less about what actually makes current Plates different from past ones.
  19. Could the Suckling Child quote be related to the Night will Reign quote? I mean, he is talking about how everyone would want him to kill the child, but maybe the second quote is about what he actually does- he/she lets the child live, because that is the honorable choice (as killing a small, still-innocent child could never be of Honor), but this choice is what will eventually lead to Odium's/the night's reign... Maybe the child will become Odium's Champion? Or a kind of vessel? Or be a trigger? Or am I just crazy? LOL
  20. What about this scenario- Roshine died when the Everstorm came/some time before, and Laral, as his wife (now widow) took over the leadership responsibilities of the survivors alongside Lirin (or maybe Hesnia- whichever one is still alive, in case one of them died). That would make for the most compelling character growth for Laral, who is still a potential emotional tangle for Kal, and who I hope to see take a more important role in the story. It would also make for an interesting twist, especially if she is cooperating with Kaladin's parents/parent. Or maybe if Roshine IS alive, he will have to cooperate with Lirin, which should be interesting. It would also continue the whole Justice-versus-Revenge theme in Kaladin's arc. What do you think?
  21. Do you think the dark sphere could contain an Odiumspren? Eshonai did say to Adolin-as-Dalinar that Gavilar should not have told them of his plans to bring back the Parshendi Gods, and we know the Parshendi capture the Spren they want to Bond in spheres... So, could that sphere contain one of Odium's Spren? What I don't get is why Gavilar would want to do something like that. We know from Shallan that Amaram, whom we know to have worked with Gavilar on the matter, wants to bring back the Voidbringers- so I guess that was Gavilar's goal, too? But then why would the Stormfather keep sending him visions? Why even choose him in the first place? Why choose Dalinar later on? Storm it. When do we get the next book already????
  22. maxal- I must have missed it (how could I miss it???) but how do we know his Plate came from a Dustbringer? As for how the Plate reacted- what we probably should ask is what IS a Plate, exactly? An Invested object, okay, but is it Spren, like the Blades? Maybe each Order used their Spren's 'cousins' (much like windspren being Syl's 'cousins'), forming a secondary Bond with one/more (we do have a WoB that a person can bond more than one Spren somewhere) and Infused them with Stormlight, thus creating the Plates? Then, when the lightning struck Adolin, it acted like an elrctric shock on the dead(?) Spren, and much like starting a heart, the Spren partially 'awoke' and adapted to protecting Adolin from further strikes? Lots of speculations. Wish we did know just what exactly are those Plates and how they are formed...
  23. Wow, great theory! I also saw the shortage of Stormlight in Urithiru as foreshadowing, though I thought it was built so high up on purpose- to be out of reach for the Everstorm? Which will also make it out of range for Highstorms.. Though the fact that the Everstorm is 'something new' might contradict it..(then again, it being 'old in design' could grant some credibility;) haha) Can I just say, though, that I totally called the fact that Kal will be out in a Highstorm again at some point in WoR and the Storm will be a never-ending, direct Stormlight source? (I mean, we knew that the Hightstorms were renewing Light, but there were theories that it was only a part of the storm, only a 'wave' that comes after the storm-front, while I believed you could simply stand in the Storm, maybe without even a need for Spheres, and take in as much Light as you wanted, for as long as the Storm remains). So yeah. Called it. LOL Another sort-of support for the popular theory of Kaladin being Honor's champion- the phase 'Honor is dead' is a recurring one, in one form or another, in both WoK and WoR, with Honor being at times a concept or the God (always liked the duality of it). Kaladin's saying to Dalinar "Honor is dead, but I will see what I can do" during Adolin's duel was also a strong foreshadowing as to both his future rule as Honor's champion who will defeat Odium, and to his 'end'- maybe taking Honor's/a Herald's place to forever watch over Roshar. I'm a reluctant believer of the Fleet-like end theory- that Kaladin will internalize fully and completely the First Ideal at some point toward the end, and will sacrifice his life/body in the Physical Realm, then manage to 'come back'/strike Odium from the Cognitive Realm(?) while now being restricted to the Cognitive/taking up the reformed Honor Shard/becoming a Herald-like exsistence.
  24. you're forgetting that when Dalinar broke his bond with his Shardblade, his eye color remained the same (which IMO, should have reverted back to its original, though I don't think we know for sure whether the eye-color thing is a permanent change or not... I mean, bonding a 'dead' Shard is sort of like a much weaker 'fake' Nahel bond, if you get what I mean.) also, as was ponited out, Kaladin says that it has been a long time since the last time a Darkeyes won a Shardblade.
  25. Maybe Gravitation expresses itself by literally making people drawn to you? Kaladin does tend to raise rather strong responses from people- really strong loyalty from the former bridgemen, admiration from fellow soldiers, trust from his commanders\those above him in the chain of command, dislike\caution from people like Sadeas and Amaram, annoyance-turned-trust and (sort of) friendship from Adolin... and I didn't even mention Shallan and Renarin. And it started from his childhood- look at Tien, Laral, and whats-his-name Roshon's son. He always finds himself in the thick of events one way or another.. What'dya think? Edit: we have Teft's word at the end of WoK that Stormlight doesn't grant ability\skill (in relation to Kaladin's skiil with the spear) , but perfect it. Also, at the end of WoR when Kaladin decides to save Elhokar and fights the 'guards' when he tries to get the both of them to safety, he thinks to himself that at least now he knows that he is capable of fighting even without the bond with Syl (as is also shown in the fight with the chasmfiend). The Nahel bond might make it easier for him to pick things up, it might perfect his skill and grant him advantage and supernatural feel for the battleground, as the Windrunners are very combat-oriented in their abilities, but most of it is simply him and his natural affinity for weapons.
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