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Everything posted by Kajsa

  1. Hi!

    It's been a while! I wish I was more active, but I have not the time nor the mental capacity to start or join a roleplay, especially considering the fact that I have only read one of Sanderson's books. One. *hides behind hair*

    Yeah, so that's another reason I've stayed out of the roleplay forums lately. I get very confused very easily--I need to be more cultured in Sanderson's work. *runs out of hair to hide behind and jumps in a hole*

    Anyway! Here's what's up:


    - I'm basically ditching PE to write this right now--even though I have full permission to not be doing PE, I still like calling it ditching because it makes me feel cool (don't ask) ;P 

    - Just hit week 19 with ankle issues--at this point, I'm wondering if I'll be stuck with it my whole life.......

    - We got two cats (ONE IS ALL MINE--MWAHAHAHAHAHA) for Christmas. Mine is named Oslo, and the family cat is Axel.

    - We had our first show choir competition on Friday, which we won by a landslide--about 68 points. We got best vocals, best choreography, best band, and grand champions! But then my director dragged us all to school early this morning to watch our show, and... *crawls a lot deeper into hole* ...it was a MESS. We're cutting stuff (which makes me incredibly sad), and we're simplifying a lot of it (for like the 4 billionth time) so it all looks cleaner. We have five songs and most of them are pretty complicated--our show is about eighteen minutes long. But all in all, it was really crazy to be at that level on January 5th. 

    - I have to read three books every six weeks for school, so this hexter I've got Stellarlune by Shannon Messenger, Faceless by Alyssa What'sherbucket, and Firefight by our favorite author, Brando Sando. 

    - I went shopping the other day (my favorite secondhand store was having a 90% off clearance day, so I HAD to go), and I got three new outfits, one of which I'm wearing now :D 

    - I haven't worked on my novel for a few weeks now, which is discouraging, and I also haven't drawn for a while, and all my other hobbies have kind of been pushed down the toilet with immense stress that I shouldn't even be feeling (I think I might have anxiety for undisclosed reasons).

    - OH! Alsooo, I just got called as the Young Women's secretary--which kinda scares me because I've never had a calling before, and because I already have so much on my plate. But we're gonna make it work!

    - I get to be the altos sectional leader for show choir B)B)B)

    - My mom got this cool piano the other day that has a microphone jack and as long as you're playing an accompaniment, the piano will literally harmonize with your voice?! It's super neat. (Though... with three little siblings and an older brother... it can get a lliiiitttttlllee crazy. And loud. Very loud. Hahaha.)

    - Fake eyelashes are one of the worst things ever created. They're a hassle, they itch, it's hard not to get the glue in your eyes, and at the end of the day, it's not even really worth it. We have to wear them for show choir and I'm not a fan.

    - Life is good though, you know? Even if you're unmotivated, even if you're exhausted, even if you're stuck with mysterious stress, even if your hobbies are all hiding in a hole and you don't have a shovel to dig them up... life is still good. You've always got friends and family who will support you, and if you don't? Look up and think of Him. He's always there! 


    Anyway, thanks for reading this! Have a good life, people ;) 


    KajsaDiyaQuesdilla --> out

  2. Y'all!


    I'm alive! 

    I came back!

    And I have 40 notifications. Wow.

    I've had a TON of homework lately, but I finally got a breather today! Yay!

    Therefore: random updates!


    - Show choir's been good, and premiere's in 5 days! Eek!  0) - (0

    - @Ookla the Crow, your piano lesson tactics did not work for me. Darn it. So I'm just living through it now :)

    - I was not mentally alright yesterday, no idea why, but I'm better now :D

    - One of my gal friends is going through guys so fast it's making me dizzy... x . x

    - School's alright and I'm keeping my grades up. For History, we've got an optional D.C. trip coming up AND I WANT TO GO SO BADLY! But it's really expensive.

    - I made a Steelheart movie/book trailer! I'll post it in Kajsa's Creative Corner (or whatever the chasms I named that place).

    - Roleplaying is totally fun, but I think I'll be officially dropping out of the Tower of Ghenji/Insanity Clinic rp because I can't keep up with it xD

    - I ended up naming an OC Jabber. Hehe.

    - What is Ookla

    - Enough about me. How are all y'all????? I've missed you guys :) 

    -Ookla the Raven

    1. Medium


      It sucks that the piano lesson escape tactics didn't work, that sucks, I'm sorry.

      In terms of you dropping out of Insanity Clinic, I wish you a peaceful farewell.

      I've been good, go check my status updates and check out what I'm gonna be working on :D

    2. Kajsa


      So now I have to do a Christmas recital. Oh well.

      Gramercy for thy farewell! 

      I will!

    3. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl



      Chasms is just the best swear word, guys.

  3. Kajsa

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    Well... describe one to me and then I'll decide. Sure lol.
  4. GUYS!


    14 WEEKS OF ANKLE ISSUES! *sarcastic thumbs-up*

    But hey, MRI results should come in by Tuesday. 

    Hopefully we'll get answers!


    That's all.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kajsa


      Thanks guys <3 :D 

    3. Kajsa


      But also I should probably stop complaining about it :lol:

    4. Kajsa


      Heh heh heh

      POV: *nine weeks later*

      Fourteen is NOTHING *sarcastic laugh*

      lol but hopefully this whole ordeal is over by 27

  5. Kajsa

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    Hmm. Then that would mean we'd roughly be the size of worms. Turtle. Frogs are way too jumpy--they'd get lost in my hair, and besides, ever since I was little I'll admit to being somewhat terrified of poison dart frogs, so that's a bit of trauma. Um... I... I'd do this: Oh, woe, you're a squirrel, not human at all; Oh, woe, you're a squirrel--all a lie! Oh, woe, you're a squirrel, not human at all; Oh, w--ait, if you're a squirrel, then... what am I?
  6. How do you tell your parents that you want to stop piano lessons even though your teacher is really nice and they pay a lot for her to teach you but you just get totally stressed out from lessons and needing to practice so you just don't practice and then you feel bad and guilty during lessons because you didn't practice so it feels like you're wasting the teacher's time and ultimately piano is just something you already know enough about and you wanna focus on other things like show choir and regular choir and HEALING THE DADGUM ANKLE THAT'S BEEN STUPID FOR 12 WEEKS????

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kajsa


      How important?

    3. Medium



      well that's fair.

      but you got the mental breakdown part thats whats mostly important.

      keep pushing for it!!

    4. Kajsa


      xD Alright, sounds like a plan!

  7. Wow. It's... it's been a while. My schedule has been kinda insane lately, so I haven't had much time to be on the Shard. That said, I could have gotten on, but I just... didn't? Idk. Anyway, here's a peek  at my crazy life in a nutshell:


    - Leaders of the Pack (show choir) premiere is in four weeks, and we're not even close to being ready.

    - First competition is in five weeks, also not ready for that.

    - I can't even do show choir or dance because I sprained my ankle twelve weeks ago during choreography, I was in a boot for two weeks, and now it's getting worse, and I think it might be a stress fracture.

    - Speaking of, my sister has a stress fracture in her leg, right below her knee.

    - My sister's birthday is in three days.

    - Wolfgang (a cappella) is performing three different Christmas songs in like two weeks, we're not ready for that either.


    - Thanksgiving was fun but kind of insane. Long story.

    - I have too much homework.

    - I'm totally stressed out for no reason and it's making me feel stuck and kind of trapped.

    - I feel guilty because one of my young women's leaders at church who's super, super nice and kind and the best keeps asking me to babysit for her kids, but the last time I babysat was my first time babysitting ever, and she has five kids who are great but they're kids so ya know, and the oldest hit one of the other kids and I feel like I handled it really badly, and the oldest is like two years younger than I am so it's kind of awkward, so I feel really guilty for saying no all the time even though my schedule doesn't allow it but I'm also just feeling super overwhelmed about it. *phew.* That is one long run-on sentence with bad grammar.

    - Speaking of being overwhelmed, I'm trying to write a novel, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I'm so caught up on getting my main character's backstory perfect so I can move onto the plot that I feel like I'm getting nowhere. It's stressing. Me. Out.

    - I think I need a getaway... I wish I could pause time to get everything done and then just RELAX. I could really use that right now.

    - Grammarly is also stressing me out.

    - Also boy drama. Yeah.

    - Roleplaying is fun, but it's also stressful because it reminds me of how I need to get cracking on my book and things.


    - Anyway. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm just overwhelmed. And stressed. Maybe I should go meditate.



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slowswift


      Whooo boy. Overwhelm is rough. As a line from a one of my favorite songs says, though, "Breathe for a minute, breathe for a minute, I'll be okay." You've got this!

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      with the novel one.

      I get it lol

      I'm a perfectionist in nothing except writing. nothing else.

      Good luck with all that stuff. it sounds rough.

    4. Kajsa


      Thank you guys for all of your support :)

       It means a lot!

  8. Kajsa

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    Strawberry This one
  9. Kajsa

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    Alright the regulars fav Brandon book? I actually just barely got into Sanderson's books and the only one I've read so far is Steelheart. fav non-Brandon book? Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale fav cosmere character? Haven't read Cosmere yet fav non-cosmere character? Cody from Steelheart fav food? Breakfast foods! fav past time? Writing or drawing pineapple on pizza? Hard no. fav color? Blue! how did you learn of Sanderson One of my besties, @The Halcyon Girl now the non traditional would you ever kill? Probably, depends on the circumstances 1-10 fav color of the alphabet? Strawberry how many kindergartners could you take in a fight? Seven would you enjoy the fight? Maybe best food to paint with? Mulberries Coconut I'll have to do some research on that xD
  10. Kajsa

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    Welp. I found this page and thought it would be fun to do one myself. Ask me anything!
  11. What are your hobbies? Do you collect anything? What are you passionate about? What is your most prized possession? What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? What is on your bucket list? What is your favorite holiday? Who knows you best/what family member are you closest to? What new skill would you most like to learn? Where is the coolest place you've ever traveled to? What does your average weekend look like? Who is your hero? Who is the smartest person you ever met? What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? Whose opinion do you care most about? What is the most important decision you have ever made so far? Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? What do you enjoy spending money on? What is something that always makes you smile? What are you most thankful for? What do you wish more people understand about you? What is the greatest challenge or struggle you have ever faced? What is the biggest risk you ever took? If your pet could talk, what do you think they might say about you? Tell me your life story in exactly one sentence. What is the strangest coincidence that's ever happened to you? What is your favorite random fact? What is the strangest food combination that you enjoy? What is your strangest irrational fear? What is the craziest thing you ever did on a dare? What is the grossest thing you would do for $100? If you were a superhero, who would be your arch-nemesis? When you die, how do you want to be remembered? If you died right this second, what is the one thing that you would NOT want on your obituary? What movie/book do you wish you could watch/read again for the first time? What is one story you love to tell, but rarely get the chance to? What is one question you wish people would ask you more? What is one question you wish people would ask you less? If you could speak to one deceased person for thirty seconds, who would it be and what would you say? If you could travel to the past and change one event, would you? Which one? Why? What is the best advice you have ever received? What is the worst advice you have ever received? For what in your life do you feel most grateful? If you could change anything about the way your parents raised you, what would it be? Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change the way you live now? Why? If you could switch lives with any one person for one day, who would you choose? What is your definition of success? How has your perspective on the world changed over time? Do you believe that people can change? Do you believe you will accomplish your dreams? What was the scariest moment in your life so far? If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be? What is your most cherished belief? Where do you think we go when we die? What do you think is the meaning of life? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And one last question: How long did it take you to answer all of these questions?
  12. Welcome to the Shard! I hope you enjoy your time here
  13. Hello, world!

    I know I've been inactive on the forums lately, but today I was home sick from school, so I had some time to catch up!

    Last night, I was up past midnight trying to write what should have been saved for a full-blown novel crammed into 500 words (it was for our short story unit in Honors English). It did NOT work, and I ended up going way over the word minimum. The story ended up being 2,233 words. I might rewrite it to be longer and better, but I turned it in just in time, thank goodness!! If you want to read the monstrosity it is, feel free. (Why am I putting this on here? xD)

    I may be on the forums later this month, but I'll be on most in December, I think.

    I think that's it! See you guys around!

    --KajsaDiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (hehehe)

    1. Elf


      Oooh i started reading it and honestly it had me hooked from the first para. I got a class rn, but I'll definitely be reading the full thing

    2. Kajsa


      Aw, thank you, Elf!

    3. Kajsa


      I may turn it into a novel eventually, using this as my rough guide. It's much less complicated than the series I'm trying to tackle currently, so it may be a better starting point.

  14. Okay, so.

    Not to throw up on you guys or anything, but... I am obsessed with this website called NightCafe. It's an AI art website that converts text to images! It takes some getting used to, but after you get the hang of it, it's awesome! I've used it to create images of custom creatures, races, and even a few of my OCs. If you guys want to check it out, here's a link: (it might spit you out into my profile, fair warning)


    Here are a few "pieces" I've made with NightCafe. 





    qlfeaxCUqlTy5WEHCNhV--4--rt0rd (1).jpg




    SccdwLWYEZ0g05HMqApw--1--k66wy (1).jpg



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Kajsa
    4. Kajsa


      I may or may not have three separate NightCafe accounts... :mellow::D 

  15. Happy Halloween, everybody! Enjoy your holiday ;)

  16. Okay Then she just listens but doesn't say anything really
  17. Kareena eavesdropped and leaned against a wall (which would later turn out to be the wall that Haly was inside).
  18. Does anyone know what happened with Mell, Theodore, Haly, etc.?
  19. Kareena continued to massage her bruised nose. "Thanks," she said, flatly, then followed Mell into the tower.
  20. Kareena's brow furrowed, then she shrugged and walked straight into the wall. "OW!" She bent over, rubbing her nose, muttering a curse under her breath.
  21. Kareena nodded. "Oh. That's... that's cool." She smiled at the small girl (if she's still there). "Thank you."
  22. Kareena accepted the flower, twirling it between her fingers. "...How?"
  23. Kareena looked offended. "Looking like WHAT? THEY'RE the ones that look weird."
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