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Everything posted by Kadrok

  1. I'm going to seize this opportunity to agree with Darnam. Very interesting theory, but I am of the view that a metalmind can be pushed and pulled on precisely because it has so little investiture compared to a Shardblade. Technically a shardblade could be pulled on, it would just require a superhuman degree of power, whereas I'm thinking a metalmind is presenting only a little resistance. It's interesting that the Inquisitors are also using their spikes as metalminds, whereas Brandon specifically says that you probably couldn't use a shardblade as a spike since they're full. I don't really have anymore to add, though, so I will also seize this opportunity to ask when Darnam is thinking of joining our MAG game, and what kind of character he is thinking of playing... feel free to respond in PM so we don't derail this discussion.
  2. Sorry I can't be more constructive, and please don't take this as a jab at you or your theory, but.. Reservation: The Butler Shard "Quickly, you need to use your maitre d'mancy to fend off seat these marauders!" "I can't! I didn't phone ahead to book their use!" "Valetchemy is the noblest of arts... it allows me to leave attributes in another's care and, provided I kept my receipt, I can retrieve them at a later date." "Astounding!"
  3. Which Hemalurgic bindpoints don't result in the Hemalurgist experiencing constant pain? Is it the "non-lethal" ones, or is there another trick to it? (From memory the Inquisitors feel constant pain from their spikes, were as Vin seems to have no such experience with hers) Additionally, will there ever be a Hemalurgy diagram, explaining what you can stick where? If not, can you give us some more Hemalurgic bind points, and what you stick there? Maybe some for Feruchemy? Lastly, what sorts of powers can you bind to the earlobes. We know about Allomantic bronze, and suspect Allomantic pewter... are there others?
  4. You know you're a Sanderfan when you and your wife put your random oscillations between silver-tongued and dreary-dullard down to a need to store Charm Feruchemically.
  5. "If you can dodge a highstorm, you can dodge a ball."
  6. I redid my plans for character development because I was bored, and I got up to Gold 6 with Golden Will and Hindsight within the first 100AP/20LB.
  7. I love this. Honor sets the Tranquiline Halls as the respawn and fallback point for the Heralds, a kind of Valhalla for his champions to rest in until they're drawn out again to fight the desolations. Odium conquers Valhalla. It's BRILLIANT! The only issue is why wouldn't Honor change the spawn/fallback point... perhaps the Heralds and the location are so bound up in the system that changing that detail would reset the system... like restarting a computer to get the components working... however, in this case the computer is the life support of the Heralds, and restarting it would temporarily end their immortality, killing them. Normally a character losing immortality and dying instantly makes absolutely no sense in fiction, but the force of how things are meant to be (be careful of invoking Kurkistan...) might make this reasonable in this case. I wonder if Tanavast said... "Guys, bad news... you've lived so long sustained by the Herald system that if I turn it off to fix it, you'll die. Between every desolation, or if you die during a desolation you'll spawn in enemy territory... I don't know what you'll face there, but it could be horrible... still... better than dying, right?" It kind of makes sense if you think about it... in "Hell" their healing factor is maxed out, their flesh seared off and instantly regrowing... they're fully immortal in the ex-Tranquiline Halls, and if they die elsewhere they just respawn back in the Tranquiline Halls. The torture happens, because no matter how Immortal they are, they're massively outnumbered in Odium's conquered territory. It also makes Taln's comment that he has failed at the end of WoK make sense... true to his nature he fought and fought hard back at the spawn point, trying to win it on his own and prevent the next desolation.
  8. I'm so looking forward to that day... (I wonder if Crafty would increase their output if we threw more money at them...)
  9. There's not much else to this than what is in the title. I think Augur Mistings (or Mistborn who've trained in Allomantic Gold) would make fantastic Essence Marks, or at least make Essence Marks far more easily than normal. Let's discuss this!
  10. Kadrok

    Double mistings

    I'm inclined to think that in the case of a Mistborn, it either does nothing to their powers (though still functions with Lerasium's mysterious primary function), or it increases the part of their powers that make up the non-Lerasium part of the alloy (so in your example, the Mistborn remains a Mistborn, but burns Aluminium better...) In fact, I wrote a lengthy post on just this topic earlier today on our MAG board (hence the references to stunts and power rating), including Brandon references: Since then I have become more inclined to agree with Claincy that the alloy would do something different for an Allomancer, much as Brandon suggested when he said: "As a tidbit, that was a side effect of what that bead of metal did. It wasn’t the main purpose of the bead, and if another Allomancer were to burn it, it would do something else."
  11. Kind of fits with Brandon's quote about designing Aluminium to do funky things in all of the magic systems. It makes sense that it isn't just Zinc/Brass and Iron/Steel it interferes in. I wonder... if you could somehow bond Aluminum to the mist, I imagine Tineyes couldn't penetrate it.
  12. That was it! Thankyou! Anyway, back to the questions for Brandon: Is the ability to enter Shadesmar/worldhop present in Allomancy or Feruchemy, or both? And is the ability tied to one of the base 16 metals (like, say, Allomantic Gold) or is it a god metal, or god metal alloy?
  13. Not to mention it increases my already formidable desire to Worldhop to Roshar and pick up a bond granting Soulcasting. To be honest, the two orders with the Transformation surge really jump out at me as awesome, and since I already have adequate enough telekinesis through my Allomancy, I don't really need my other favourite (Windrunner). Plus leading/protecting really doesn't fit me nearly as well as Honesty/Creativity and... shoot, I can't remember the other combo... help me out here.
  14. Can metal made through soul casting be burnt Allomantically?
  15. Not sure if Mailliw73 is complimenting my list, or Ookla/Shardlet's...
  16. I've been trying to collect the ratings as a sort of chart (I am not alone in this). The negative ranks are hardest for me to get, but here are the ones I've got so far (Stars indicate I don't know the range on it). Lamespren -26* Hoed -14* Negaspren -4* to -2 17th Shard Trainee -1 to 4 Can you link to the Lifeless post so I can witness it and add it to my collection?
  17. Being between functionally immortal and absolutely immortal would be a good enough power for most people, to be honest. Who can become a better storehouse of information through time, an Archivist Ferring or someone with an unlimited lifespan? Is it better to be a Bloodmaker Ferring, or someone who comes back when they die? Who is better able to control other people, an Allomantic brass Savant/Feruchemical duralumin Twinborn spiked with Allomantic zinc, or someone who has at centuries to study the human condition, to set up inscrutable plans which only blossom generations later. Immortality is the gift that keeps on giving if you play it smart and plan out your time. Of course you could equally spend your centuries drinking, and playing WoW (or the Cosmere equivalent) and do no growing what-so-ever, but I think I'd prefer to spend my time becoming more awesome. I may have to pack two Atium spikes for my trip to Roshar...
  18. Peter Petrelli is a Fullborn, and the other powered characters are Mistings and Ferrings. Sylar is a Misting Hemalurgist; I'm thinking Bronze misting, since it seems closest to his "figuring out how things work". Thoughts?

  19. This is brilliant! I'm adopting this position until such time as future evidence contradicts it...
  20. This is precisely what I was going to say (though I normally call it 'blank' investiture) and is also how the Mistborn Adventure Game describes it working. If you figured this out on your own, without reference to the MAG, you're some kind of prodigious genius *highfive!* NAAW! So cute! Also, I tap two islands for a *COUNTER UPVOTE!*
  21. What?! Someone started a topic about my favourite Feruchemical power while I was away caring for my niece?! Gah! If I had time right now... the essays I would post! See you tomorrow when I have time again... If I remember...
  22. Lol. I'm probably below average at maths by now (though I can number crunch pretty well thanks to my time as a croupier). If someone had bothered to explain what Maths was for during high school, maybe I'd have been more interested (I'm kind of a big picture guy... likewise, if someone had explained that science was essentially magic, I wouldn't have been waiting till my midlife crisis to do a science degree). Lol. I am squeamish with blood. I have assiduously avoided medicine in our world for this very reason. This gets the biggest "lol" because I've just realised that my dark brown eyes aren't going to give me the best start in life on Roshar* (though they occasionally shine with a green light, so there's hope for me I guess...). Maybe I'll just stick to Scadrial... *Wait, can dark-eyes become Ardents?
  23. So I'm reading Way of Kings for the first time, and I'm very much liking Roshar, its magic and its culture. I've spoiled a fair bit for myself by hanging around with you guys too... This line struck me: "Wardship to a woman of great renown was the best way to be schooled in the feminine arts: music, painting, writing, logic, and science" (65). Now before I say this you should understand that I am training to be a scholar, have a long love of logic, an artistic bent, write really good essays, and want to do a science degree when I hit my midlife crisis. So it should be no surprise to you that my response was: What?! These are the feminine arts?! That's pretty much all there is! Or at least all that's worth doing! Well, what in the mists are the Masculine arts then?! So lads and ladies, can someone enlighten me? What are the masculine arts, and would any of them be of interest to someone of my persuasion, or am I doomed to feel immense pity and horror when I finally encounter my gold-shadow who was raised in Vorin society? EDIT: Is this what women have felt like in our world for centuries?
  24. I think you've misunderstood me. My point is that anyone can burn Lerasium because Lerasium is made from the shard from which Allomancy is derived (not just any shard). If everyone could burn Atium, there would be no such thing as Atium mistings. Because there are such thing as Atium mistings (as Brandon confims here) it follows that not everyone can burn Atium.
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