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The Paradoxical Phenomenon

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Everything posted by The Paradoxical Phenomenon

  1. I like the Mistborn covers and Tress is cool. I really like the Defiant cover, but her face looks different in each one.
  2. This happened to me. I got in trouble for talking politics? I was just standing up for my country. But I guess he’s right. I did panic though. EDIT: please don’t pm me for this either Chaos
  3. I want to be a waffle cook… I would cook grand waffles!
  4. IS MY HAIRBRUSH??? (if you got that reference you are my new best friend) (anyway) (back to the stick) OH STICK A Poem OH STICK! WHEN I WAKE I SAY YOUR NAME WHEN I LIE DOWN TO REST IT IS THE SAME AND IF I BROKE WHEN IT FELL A STICK I WOUD HAVE TO GO TO ///*static* *in disembodied automated voice:* “This recording has malfunctioned. Experts are working on it at this very mo-*static*\\\
  5. Alpha hesitated. “Uh- yes, I’m sure N-4 would love that,” he shot a glance at HN-4, “Though I’ll be honest, she’s a rather new invention of mine and I’m not sure she can simulate feelings… can you? Simulate feelings I mean?” He directed that last bit at the drone who had fallen silent for this conversation. “I can.” She seemed a little offended. “You ought to know that, but it seems you are too busy running from place to place, invention from invention.”
  6. Granted. It comes baked in to… cookies. 100% totally non-spiked cookies (non-spiked. Yep) I want a leaf.
  7. I think the magic is really interesting, but I won’t spoil it. You should read them!
  8. I like fablehaven too. I haven’t read dragonwatch, but I’ve read the Five Kingdoms. Have you?
  9. “Don’t mind if I do…” *grabs cookie, shoves in face and reaches for next cookie, swallows, shoves cookie #2 in face, reaches for next one, swallows, shoves in face, reaches and grabs cookie, swallows, shoves cookie in face, then gets stuck in a time loop, and an agency begins studying my behavior, and resupplies me with cookies when I run out, swallows, shoves in face etc. etc. etc.*
  10. Very cool design. Reminds me of a Cryptic. (Is it a Cryptic?) 7.753737/10 Hehehehe
  11. “Wonderful to meet you, Jay! This is HN-4! She’s my latest AI invention. It appears you have something similar?” I wonder if they have something similar to the Lethco Sling that can take me back to my universe. This universe is only 46.3 dimensional points away, after all.
  12. Aha, Alpha thought. A native! “Ah yes. My name is Alpha Lethco. I am an independent inventor. I also dabble in interdimensional travel. What is your name?”
  13. “Great Scott!” Alpha exclaimed as he stumbled on to his knees, then fell flat on his face. He mumbled something that sounded sort of like “danged ground always getting in the way” then leapt to his feet almost as if he’d been touched by something electric on the rear end. “HN-4, which universe am I in this time?” A small metal cylinder-like object (a bit lumpy, with a few sharp edges) hovered out of his inside trench coat pocket. Three grabber arms extend, one grabbed on to his arm, the other two reached out and scanned his surroundings. “Look’s like the ‘Macrosmos’,” the drone said in an Australian-sounding female voice. “Huh,” Alpha said. “And what’s that unnecessarily large building over there?”
  14. I will never break a stick on purpose again. I will try my best to avoid breaking sticks at all costs. If I break a stick on purpose, my life is forfeit. If I break a stick on accident three times, my life is forfeit. Amen.
  15. I had to do some DEEP research to figure out what ookla season is, but now I eagerly await it. Anyway, welcome to the shard! If you could be a misting, what kind would you want to be?
  17. This is literally the story of my life. I also wasn’t allowed to read the last Harry Potter book until I was twelve (though I had been allowed to read YA), and I wasn’t allowed to watch the movies until I finished the book. My little brother (five) just got to watch all the movies. Even a slightly edited version of the Deathly Hallows. Sooo… yeah I’m not frustrated about that nope not at all Also, whenever I get to do something they don’t, they get mad and say it’s not fair. I HAD TO WAIT TO BE ALLOWED TO DO STUFF, AND Y’ALL MIGHT GET TO AT HALF MY AGE
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