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Everything posted by Windrunner

  1. Nazh is definitely the haunted man from the broadsheet. He uses the swearwords of a Threnodite, steals the tapestry map that appears in the book, and uses a gun that shoots shades. It all adds up. I did not personally see him anywhere else.
  2. This is more of a potential continuity error. Suit makes a statement during Bands. So what are Suit's three boons? Let's look. First we have Allomantic steel. And now we have Feruchemical pewter and Feruchemical gold. Which would appear to round off the three powers that Edwarn can have without opening himself up to Harmony's influence. But later: That brings our count up to four attributes... Now, it's possible that Edwarn has been swapping spikes in and out, but that seems like a fairly dangerous process and I'm surprised he happens to have a spike for Allomantic chromium just lying around. Edwarn uses his Allomantic steel and Feruchemical gold abilities in that same scene, so he might have swapped out the Feruchemical pewter spike, but I thought I might check to be sure. EDIT: Update with another quote. I feel fairly confident this is a continuity error.
  3. I interpreted this a little differently than you. I think the Set might have captives that they are using to mass produce metalminds that aren't keyed to any specific identity and therefore can be used by members of the Set that have Feruchemy. So in Suit's case, strength. It would just take two spikes per person, although it would require a lot of Ferrings to pull off.
  4. What we need to remember about Iyatil is that while her people are probably the Hunters, she was raised on a different planet. Her mask is made of carapace rather than glass, so that too points to a life not lived on Scadrial.
  5. If you wouldn't mind, could you post a picture of the personalization? We like to have an image of the inscription. Awesome piece of info!
  6. There is not, as far as I am aware. The thirty years is my own estimate I made several years ago that many have ended up accidentally taking for canon. The quote you found above is as close as we have.
  7. Wish I could be there too.:/ Stormlight 3 is the goal!
  8. I doubt Alslydin is a Feruchemist, or at least was not born one. Mistborn spoilers
  9. It's not that they didn't want to, they couldn't. It was hot, burning, barren, unsurvivable desert for thousands of miles. It would have taken a small miracle at least.
  10. Brandon has stated that you have an affinity for the metal that you can store in. He hasn't explained further how this works.
  11. Brandon's posted an update on Oathbringer's progress on reddit (I realize someone's already started a topic mentioning this, but that one seems to be for focusing on the title). It's got a visualization and is a pretty cool look at how Brandon plots the structure of the Stormlight books. No real spoilers, but if you're particularly sensitive to anything remotely resembling a spoiler, tread with caution.
  12. There was a troll on Brandon's twitter after his Stormlight 3 tweet, and I thought you guys might like to see Brandon's response. xD
  13. If you'll scroll back a few pages, you can see Eric talk about this, I believe. It's possible, but I don't believe anyone has extensive experience in coding for IPB or whatever it would be. Eero, Chaos, and Joe all know about coding and there might be others I'm forgetting as well. According to Chaos, it's difficult to write something like this that's easily updated.
  14. Unfortunately, I think we've established that most custom code is going to be too difficult to make work with the site updates. :/
  15. That is excellent! Would you mind if we used it as art for the Coppermind? It'd be attributed to you and/or your tumblr or whatever else you'd like.
  16. Ah, I see. That's rough. :/ I'd be pretty bummed myself.
  17. I'm a little curious what you mean by back to front. Are the pages bound on the wrong side or order? I managed to buy mine a little late from Powell's and it arrived just fine, luckily. I've seen a few people on facebook with tears or other issues though.
  18. As Kurk said, I'd like to talk for a minute as a member rather than a moderator. I've discussed this in the past, but I've finally collected my thoughts on the subject a little bit. I think people need to decide what they want reputation to be. I hear many people echo Kobald's sentiment about upvotes being essentially meaningless, an imaginary internet point. However, it takes very little time looking around to find someone posting who is extremely upset at being downvoted, often only once or twice. If upvotes don't matter, then downvotes don't either. The message I see is that people like to claim that they don't care about upvotes (and surely some truly don't) but the second someone's rep goes down these imaginary internet points suddenly have some sort of value. I'm also a little curious about something. I often hear people upset that someone has downvoted them without a post or a PM to explain why. Now though, that rep is more scarce, people are concerned that they're going to get too many posts telling them that they did a good job instead of upvotes? Shouldn't an explanation of why someone liked something you posted be similarly more valuable than an upvote to those who prefer explanations to downvotes? This is genuine curiosity, so I'm interested to hear what you guys think.
  19. I'd just like to end up somewhere in the cosmere. Ideally, Roshar because Surgebinding is the best, but I'm not too picky.
  20. Sorry to shatter your dreams, but I believe Rothfuss is published by Daw.
  21. I'd say it's probably just a small mistake. All books have them. It'll probably be corrected one day, although I'm not sure if there are proper channels to communicate Warbreaker errors anymore. If nothing else, I'll try to keep it in the back of my brain for when the anniversary edition comes out.
  22. Hmm, very possible. It could be I'm remembering something from a video or audio that was never transcribed. Thanks for the help, skaa! I'm working on the Miles article right now. The stuff about comparing him to Kell is going to end up in the development section. I can post here when I'm done, for anyone interested in seeing the final product!
  23. Hey all, I've been working on a new article for the Coppermind, but I've found myself stymied by the lack of a certain piece of information. I know for a fact that Brandon has discussed the parallels between Miles and Kelsier somewhere (if only because I know I'm not observant enough to catch the similarity on my own). It discusses how Kelsier and Miles are not so different and actions that Kell took that seemed appropriate in his time seem extreme when Miles takes them because of our perspective. I can't for the life of me find where Brandon talks about this (although I know it is alluded to in the novel itself). Does anyone recall where this information can be found?
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