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Everything posted by Windrunner

  1. I don't understand why language or sexual references are a hangup for some people. Sure it is "adult," I won't argue against that, but there are plenty more adult themes in the books. Why is a word more offensive than violent scenes of torture, mass murder, and the twisting of people's souls? If I want to protect a child from one, I'd definitely want them to avoid the other as well. Kids are certainly, at least here in the States, more likely to run across swearwords or sexual situations in day to day life than they are to encounter horrible violence. I'm not denying anyone's right to be offended, but I don't personally understand being offended by one and not the other.
  2. Have you ever read Tigana? It's a book written by Guy Gavriel Kay. The prologue of the book is written from the point of view of a man the night before a major battle in which his men have no hope of survival. It is probably one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever read. I'd give that a look.
  3. I have moved this to the appropriate spoiler subforum. We have no opened up other boards to have Secret History spoilers, even in spoiler tags. Please refrain from posting Secret History spoilers elsewhere.
  4. I'm pretty sure it was fairly well-known that the kandra and mistwraiths were cousins among the nobles. The secret is the precise nature of the relationship between the two.
  5. Personally, I think Kell simply lies. He's trying to build a religion here, so a little bit of obfuscation and some time building an interesting backstory and legend are only going to help. His explanation is much more dramatic and interesting than simply saying he stole it off some noble's corpse.
  6. Navy Seon, please stop posting multiple times in a row. In the last two hours, I've fixed a double post, a triple post, and a quadruple post. I've seen you edit your posts, so you clearly know how to use the edit feature. Please make use of that same feature in the future if you wish to add more to a post.
  7. I have moved this topic from the Cosmere theories board. Please remember spoiler policy posted. All Bands spoilers will remain here in this subforum until at least two weeks have passed since the release date.
  8. If we're looking for all possibilities, remember that scarring oneself is a sign of devotion to the the Survivor. We don't know when this tradition started, but perhaps if it was fairly early Kelsier could have possessed the body of a zealot willing to give up control over his own body in service of the Survivor.
  9. Kelsier did not found any of the five peoples in the South, he saved them. The Hunters are so called because they were hunters before the Ice Death, so it makes no sense for Kell to have found them.
  10. Yes, please keep all spoilers in the respective subforums for the time being. Spoiler tags are insufficient, they must be in the proper subforum. As such, I've moved this topic to the Secret History board.
  11. Just to be clear, there is no Shard on First of the Sun. I don't believe we've been told if there's a Splinter or not, but I personally don't believe so. It's just a planet with natural magic.
  12. As I said, in Brandon's mind they are not distinct.
  13. Also, Ruin is already the embodiment of entropy, so there doesn't need to be an additional Shard to cover entropy. It's just a different word for the same thing (at least in Brandon's mind).
  14. We don't know what Kell's goals or plans are anymore. Perhaps he hopes that Wax will oppose Kell.
  15. Personally, I think Vibrance sounds more like Nalthis than Densities does. My theory for Broken Sky is currently Ashyn, because they live on their weird upside down floating cities instead of on the surface, thus the Broken Sky.
  16. Merged two similar topics into one, thus the repetition.
  17. The part two symbol is the symbol for Kredik Shaw, I believe.
  18. Gotcha, sorry again! I'll be more careful next time.
  19. Sorry Peter, that's my bad. Old version, as my physical copy hasn't arrived yet. I didn't see this change in the doc! Sorry to put you through so much trouble.:/
  20. I'm pretty sure that Sazed has a good idea of the sort of shenanigans that Kell will get up to if he makes it back into the Physical Realm. Sazed doesn't love Hemalurgy and if he wanted it to remain unknown, Kell is an obstacle to that. I'm not surprised that he lied.
  21. He is limited, but I'm not quite sure what you're saying. If I'm right, other people are mass-producing unkeyed reserves for his metalminds so that Edwarn doesn't have to spend time storying it himself.
  22. I was under the impression that the solidness of the oceans and other bodies of water has to do with less cognitive activity occurring there.
  23. Nazh was an ardent sketching the bridgemen in Words of Radiance. I don't believe we've ever had a solid description of him before this. Plaeggs, Nazh is a Worldhopper from Threnody, the planet where Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell takes place. He isn't formally introduced anywhere, he is the one who annotates the maps in the books though, and occasionally adds his signature.
  24. There was no monster, it was just a description of Allik's mask.
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