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Everything posted by Aonar

  1. A way you could sort of merge the two (magic+setting element) together: Have mages in this world be able to draw in and use energy from the things around them; the more energy, the easier. This would work well with heat and force, I'm not sure about other stuff, although depending on how much you allow them to manipulate the energy they absorb, you could probably get some neat stuff going. This would make high energy weapons impractical when used against or around mages specifically. Not sure if that's exactly what you're going for, but it could be interesting.
  2. Sorry, Twei. When I said Oracle I meant Sentry. (Feruchemical bronze) Yeah, everyone will have to claim powers to the Lurcher, (still assuming we have one) for the plan to work. We could also verify the Lurcher (if we have one) with Seeking, but we don't know if we have a Seeker, and we do appear to have a Soother. For this plan to work, The Set is going to have to avoid making Spikes. While they are useful, if the Kandra gets their hands on one it will be much harder to find them with the plan I laid out.
  3. It doesn't say in the rules whether or not the Lurcher can target themselves. If Barty rules that they cannot, then this whole plan goes out the window. We could clear a player then have the Lurcher, (if we have one) keep them alive, but this would be far easier for the Kandra to mess with, or even take control of.
  4. Righty. I've got a plan kicking around in my head, and I'd like to see what people think about it. To start, lets list some facts. -We have, at most, thirteen players who are either Ferrings or Mistings. -The Kandra cannot start with powers. -The only powers they could easily fake are Allomantic pewter, Allomantic aluminium, Allomantic duralumin, or potentially Allomantic iron and Feruchemical gold. Koloss Blooded is also a possibility, but there aren't many players who can claim that. -Barty has confirmed that there are no natural Twinborn. -This means that at least eighteen powers were not used. Hopefully, at least a few of these were from the above list of easily fake-able powers. -Now, we have three powers that can work as investigative roles. (Assuming we have all three of them.) --Seeker/Oracle, which can tell us who, if anyone, is faking one of the above roles. --Soother, who can clear any player, as Allomantic copper is an active power. --Coinshot, who can clear any player (permanently) other than someone with Allomantic pewter, as Feruchemical gold and Allomantic iron are active powers. -Then, we have the day lynch. Theoretically, we can be clearing four people a cycle, assuming we have all the proper roles. -The last, and most important fact, is that the Kandra have to make a kill to snatch a body. So, could have a lot of ways to take out the Kandra. These aren't foolproof by any means, but if we can keep the Kandra running, they're going to be more likely to make mistakes. The problem? We would need someone, or several someones, to coordinate things without giving away a list of targets to the Kandra, and the Kandra can impersonate any highly visible leader. However, we do have a solution. A Lurcher who consistently targets themselves cannot be impersonated. I would suggest that the Lurcher (if we have one) reveal themselves, and that they be Soothed this cycle (or the next, it's rather late in this one) to prove their veracity. From there on out, we can systematically search out the Kandra (using the Lurcher to coordinate), and hopefully keep them from getting too far ahead of us. This isn't the best plan, (I'm sick, and not thinking the clearest) but I think it could help move things along. I'm not suggesting we abandon traditional deduction in favour of relying on roles, (that generally tends not to be a good idea) but the bodysnatching mechanic is going to make things real hard to figure out unless we decide to be very transparent with our powers and how we use them. If you see any problems, or just generally dislike the plan, feel free to point it out. It's not like we have to use this plan.
  5. Yeah, that was a major mistake on my part, sorry. Close enough on most of it though. Not sure how I missed that. I'll go edit the original so it's right.
  6. You wound me, Twei. Just because I didn't post a page long analysis doesn't mean I didn't write one. In this case it happens to in my Faction PM, which turned out to be a futile gesture seeing how my Faction PM is deader than a rusting doornail. So, on to the analysis, I suppose. Luckat: Inactive. Made no votes, or RP. According to my contact among the Set (who may or may not be a Kandra, although I believe them to be on our side), a group PM was made, but Luckat didn't post much there, so there should not have been any information disseminated that would have made Luckat appear an especially valuable target. -Killed by Kandra. --Body not stolen. ---This tells us relatively little. Either none of the suspicions thrown around were close to the mark, or they want us to think none of the suspicions thrown around were close to the mark. However you want to spin it, our suspect pool is pretty darn big. --Reason for kill? ---Luckat is a fairly capable player. ----Speaks for itself. Good players who haven't attracted a ton of attention generally make good targets. ---Won't give us information. ----As Luckat is inactive, this kill tells us nothing, where something could be extrapolated from the death of a more vocal player. ---Member of the Set. ----I imagine the Kandra will wish to take out the Set early to remove our chances of gaining Durmalumin and or conserving dangerous powers for the endgame, so this still makes sense. So, that kill, though unhelpful, makes sense. I am in contact with someone who had PMs with her, so we'll see if we gain anything from that. Meta: Vocal player, who is dangerous whatever team he's on. Didn't really allude to his nature as a Rioter at all, or at least not in this PM, so that probably didn't play in to things. Was one of the few players to vote for an opposing faction, and was one of the suspects I listed. -Killed by Coinshot. --Probably Set. Not definite, by any stretch of the imagination, but probable. --Reasons for kill? ---General strength as a player. Dangerous to have around, dangerous to get rid of. If it was the Set who made this kill, this is probably why. If he was a Kandra, great, if he wasn't, they lost a valuable ally, and potentially a worse enemy. Not really any bad option here. ---Suspicion as Kandra. This could be a reason for anyone to try and kill him, Set, Riot, or Politician. He wasn't a huge suspect in my mind, but someone could have decided he was as good as any to take out. ---On the fence about cooperating with the Set. Another reason the Set may have wanted him gone. All he did was support it in the PM, and make a single vote for a Set member in-thread, but who knows. ----One problem with the Coinshot being Set is that they will have to expect that we (the Rioters) won't let an early lead like this slide. I don't know what we have in terms of powers, but if the Politicians side with us, there's nothing the Set can do about it. Despite Luckat being Set, unless the Kandra are working with the Set, (unlikely, for obvious reasons) they still would not have known the numbers would end up even. That's all I've got for now, people. Onward with the voting! (Seriously, don't let this round turn into another wasted day lynch. Three kills a cycle can tear through us real fast.)
  7. I don't know about in-depth analysis (votes are a little too random for me to get anything), but I do have one thing to add: If we focus on doing anything but rooting out the Kandra, we're screwed. Let me explain our situation: (Because I know there are more than a few of you who disagree with me, in my own faction, and most likely in the Set as well. ) We have two ways to find Kandra, (other than lynchings, of course) neither of which are really useful: 1. Soothing/Rioting. On the surface, this looks nice. We likely have at least one of each, (but likely no more than three total) and they can easily confirm someone as Kandra if all the Smokers agree to stop burning copper. The catch? Order of actions (Bodysnatching occurs at night) and the Kandra's immunity to night-kills makes this utterly worthless unless we manage to catch two at once. 2. Night-Kills: Less pretty than Soothing/Rioting, seeing how if we guess wrong, someone dies, and if they don't die, we most likely won't know whether we guessed right or not, with Pewter/Gold. (Wouldn't mind some confirmation on this one, Barty.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So we have basically have nil investigative roles. We've dealt with this before though; this isn't a huge problem in itself. What is a problem is that any openly stated suspicions can and will be acted upon by the Kandra. Impersonation is (unfortunately for us) a very useful shtick. So any suspicions that hit too close to the mark will most likely result in a rash of body-snatchings that leave us right back where we started. Add to this the fact that we can only kill one per cycle, at best, we will have them all by cycle five, with four to twelve of our own dead. (Depending on how abilities are used, and how they're distributed.) This is an absolute best case scenario, and is nigh on guaranteed not to happen. And this is if we focus solely on finding the Kandra. If we thrown in even one or two kills that have no purpose other than ensuring a faction victory... I personally don't like those numbers. So... yeah. We appear to have found ourselves in a rather crappy position, and the game hasn't even gotten off the ground yet. Myself, I'll be just a tad suspicious of anyone who suggests lynching based on faction rather than honest suspicion, because the Kandra are dangerous enough as it is, and they really don't need out help. Based on this, current top ones for me are: Koll, for reasons the other Rioters (the Faction, not the Mistings) will be aware of. However, he has the benefit of doubt being a new player. Meta, for being somewhat ambivalent to the idea of working with the Set, despite they obvious perils in spending our resources one-upping them. Wilson, for similar reasons, although this is all based on one post and it's pretty flimsy. The Set members would know better than me. Vron, although the suspicious bit here is RP, and obviously not what you'd call hard evidence. Jain, randomly voting for an inactive Set member. Only really suspicious in combination with Vron's RP. Given that this is Jain we're talking about though... Erratic behaviour is par for the course. However, the inverse of these suspicions also hold true. (I.e., if the Kandra assumed that my stance would be the generally agreed upon one, then they would most likely have jumped on the first chance to cooperate with their opposing Faction.) In this case, Maill and Joe would be my first two suspects. The only suspect I have that doesn't fit anywhere on this list is Popeye, but as that is based on a single comment that most likely resulted from a misread of the rules, I won't focus on this one at all. ...Dang. For a post that wasn't really analysis or RP, that ended up pretty darn long.
  8. Checking his wristwatch, Aonar tapped his foot anxiously, waiting for his compatriots to arrive. Realizing what he was doing, he did his best to compose himself, leaning back against the wall and stilling his feet. Harmony damnation him, he was nervous. Ever since Kholinar, things had been... iffy. Aonar hadn’t come that close to dying for a very long time. He still hadn’t managed to store up enough health to heal fully, physically, or spiritually. ‘Take some time back home,’ they’d said. ‘You certainly need it after that business on Roshar.’ Of course, the rusting cremlings hadn’t bothered to tell him when they’d return him, or what they’d be returning him to. Spending his days trying to avoid inciting violence in a city primed for explosion was most definitely not what he considered a vacation. Even trying to figure out a story for where he’d been for a few years was better than this. Although, after being accosted by Ironeyes himself and told to infiltrate one of the most dangerous gangs in the city, and having Harmony himself directly intervene in the affairs, it became clear that this was never intended to be a vacation, not really. Where are those people? Aonar hadn’t gone through all the work of getting himself inserted into a criminal organization just to be stood up at their very first proper meeting. The Riots were despicable, but to his knowledge they weren’t tardy. And if Ironeyes was to be believed, having a place among them might well be the key to stopping these gangs before the city was consumed by them. Footsteps sounded in the alley behind him. Unconsciously reaching for steel, tin and zinc before remembering that he couldn’t tap them, Aonar spun and drew one of his Sterrions. The other man raised his hands and gave a low chuckle. “Feeling a little jumpy, are we?” Aonar sighed and holstered his gun. It was unfortunate that he’d been allowed to see that, but there was nothing to be done now. “Bunnt. You took your time.” “I’ve been busy. Things have been moving somewhat ahead of schedule. Assuming there are no more delays, however, everyone else should be arriving soon. And then we can finally try to figure out why the hell the Faceless Immortals are interfering with our business.” So. Any ideas where to start? The natural course of things would be to have me vote for someone random to provoke discussion. To try and avoid starting an inter-faction war too early, let's put a vote on one of my own, I guess. Meta-al's usually on around this time, if I remember correctly.
  9. I think (*Disclaimer: Whenever I say 'I think,' I mean, 'my current crackpot theory is that' *) this has something to do with the mysterious lines that connect certain Radiant Orders. The idea has been brought up by others before I believe, (although for the life of me I can't figure out where) but I think that these lines indicate certain passive powers that are shared by certain Orders. We have no real evidence to support this, but I think the Edgedancers/Truthwatchers control over Progression makes their natural healing factor more effective than the other Radiants. The Windrunners, for some reason, share this, and this power is only granted by a Nahel Bond, not an Honourblade. *Ahem.* Now, all crackpot theories aside, the simpler and far more likely solution is that the Nahel Bond grants a superior healing factor from holding Stormlight when compared to that of your average Joe with an Honourblade (which is suggested in the books), and that this disadvantage can be worked around with the use of the Progression Surge. Not as fun as the above theory or the idea of Kal or Syl having special powers for some reason, but Occam's Razor says this is more likely.
  10. Yeah, pretty well. There're currently sign-ups going on in this thread here. All you have to do to join the game is read the game-specific rules and make a post saying that you're signing up and giving the name of your character. Edit: Ninja'd.
  11. Off the top of my head, I'd say it refers to Vasher's permanently ragged and disheveled appearance. It'd be a slightly poor joke, but it's the only thing I can think of. (It's more likely something that won't make sense until Nightblood comes out.)
  12. I was going to leave RP until after I found out which side I was on, but then I started writing... I don't think this really predisposes me to one side over the other, but it's late so I'm not sure. Gunfire rang out in a steady rhythm. His stay in Elendel was ostensibly meant to be a vacation, but dealing with corrupt politicians while the city was on the cusp of rioting was frustrating at the best of times. Aonar felt perfectly justified in taking some of his anger out on the gun range’s targets. Ejecting the last cartridge from his rifle, Aonar stood and made his way to see how he’d done. He wasn’t sure why he even bothered anymore. It had been a very long time since he had actually missed. As his father had said, ‘An officer practices until he gets it right; a lawman practices until he never gets it wrong.’ Aonar sighed ruefully. He hadn’t exactly ended up following his father’s footsteps as a lawman out in the Roughs, but the advice held true regardless. Most of his colleagues felt that he spent an unseemly amount of time shooting for a gentleman. He wondered briefly if they’d feel the same way knowing how many times that practice had saved his life. Packing up the target and his rifle, he headed back towards the manor. *** Before Aonar had even made it halfway across the grounds, a boy ran up to him, breathing hard. “I’ve a message for you, sir. Man who gave it to me said you’d give me six boxings.” “Six boxings? Really?” Aonar raised an eyebrow. Six boxings was a fair bit of change just for delivering a message. “And who exactly was this man?” The boy looked vaguely insulted that Aonar wouldn’t take him at his word. “No clue, sir. He was a big guy, with a long grey coat and a nice hat. Couldn’t really see much else.” Aonar felt himself blanch. Rust and Ruin. Numbly, he handed five boxings over to the boy. He looked about to protest, but seeing Aonar’s expression he handed over the message and took off. Opening it up, it read: The Riots have begun. You know where you need to be. ~Ironeyes If anyone's interested, here's an up to date player List. 1. Aonar (AonarFaileas) 2. Alim (Malliw73) 3. Jedal (The Only Joe) 4. Jain (Lightsworn Panda) 5. Tulir (Tulir) 6. Popeye (navybrandt) 7. Willa (little wilson) 8. Kamden (dants) 9. Peng (jasonpenguin) 10. Koll (killersquirrel59) 11. Araris (Arais Valerian) 12. Quitania (Quitecontrary) 13. Terra (Pupper) 14. Bunnt (Binnut) 15. Alron (Alvron) 16. Met-al (Metacognition) 17. Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo) 18. Morgan Hanks (the Gleeman) 19. Satrams (a smart guy) 20. Lucky (luckat)
  13. This looks like it's going to be neat. Some of the Kandra mechanics in particular look really cool. (Body-snatching? This game is going to be insane, trying to figure out who all is evil. One quick question though, what exactly do you mean about dying after abandoning a body? Can each Kandra only hijack someone else's character once? Or do you mean that after the Kandra takes a body, it's revealed that the original character was a Kandra? That would makes sense, but it's not completely clear in the rules.) Aonar is signing up (I'll leave RP until after I know what side I'm on). I can neither confirm nor deny any relation to a similarly named Scadrian Sharder involved in the Kholinar Riots.
  14. Huh. Apparently all it takes for me to survive a game is to appear inactive for a period of three days or more. I'll have to remember that. That was a great game though, everyone. I can't say I expected to come back to find the game already won, and flawlessly at that.
  15. Hmm... Reading through this and seeing how many people are waiting for The Broken Eye to come out makes me feel kind of terrible for doing this, but... I got lucky and managed to snag it a week early due to a shelving error at my local Chapters (the people there were nice enough to sell it to me even though it shouldn't have been out), and I'm reading it right now. I'm about 80% of the way through, and it's very good so far, I must say.
  16. So what do we know for a fact a happened last cycle? (First rule of espionage; assume nothing. ) Known Information: These votes were made: Lyce (0): Metam Tahrin Quismet (0): Wurum, Mallaw Jain (1): Wurum Jeno (2): Tunnib Tunnib Serji (0): Gamin Aladdin (1): Rulit Metam Kaladen (1):Tunnib Naihar (1): Mallaw These Lashings were used: Basic (Wurum) Full (Metam) These kills were made: Wurum (Cancelled) Miscellaneous unverifiable info: Metam is a Squire. This would seem to be true, as no one has called him out on this, but remember, he had two votes on him when he revealed this, and no one else has even been suggested as a target. The Squires may simply have decided that they may as well let things roll and not reveal themselves, as it looks like Meta'll be lynched anyway. Metam was Reverse Lashed. We have nothing to go on here. If he was Reverse Lashed, then he must be telling the truth, and probably, (but not definitely) is not a Skybreaker. However, we have nothing to go on here but his word. Conclusions, Inferences and Possible Plans of Action: So, where do we go from here? It seems we have two viable plans of action. (I'm discounting the option where we let Meta live with no contingency plan for him being evil, because that's just plain silly.) 1: We lynch Meta. This is both rather risky, and debatably the safest course. If Meta is evil, we kill another evil player (and achieve half our win condition) the second lynch. If Meta isn't evil, we lose an experienced player and a Squire. 2: We Illuminate Meta. This option is a touch more complex. Here, we first petition the Truthwatcher to Illuminate Meta, and the Squires/Windrunners to Full Lash him, and Basic Lash Wurum. Then (the next cycle), we all message Wurum, and the Truthwatcher Messages him their results. This way, the Skybreakers have a minimal chance of intercepting with Reverse Lashings. I personally like this option the most, as it forces the Skybreakers to play reactively. And if they're reacting to what we're doing, then their actions can be predicted. The have to either not make their second kill to maintain the unintentional deception or clear Meta for us. And if Meta is evil, then they're still effectively down a Skybreaker, as Meta won't be able to preform any actions before he's killed. Anyone have any other thoughts?
  17. Egads. I did do a rather terrible job of explaining myself there, Jerric, and even somehow managed to get a couple letters of the alphabet wrong. (It's what I get for trying to do something like that at midnight, I guess. ) Spoilered, just because it's largely off topic now. Alright, that's enough with the messaging mechanic I think, seeing how unless the Windrunners get real lucky, we probably won't get the time to really use it all that much anyway. Wyrm: I find it awful coincidental that two of the experienced players would get such a huge number of messages (one is an anomaly, two is a coincidence, and three is a conspiracy. ). I don't have any particular suspicions for any of them, but I'd place very good money on at least one of them being an Eliminator. (Although probably not a Skybreaker, unfortunately. I doubt any of them would stick their necks out like that at this point.) I'm really not sure why you and Meta didn't get any, (although maybe everyone automatically assumed Meta would get inundated with messages, so discounted him as an option).
  18. Your idea looks really cool, but I think there might be a simpler means for verification, Jerric. To borrow your setup and assistants: Feel free to point out any inconsistencies here, but I think this system would be a touch easier to put in place. Anyway, we really need to get focused on what we're going to do with this cycle. At the moment, we seem to be lynching Joe. Is this the best course of action? He hasn't even been on the site since the game started. If he is a Skybreaker/Henchman, he's not being much help to them. Our other main suspect (i.e., persons who have had more than one vote on them) seems to be Quismet. I'll confirm that she messaged me last cycle. My gut feeling says that one of the three people who messaged me last cycle was an Eliminator. No way to confirm of course, and I don't feel strongly enough to put down a vote myself yet, but I'll be watching to see what happens.
  19. A strange silence had fallen over Telmont, broken only by the steady pounding of Faisan's hammer. Nothing stirred in the predawn light; nothing had since Reginar discovered the strange message in the tavern. Any other time, Faisan would have appreciated the peace, but now it only made him feel anxious. With the threat of death hanging over all their heads, they had better things to be doing than hiding in their homes. Right-o. Everybody seems just a tad quiet. Um, in case you haven't noticed, this is a mid-range, people. Things aren't going to be moving quite so fast as a quickfix, but that doesn't mean we can afford to avoid discussion. Right now, we have two Skybreakers, two Windrunners, (most likely) two Squires, (most likely) two henchmen, and a Truthwatcher. So that's about a fifty-fifty shot of hitting somebody important with a random lynch, assuming no overlap. Just a a little note here: Something I wasn't expecting was the amount of message overlap. Our limited PM system isn't going to work at all like how I was thinking. I received three messages, myself, so I'm assuming Meta or some of the others must have gotten at least four. So we can either redistribute messages, hoping to get something closer to one-to-one (rather inefficient, I think) or use the four-five people who received the majority of messages to slowly relay information. This still isn't the greatest solution, especially given that people can lie about their identities in the messages, but it might be all we can do. (So to the people who messaged me: Don't be surprised if I don't respond. I'll do my best to get around to it eventually, but I can only send one per night.)
  20. Faisan had left the tavern early. Forging wasn't easy work, but it was far better than listening to the villagers worry over Reginar's proclamation, or worse yet, sitting through the doomsayer's near constant chorus of "I told you so." It was likely for the best, anyway. If Reginar wasn't a lunatic, then they would all be in need of swords before long, for all the good that they would do against Radiants. It was said that the Radiants knew the secret to forging weapons of bright silver metal that would not bend of break in battle, but even weapons such as those paled in comparison to the Sharblades themselves, the swords that were not swords. Faisan sighed, and set back to working the glowing bronze bar before him. It did no good to remind himself of how unlikely it was for them to survive. He would do all that he could, and hope that it would be enough. I would comment on the the stuff about the messaging mechanic, but it seems like people have already covered the majority of that. A limited PM system does seem like the best way to go with them for now, but somehow I get the feeling people will find more... creative uses for the anonymous messages before long.
  21. Watching Ashette coolly dispatch Mailu with the bolt he’d given her, Alden finally realized why he’d been allowed to live. They had known. They may not have known when, or why, or where, but somehow they had known. He went about excusing himself from the strange circus Fien called a ball, most of his attention elsewhere as he struggled to put the pieces together. Alden’s carriage wasn’t far from the edge of the square. The driver looked surprised to be called on so soon, but offered no complaint when asked to return to Keep Izenry a mere hour after they had left. Keep Izenry was a fairly modest affair, with clean lines and subdued colours, but still elegant in its own way. Alden however paid it little attention as he walked towards his study. It seemed Heron’s men worked quickly; the contracts Lord Heron had threatened to burn a scarce week ago were sitting safely on his desk. Of course, that didn’t seem to matter much. Half the persons involved in the different contracts were dead now, anyway. Sitting down and starting to sort out which contracts were still in effect, Alden heard a soft knock at the door. “Come in.” It was Resam. He looked haggard and drawn out, far more so than one would expect from the relatively short journey to the Central Dominance. “Alden! Thank the Lord Ruler you’re here. Where is the Lady Mornithe?” “Dead. Most likely buried too. It’s been long enough.” “What?” Resam tried very hard to sound surprised, but he never had been the best actor. “Why?” “You know full well why. The same reason you rode hard all the way from Tathingdwen, if I don’t miss my guess.” A note of bitterness entered his voice. “Lord Heron’s grand purge. A slaughter of Skaa and Nobles alike, until only the most ruthless remained.” The Terrisman opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped, taking on an expression something like resignation. “I suppose this end, then?” “Not exactly." Standing and pulling on his coat, Alden did his best to put on something like a smile. "We have a work to be doing.” Pushing past the obviously confused Terrisman, he set off for the stables. “And what work would this be?” Resam asked, hurrying to catch up. “Something I believe you’re quite familiar with, Resam.” Alden began, not bothering to turn around. “Absolution.” Sorry guys, but I think you missed one. Great game everyone! Even though I was inactive for a good chunk of it, and I spent a whole cycle doing my best to defend a Skaa, it was still a lot of fun. And I actually survived too!
  22. "Well Lord Tuy, this is the end of the road, I believe." They'd gotten distracted last time by whatever strange game Jain had been playing, but it was clear that the true Skaa was hiding right in front of their noses. "Note something here; the two Great Houses without Skaa were attacked relentlessly, night after night. House Urbain, which we know to have been infiltrated by Skaa, was not attacked until their traitor was removed. And House Tuy? It stands alone, completely untouched." Alden was a little surprised at himself, at how easily the words were coming. He'd had difficulty engaging in the discussions since Racine's lynching, but now certainty lent him confidence. "Now, this is by no means damning evidence, and to my knowledge Asyr's guilt cannot be proven, but we are running rather low on suspects, and we must start going somewhere with this ball. We're not here to dance, ladies and gentlemen, we're here to find a traitor." So... yeah. I don't have any real strong reasons to be voting for Asyr, but he's been suspicious to me for a while now and I'm thinking I really should have pressed to lynch him last cycle rather than get distracted by Jain. I suppose Kas's Tineye had better things to be doing last night, so I'm still very much out of the loop. Feel free to correct me if Asyr happens to have been proven innocent, Kas.
  23. I still haven't used my power at all. I think that your first scenario is the most likely, Kas, unless a Mistborn is interfering somewhere, but if I'm right, then our Mistborn had a rather different metal that day. ...I'd prefer not to do this, but let's hope for the best. ...Kas, I believe I have obtained something rather important that would be useful to you and the Genealogist. If your Tineye has nothing better to be doing, would they be willing to contact me tonight?
  24. You should keep better Lists, Jain. To copy-paste my reasoning from the my docs (Word, not Google; don't get too excited. ): We have two situations here, I believe. Asyr has the Kandra, and Jae has been Rioting his votes so that things look normal. Possible. -Day 2, Asyr voted Finch. I can’t remember if Jae was online, but he could easily have Rioted Asyr, as he doesn’t have to Vote to Riot. -Day 3, Asyr voted Tonul. Here’s where things get a little weird. Assuming that Asyr is not a Skaa, and wasn’t Soothed by Wandrin, I don’t see how Jae could have Rioted him. If Jae had Rioted, Asyr, we should have been down two votes. If Jae Rioted at random just to cancel his vote, we should have seen something. The only way this could work is if Jae can cancel his own vote. I've already asked Wyrm for a clarification of this matter. Jain has the Kandra, and is lying through his teeth. Probable. -While there are two scenarios where Asyr could have the Kandra, this still feels more likely to me. Especially in light of a couple key quotes from Jain's brother: I still harbour some suspicions towards Asyr, and if Jain is innocent things aren't going to be looking very good for him, but I'd like to see what Jain thinks of this. (If he even gets online in time. Sheesh people. Three hours left and right now we're headed for a no-lynch.)
  25. Neither. I don't have a House, remember? You killed my only other House member with the first lynching. My count is all in my personal Lists and on my diagram (well, I've shared most of it with Wyrm, but as the GM, he really isn't the greatest sounding board). I know everyone's House, and a couple of the House Powers (including Genealogy), from a few lucky Informant actions and logical deduction. Of course, I can't be certain of anything that I've deduced, but most of it seems fairly likely. Anyway, can you tell us what Ren told you? If we know what he knew, what he had wrong and how he possibly could have learned it, we could learn some very interesting things about who might have killed Ren. Of course, this is assuming that there is nothing that you wouldn't mind the Skaa knowing.
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