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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. "How--nevermind, actually. I don't think I want to know. No, I don't have more food for you. And why is someone so young all alone?" That's a very bad question, and Rayvyn knows it. She was alone when she was that age. "Um, well, I guess you can stay here, if you like."
  2. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "We all wish we could change some of the choices we've made," Rue says. "Light, but I do. I don't...that is...is there anything we can do to help these people now?" @InfiniteInsanity
  3. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," Rayvyn says dryly. "Now, would all of you except him," she gestures at the boy with shifting eyes, "like to explain why you're all in my room?"
  4. Rayvyn took a deep breath. "One sec," she says to the original boy, then to the newcomer, "Now that you've eaten my dagger, tell me your name." Then to Marilyn, she says, "And who are you?" How do I always end up surrounded by so many people?
  5. Rayvyn sighed tiredly. I'm in a new universe, in a strange inn, in a room with a 6 year old who eats knives and a 7 year old who draws pictures. This is fine. I've been in weirder situations. Maybe. She takes a breath, trying to sound patient. "How about we make a different trade? You can eat more graphite, and then tell me your name. Or if you'd rather, you could get your own room here. I'm sure it will have lots of tasty things to eat!"
  6. “It—no—that’s—My daggers are not food!” Rayvyn eyes the newcomer. “What did you say your name was again?”
  7. Rayvyn stepped forward, her own dagger suddenly in her hands. “Who are you? And why do you want to eat daggers? I have nothing against you, but my daggers are very precious to me and if you harm one, I will be very angry.”
  8. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway “To change the way you feel about going on, or anything like that.” She shrugs. “You don’t have to tell me what you remembered, but how is it affecting you?” @InfiniteInsanity
  9. Rayvyn blinked. “That was…weird. There’s a spare here somewhere.” She finds one and hands it to him. “But it’s something to do with moving from the floor to the bed?”
  10. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway “Bad enough to change anything?” @InfiniteInsanity
  11. “These are you, in the room there,” Rayvyn says, scrambling to find the meaning. “Um…they’re very good. I don’t understand what’s wrong, though.”
  12. Rayvyn nods, knowing the feeling There’s danger everywhere. Never let your guard down. “Well, you certainly make an excellent conversationalist,” she says dryly. Finding some paper and a pencil, she sets it on the floor next to him. “If you have anything you need to say, I can try to understand your drawings.”
  13. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue freezes. “Good or bad?” @InfiniteInsanity
  14. “Don’t worry,” Rayvyn says, trying to sound kind. “I already checked the room. There’s nothing here that will attack us, and the lock on the door works.” She hesitates. “Well…I think many of the people here have magic, but we’re as safe as we can be.”
  15. Rayvyn opened the door, surprised to see the boy. "Oh, hello. Come in." She opens the door wider, making room for him to walk in. "Did something happen? I, uh, I think there's paper in here somewhere." @Ookla the Inverted
  16. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue nodded as well, walking towards Insa. She didn't release Saidar, though, not yet. @InfiniteInsanity
  17. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue gives him a cold look. "I don't see why you seem to think I'm such a monster. I swear not to use Compulsion on any member of this party, unless they ask." @UnfortunatelyNamed
  18. Rayvyn smiled; he reminded her of herself when she was younger. Once she makes it to her own room, she sits down. What have I gotten myself into now?
  19. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue rolls her eyes. "How about a 'thank you, Rue, for saving all of our lives and getting us out of the mess I got us into?'" @UnfortunatelyNamed
  20. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue hesitates. They could make useful weapons in case anything else attacks us...she decides not to voice the thought; it'll only cause another argument, and Insa seems to be getting tired of those. "Yes." She does so, and the wolves run off. "If they come back, or something else does, I can reactivate the Compulsion without too much difficulty." @UnfortunatelyNamed
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