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Everything posted by kroen

  1. But Hemalurgy allows you to have over 100% like with double bronze. It would seem to me that each lerasium bead would add 100% to your powers. So the first will make you 100% and the second 200% third 300% etc. But maybe TLR didn't know this, or maybe he thought that he was going to be powerful enough and anything above would be overkill.
  2. More uses for Lerasium? You mean like Feruchemy and Hemalurgy? I have a theory that TLR had a lerasiummind. Wonder what it can do. Maybe it allows you to store your spirit and later tap into creation or something. And what about compounding lerasium?
  3. Yep, already said it might be the case, but that was just a tiny part of my post.
  4. 1. What would happen to the current shardholder though? Say Sazed decided to make a bunch of lerasium beads and give them to someone, who in turns ingests them. Would he replace Sazed as Harmony? or would it cause a split, having Sazed become Ruin and the new guy Preservation? or perhaps it would create an entirely different shard with a new intent? 2. Why did the TLR hand out lerasium beads to his supporters at the beginning? Why not ingest all of them himself? this way he would truly have become an immortal god. And even if he didn't have enough beads to ascent, ingesting them all anyways would have made him massively more powerful than he was in the books. 3. Maybe TLR had his reasons to want to have Mistborns around.* Well then, will becoming an atium savant also cause ascension? TLR had been tapping/burning atium for 1000 years, why hadn't he ascended? or maybe a non-compounding burn is required? If so, why hasn't he done it? He surely had enough atium in his trove. This way he ascends permanently and still have his Mistborns. And if atium can't cause ascension, then why not? Why does lerasium does and atium doesn't? *Then again if he ascended permanently he could simply have created lerasium beads to hand out. So let's just say he didn't have enough beads to ascent.
  5. Then why is the trajectory change seemingly random? Light refracting in liquids is pretty much the same for each liquid type. Objects entering/leaving time bubbles, however, don't seem to have any pattern.
  6. It seems like a deus ex machina to me, a way to prevent Sliders from being overpowered. I can understand the reasoning: If objects didn't change trajectory, a Slider could shoot a bunch of people from within his time bubble at an insanely fast rate. But the thing is, if that's really the reason, I don't think it's overpowered at all. Considering bendalloy burns extremely fast, and that it's ludicrously expensive, I don't think an artificial balancing factor is needed.
  7. A bendalloy compounder can survive without foor and water for pretty much indefinitely. The rest I assume clothing can take care of. P.S. Of course, a journey's supply of bendalloy is going to cost a fortune.
  8. Good to know I'm not the only one who wants this. Btw, how do I suggest it? Couldn't find a "contact us" in the Crafty website.
  9. You get the blood from these binding points...
  10. I think it should be possible to use syringes for Hemalurgy. What I mean is if you would normally have to spike someone in the heart to steal trait X, you could instead draw blood from the heart using a syringe and then dip the spike in it. This way, the trait is replicated, not lost, and no one dies. Just a theory.
  11. Just look at how much technology advanced in the 300 years after TLR's death; Electricity, cars, skyscrapers... The other continent had a 1000.
  12. Exploring the world was always a big part in Eath's history. The people of Scadrial resemble us Earthlings pretty closely, so it would stand to reason they'd want to explore. And besides, if no one had explored, how do they even know 90% of the planet is inhospitable?
  13. Steel Inquisitors saw the metals that's part of the human body, surely they could see metals in the stomach? If they couldn't see the metals that are part of the body then humans who don't carry metal would be invisible to them, and we know this isn't the case. Steel Inquisitors could see the metals in everything. In rocks, in sand, in water... otherwise they would barely be able to function. The only restriction was that they couldn't affect these metals with Allomancy. Basically, any metal that a normal Allomancer can't affect, Steel Inquisitors can't affect either. But they can still see them.
  14. If it's true that technology advanced on another continent during TLR's reign, then it would stand to reason they would have modern technology. If so, why didn't they fly to the Final Empire? Surely with their advanced technology they could have taken over it, even if they didn't have any Allomancers.
  15. Well, but that's just the norm I think. Burn your Copper, and autimatically protect all forms of magic from being discovered. I was more talking about special tricks/moves that Smokers would have to train in order to master.
  16. I always wondered this. Are all metal lines similar except for their width, which correspond with their size? ...or is there more to it? Because if there is, a Coinshot/Lurcher can actually be like a Seeker, only better in certain aspects; for example, he could tell Allomancers and their power by identifying the metal inside the vials they carry with them.
  17. I've read in a similar thread about special tricks and moves Smokers can perform. Sadly, there was only one. Granted, it's pretty good, but I wonder if there are more. Personally I can't think of any. Anyway the trick was this: Unless you're Smoking someone, don't keep your Copper burning all the time just to avoid emotional Allomancy. Instead, if you suspect you are being manipulated, start burning your copper and notice which emotions change. You can repeat this process multiple tims, each time extinguishing and burning. This way you can tell which of your emotions are being targeted. That's all fine and good, but are there more? Because I really want it to be a difference between a novice Smoker that just snapped and an experienced, skilled, good Smoker. And yes, I know Brandon said that an exceptionally gifted Smoker can protect others from emotional Allomancy, but let's think of new moves. P.S. I've made some speculations about Copperclouds in another thread, but for right now let's discuss about what's confirmed. Edit: I could have sworn that Kelsier said in MB1 that Clubs was the best Smoker he knew. If so, what did he mean by that? Maybe he could produce a very large Coppercloud? Also, can Smokers even see their Copperclouds? And if so, can they see other Smokers' Copperclouds?
  18. I wonder if Seekers can detect other magic systems from other planets in the Cosmere.
  19. For me is Alendi being killed by Rashek and TLR being Rashek rather than Alendi.
  20. In no particular order: The Lord Ruler, Alendi, Marsh, Spook, Kelsier, Waxillium, Wayne, Miles and Raoden.
  21. Not bad, but I think a case for tin/copper can also be made. Being able to store massive amounts of relevant knowledge and extracting them when needed can be far better. Say a tin/zinc Twinborn finds a strand of cloth with his enhanced senses, and then he goes on examining it. It doesn't really matter how fast he can think if he can't remember what the cloth can belong too. Another point for copper over zinc is that copper has no drawbacks; storing zinc makes one dull and stupid, while storing copper merely removes the memory from your mind, which doesn't matter because you can access it at all times. Your version would be a better fighter though.
  22. Well apparently Coinshots/Lurchers stack, Soothers/Rioters stack, and I think time bubbles of the same type also stack. So why not Copperclouds?
  23. If Seekers can actually detect Feruchemy then that makes Seekers some of the most versatile Allomancers around. Which is good, since most Allomancers tend to underestimate Seekers. Btw, do you have any idea if Copperclouds stack?
  24. Okay, so maybe not. On a related note, didn't Brandon hinted on there being away to detect Feruchemical and Hemalurgical use? I wonder how.
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