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The Paradoxical Phenomenon

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Everything posted by The Paradoxical Phenomenon

  1. More often, I pick on my little sister and she blows up and is mad the rest of the day. And it’s my fault. Every storming time. Why can’t I just figure out not to mess with her? I love her a ton but sometimes… she’s frustrating.
  2. Do you ever just wake up, and know today’s gonna suck? Today sucks. Life goes on, but I’m busy trying to get past every little mistake I’ve ever made. I’m a little perfectionistic (if that’s a word), but not as much as some people. Probably gonna delete this post.
  3. I decided to make a pfp lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      I figured since a ton of people have them I would too! 


      I hate cats


    3. solarcat


      Yeah, but- at least you think ferrel cats are cool? They have feruchemical abilities 

    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Yes. Ferrel cats are the storming best

  4. We could roast people instead… *can’t think of any roasts* …or not! TPAM is a person I have had nearly zero interactions with, but it’s a pleasure when we do interact! (You know, since we’re talking about interactions with folks)
  5. True. It just kind of seems like a thing humans would do. Not most humans, but there are some of you that love evil and hurting each other.
  6. -500 What animal would you say you most resemble (no offense)
  7. First of all, I don’t think this is good and I would never condone it, but… do you think later in the Cosmere there might be evil people who enslave Nalthians and make them gov their Breath away? Like, say we’ve got this bad guy named Doug. He goes to Nalthis, and some how takes a ton of people prisoner, and forces them all to give him their Breaths. Or he sells their breath to people who want it, for a lot of money. It’s possible that this already happens on Nalthis, in some sort of evil black market. What do y’all think?
  8. I was unable To fit what I wanted to Say in the haiku For it did not flow In the way it had been meant. It was quite irksome!
  9. Twenty one pilots is great! What’s your favorite song?
  10. I always forget Being of Cacophony Knows Aes Sedai too
  11. Yes. At the moment I believe much of the story will take place in the Cognitive Realm, though this might change. Oh… maybe. I kind of forgot. I had the feeling Kaladin, who is tall even for an Alethi, was like 6’5”. But maybe we’ll just say about average Alethi height, so basically towering over literally everyone else EDIT: @Trusk'our I had thought about putting Hemalurgy as the one for rolling a six, but decided against. After all, what I did end up putting was pick anything. So I would say if you roll a six you can pick any power, and write it into your character that you gained those powers by Hemalurgy.
  12. Check out this RP I made!

    You don’t have to play, but I think it will be fun, and the more the merrier !

  13. I had a blast! Great first experience in SE, thanks @Araris Valerian and @Devotary of Spontaneity
  14. Gary walked out of the shower room, picking his stuff up. He thought he remembered his room number was 16, and that he was rooming with a kid named Lyle. He followed the numbers down the hallway, halting when he saw a 16. He pushed open the door, and stopped in his tracks. That same kid was in his room! “Kyle! What are you doing in my room?” @Wittles of Shinovar
  15. Welcome to pure chaos! This is the first RP I’ve created. It should be fun, at least for a while. The way you make a character is quite different from what you’re used to seeing, and may not go very smoothly. We shall see. Let’s go ahead and jump right on into it. To get started: Alright! Other than that I’m not sure what to say. All non-canon text must be in quote boxes. New players can join even after it starts. They will write sort of an introductory paragraph, then… I don’t know, petition to join the group? Yeah, that sounds good. They will be accepted, of course. There will be a few days to chat, while I work on the beginnings of a storyline. Once I’ve got that ready, some time next week hopefully, there will be a 24-hour warning, and at the end of 24 hours we start. Here’s my character, by the way:
  16. “Sihl” is only one letter off from being symmetrical, if you think about it
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