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Everything posted by kroen

  1. As I said, I didn't prefer it to be a ten book saga. But from what we know about the story, I mean about Alendi being a blacksmith's son; about him declared the Hero of Ages; about him being a Seeker; about him waging war all across the world with armies at his command; and finally, about him questing to the Well of Ascension—all of these, at the core, sound a lot like other massive sagas such as Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth. All I said was that I could picture this story spanning over ten books. But dang, now that I wrote it down I actually do want this story to be 10 books lol
  2. Has it been said that Atium shades produce sounds? Because I'm pretty sure they don't.
  3. But Daredevil actually has echolocation like bats do.
  4. True, but what about Atium? I picture in my head a blind Seer whose body acts instinctively on its own to thwart attacks without actually seeing anything. kinda like The Force in Star Wars. Sounds cool, but not necessarily true.
  5. A shame. I could actually picture this story of being a trilogy or even a ten book saga, although that's not to say I wouldn't prefer a single book. Anyway, he did say "it's unlikely" and didn't turn off the idea completely, so that's something.
  6. Cool tnx, but reading it just brought out more questions which Brandon didn't really answer, like what would blind Augurs/Seers/Oracles see if at all.
  7. Are they completely useless, Allomancy-wise, or can they still "see" metal lines? Not talking about Hemalurgy here.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's intentional that copper is the metal we know the least about. It means, I think, that we'll be seeing some epic feats performed by Smokers in the future. The question is: What will they be? Brandon already hinted on the possibility of rare gifted Smokers protecting others from emotional Allomancy. But what more? Speculate away! I'll start by rounding up some of the speculations and questions in these forums as well as my own. You're welcome and encouraged to add your own. *Controlling the size of the Coppercloud *Excluding certain people from being Smoked/shaping the Coppercloud around them *Leaving Copperclouds fixed in place whilst burning Copper, even if the Smoker isn't in them *Copper Savants: In what way would they differ from regular Smokers? *Flaring Copper/super charging it via a Nicroburst: What exactly would happen? *And this is the most far fetched one: Producing a Coppercloud that would protect from various types of Allomancy such as- negating Speed Bubbles; mask metals from being seen by Coinshots/Lurchers; immune Allomancers from Leeching and Nicrobursting; and maybe even causing Tineyes to see objects and people inside Copperclouds as being blurred. *Actually no, THIS is the most far fecthed idea: Selectively prevent Allomancers from burning their metal while in a Coppercloud. Fire away.
  9. You're confusing Smokers with Seekers. Smokers can't detect anything. And as another guy said in another thread, another reason Smokers are boring is because there is no differentiation between a novice Smoker and a "good" Smoker. There is literally no difference, as there is no way for them to train their ability. What they have is what they get. Furthermore, there is no point in flaring their copper or have a Nicroburst super charge it. All other Mistings (except, maybe, for Augurs) can improve their ability by flaring and perform magnificent feats by super charging. Again I am not talking about usefulness. Sure, being part of a team might be exciting but again that's not what I'm talking about. Edit: I actually wish that in one of the next books in Scadrial we will experience at least some of the story through the POV of a Smoker so we could get more insight into Smoking. P.S. You know what would be awesome? If skilled Smokers could see lines (similar to metal lines seen by Coinshots/Lurchers) leading to Allomancers and even if they don't burn their metal, and determine what kind of Allomancer they are by the width/shape of the line.
  10. Again, I wasn't talking about usefulness. I never denied that being a Smoker is useful. I just said it was boring. Accountants are useful to our society, but their job is still boring for most people. The two don't contradict. Yes they do, they can clrearly see how their emotional manipulation is affecting the people they use it on.
  11. ^this, plus no real use flaring/nicroborsting it
  12. What exactly would happen?
  13. Actually this idea is better fit for lerasium. I actually thought about it, but I don't remember why I dismissed it. Gonna use it for lerasium then. I stand by my sazedium though.
  14. I'm not talking about usefulness here, I'm talking about pure interest. Here, let me show you what I mean by listing some Mistings that are considered boring, and why they're, in fact, not as boring as Smokers. Seekers: Can spend months, even years perfecting their abilities, which include: Identifying each Allomantic pulse and knowing which metal is being burnt; assessing how much metal reserves other Allomancers have; and it the case of emotional Allomancy, figure out which emotions you're being manipulated with. Augurs: Not much in the way of training here, but at least they see something. Oracles: Same as Augurs. Smokers: They just burn their metal and that's it. They don't see or sense anything unusual, and there's really no training involved. Just complete and utter boredom. Anyone want to play devil's advocate and tell me why I'm wrong? (and please only use canon and WOB. you can theorize all you want that Smokers can train to exclude people from being smoked/increase or reduce the size of their coppercloud/protect other people from emotional Allomancy, etc. but none of these things is confirmed. so please use things we know for sure.)
  15. To be honest I couldn't think of any other original thing a lerasium spike would steal. Any suggestions? And sazedium is better at stealing than atium because it comes from Hormony. Atium comes from Ruin, and Ruin is part of Harmony. The second part is Preservation, and it makes sense that a sazedium spike would want to not just steal, but to preserve. (Stealing an attribute hemalurgically always kills the victim, and it's kind of a waste, preservation-wise, to steal just one attribute for someone and letting the rest of his attributes die with him.)
  16. Atium [all confirmed] Allomancy: See several seconds into the future. Feruchemy: Stores age. Hemalurgy: Steals any single attribute. Alloys: Atium can be alloyed with each of the 16 basic metals. This creates various temporal effects. Lerasium [allomancy and alloys confirmed; all else speculated] Allomancy: Ingesting Lerasium turns you into a Mistborn. Feruchemy: Stores any single attribute. Only Feruchemists can store in a Lerasiummind (Full Feruchemists can store any one of their attributes, while Ferrings can only store their metal's attribute). Tapping a Lerasiummind releases the stored attribute tenfold, as if it was compounded. Actually compounding a Lerasiummind (only possible for Twinborns, but it doesn't matter if their Allomantic metal is different than their Feruchemical metal) releases the stored attribute a hundredfold. (While sounding insane, keep in mind the metal is burned away in the process.) Hemalurgy: Copies any single attribute. When you impale someone with a Lerasium spike to steal an attribute, they don't die and the wound actually heals when the spike is removed. In additon, they don't lose the attribute that was copied. A person that was copied from, however, cannot gain double the attribute by impaling himself with the same spike; it can only be used on other people. Alloys: Lerasium can be alloyed with each of the 16 basic metals. Ingesting an alloy of Lerasium and a basic metal turns you into a Misting of that metal. Sazedium [all speculated] Composition: Atium & Lerasium Allomancy: Ingesting Sazedium turns you into a Full Feruchemist. Feruchemy: Stores any Feruchemical attribute. In addition: Anyone can store in it; it can store multiple attributes simultaneously in the same piece of metal; and anyone can draw on the reserves, even if someone else stored them. (Basic idea credit goes to ReaderAt2046) Hemalurgy: Sazedium steals every attribute from the person it impaled. This includes, but no limited to: Physical, Mental, Allomantic and Feruchemical. (By "every" I mean that a single Sazedium spike steals all of the attributes, not just one.) Alloys: Sazedium can be alloyed with each of the 16 basic metals. Ingesting an alloy of Sazedium and a basic metal turns you into a Ferring of that metal.
  17. That doesn't seem right. The only way to pierce a coppercloud is by having double bronze, and flaring your copper won't protect you from that. I doubt that even a novice smoker's coppercloud can be pierced by a non-double bronze seeker, even if he's a highly skilled one.
  18. By "fixed" I mean that for any single pulser/slider his bubble would always be the same size. My comment was about a skillful smoker controlling the size of his coppercloud, to which I answered that if a pulser/slider can't control the size of his bubble, why would a smoker could?
  19. Not sure skill has any role here. As we know with pulsers/sliders their bubble size is fixed.
  20. Exactly what I was thinking. So what with people claiming your own coppercloud would cancel your bronze but another guy's coppercloud wouldn't? I fail to see the difference.
  21. And other people's coppercloud wouldn't do said shielding? (as people on this thread have suggested.) What exactly is the difference between the copperclouds?
  22. But Wax usually makes himself lighter in order to fly better, not heavier.
  23. Wait, why would another person's coppercloud allow you to seek but not your own coppercould?
  24. When Marsh told Vin that burning bronze in the presence of a rioter/soother is better than burning copper because this way you can tell which emotions they're trying to manipulate, I couldn't help but wonder- why not burn both? Isn't it the best of both worlds? Not only you could tell which emotions they're trying to manipulate, you would also be immune to said manipulation. Unless I'm missing something.
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