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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. That one's beautiful no matter what instrument you use.
  2. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue blinked. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more confusing sentence in my life. But wait. If you’re from the Black Tower…and you’ve only been gone for thirty minutes…how do you not know anything?” @UnfortunatelyNamed
  3. I just read it, it was fun. I liked it. Do we need to perform peculiar rituals to bring this thread back to life?
  4. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue raised an eyebrow, feeling a change through the bond. “So you do care.” She frowned, eyeing him suspiciously. “How long have you been away from our world? They’ve been claiming the source is cleansed since the end of the 3rd age, nearly 50 years ago.” She pursed her lips at the sight of his pins. “And as for the Amyrlin, I don’t know. I’ve been gone from the Tower for a long time, and they were arguing over a new one when I left.” @UnfortunatelyNamed
  5. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue looks at Insa for a moment, then shrugs. “Again, there’s a lot you need to understand. We have different parts of the One Power. The male half is called Saidin, and it is tainted, making its users go insane. They caused the Breaking of the World, which is exactly what it sounds like.” Rue glances at Nameless, then back at Insa. “Some say that the source has been cleansed, that the taint is gone. But even if it was gone, those who have been channeling since before it was cleansed aren’t completely sane. And I’m not sure it is gone, with the way most of them act.” She sighed. “Insa, they’ve done bad things to the world, and to me personally. I will not let them harm others that way.” @InfiniteInsanity
  6. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway “Males. I am human, after all. The world doesn’t need protecting from the Aes Sedai, just these…” she sighs. “They call themselves Asha’man.” @InfiniteInsanity
  7. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue sighs. "There's a lot to explain. Essentially, I created a bond between us against his will. Normally, that wouldn't be acceptable, but he can channel. He's a danger to everyone around him." Then she sighs. "Perhaps I was too hasty, but I've sworn oaths, Insa, oaths I can't break. Not just the three oaths, the ones all Aes Sedai share. The reds...we swear our own oaths, when we choose to enter the Ajah. To make sure everyone is truly committed to our purpose. I swore that I would take any opportunity to either bond, gentle, or kill men who could channel." She looks down. "And I swore that if I succeeded at gentling or bonding one, I wouldn't release the bond." She sneers at where Emma and Nameless are talking. "Not that I think he should be freed. He's dangerous, very dangerous." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed
  8. Um...they would need to choose? They'd have to be very independent, maybe even write their own pieces, but if they worked for it they'd be really good.
  9. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue nods, looking calmer. Thank goodness he said no. But I had to offer, for Insa. She walks back towards the trees. "Do you still want to throw things at these?" She says quietly to Insa. "You can use daggers if you want." @InfiniteInsanity
  10. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue frowns, using Air to dry her clothing. "I could not allow that, even if I wanted to. I've sworn oaths." Then a thought occurs to her. She closes her eyes, looking slightly green. "But...I can allow him to bond me back. Temporarily. If it keeps the peace." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed
  11. Above the Aryth Ocean Rue was getting remarkable close to the ocean. She sighed and began sending powerful emotions through the bond. Anger changed to joy, which became misery. Confusion and nausea followed. She felt Nameless' anger and annoyance grow through the bond. It would be impossible for him to focus with so many feelings in his head. @UnfortunatelyNamed
  12. ?!?!! Rue sighs, but composes herself. She won't let go of this victory, and if she dies...She smiles at the thought, sending her smugness through the bond. Nameless can't let her die, and he knows it.
  13. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue stands up, trying not to look ruffled. "No." She turns to Insa. "Among...I suppose you could say my people...we are split into 7 Ajahs, the red, the blue, the white, the green, the gray, the yellow, and the brown. The red Ajah, to which I belong, deals with men like him." She sneers at Nameless. "They are a danger to society, but I have this one bonded now, and he will soon come around and stop resisting. There's no more reason to fear." She turns to Nameless. "And I would like to know when you spent enough time falling in the same place to make a gateway there." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed
  14. ?!?! Rue feels the bond settle, senses the knot of emotions, and has a moment of triumph. Then she's falling, and she's somewhere else. Blood and bloody ashes. Where did that flaming goat of a man send me?
  15. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Oh really?" Rue taunted. "From what I've heard, the Black Tower is little more than a smith's forge; producing as many weapons as possible, only mourning the loss of materials of one breaks." Rue stopped the fireball, then held up her hands. "Very well. Kill me. I wonder how Emma will like that." But as Nameless stops throwing weaves at her, she hurls her secret weave at him. A warder bond. She will not be known as one who let such a powerful channeler escape.
  16. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue grinned wickedly. "Foolish boy. The red have learned from past mistakes. Why destroy a weapon when you could instead control it?" She stumbled, falling as the Earth hit her. "You will be very helpful to the Tower. You are strong." Standing back up, she pushed another weave of Air through, forcing his hands to his sides.
  17. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue gritted her teeth, forcing his shield back. "No angreal. A mistake on my part." She struggled for a moment, then let out a breath as the shield dissolved. She began launching weaves of Air at him, preparing something else as well. "And the world needs protecting from all of your kind. You will be properly bonded, and gentled if you continue to resist."
  18. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue drew in a breath, feeling the bracelet Ter'angreal she always wore tingle. "Yes," She said, expression darkening as she began to weave a shield, "I do. I protect the world from males who can channel...people like you!" She shoved the shield between him and the source. @UnfortunatelyNamed
  19. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue smiled at Insa. "Thank you." Turning to Nameless, her smile disappeared. Something about him felt...wrong. She seized Saidar. She had a feeling something was about to happen. "I'm Rue," She said carefully. "Rue Sedai, of the red Ajah." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed
  20. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue nodded. “That works. Sorry, I know swords would be more convenient.” She looked away, but her mask was back a moment later. “What kind of trees are these anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen any like them.” @InfiniteInsanity
  21. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway “Yes, let’s,” Rue says. “But preferably with something other than swords?” @InfiniteInsanity
  22. ALL OF THE ABOVE. We’ll be home for Christmas, but we’re going out of town in before New Years. What’s your favorite song?
  23. I’m a Forescout now! That’s fun, I suppose.
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