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Immortal Platypus

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    Ugly Ridiculous Lollipops
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    for the cow pie. If you miss, you might hit the stars. If you don't... uh... It's not my fault.
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    Magically Sensed Neverlanders
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    Icky Cannon's Quarkbeast
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    ," Cries Phill as he jumps into a cannon.
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    I know what 631 means now :D
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    West(ish) North America
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    Chess, D&D, Books, Instruments

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  1. I finished Memory of Light and I'm having an existential crisis. 







    I don't know how far down I have to go.


    This should be fine

    Who restarts the Age counter? Like, who will decide that the 4th age is over, but instead of the 5th age, we'll call it the 1st age? How many ages are there? The 4th age seems like it will be an age of legends, but that was the second age. What will happen between the 4th age and the next 3rd age? The Dark One's prison still needs to be sealed at that point for them to break it open, so what would happen? I don't understand. Also, did Rand and Moridin switch bodies? HELP!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NameIess



      Sorry, I got the ages mixed up. I think the Fourth age ends with a war that either causes channeling to be lost or channeling is lost during the Fourth age just through channelers not being born. Either that or there's a bunch more ages, but when you get to the First age there's no channeling, since we know that channeling was rediscovered in the second age.


    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      Alriiiight then. I am now having an internal debate into if I want to go to the effort of learning WoT to the level I know cosmere.


      Do we know for sure each spoke represents an Age? Is that confirmed, or just a theory?


    4. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      It's an in-universe theory, iirc

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