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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. lol wait no, Its fine, I just think its kinda funny (only change it if you want too ^^)
  2. Is there a reason why everyone's pfp's are green all of a sudden? Or maybe I'm just going insane?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      . . . what is it? or is it a secret?

    3. That1Cellist


      It's mental health awareness month

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh, that's really cool

  3. lol I don't know, just taking the test made me realize that I didn't really fit with the one I thought I did.
  4. Sorry for spamming you with rep, but I haven't checked on this thread in a while. Holy cow, your poetry is incredible, I really love reading it.
  5. *gasps with teary eyes* someone else on the internet who knows about fry sauce?? you blessed, wonderful person!! I got Truthwatcher, which surprised me, but the more I think about it the more it fits me.
  6. ah okay, that's awesome! I'm still working my way through it all. (I haven't read TLM yet lol)
  7. I am so glad you're back!! I've missed seeing your art I honestly could not agree more
  8. Welcome to the shard!! Have you read Mistborn or just SA?
  9. Some of my thoughts: Who primarily uses this name? Is it the secret scholars themselves or another group? How does this second party view them? If the name you're looking for is used by themselves, it should have a positive connotation. You said above that they want to bring back the advanced technologies and way of life that ancient people had through magic. This means they probably view themselves as the good guys right? They believe they're saving everyone, so they should call themselves something good. Ideas with a positive connotation: Refiners of the Fallen world (Refiners for short) The Saving Grace (this one could kind of be an interesting Misnomer if they end up causing a calamity) if they find out the name of the ancient peoples, it would be interesting if they started calling themselves after them. Possibly claiming they're the "Heirs of [insert ancient peoples name]" when in reality they're doing the opposite of what the ancient people wanted. This depends on how much they know of the ancient people and their language. Though they could also use the name that the modern public has given the ancient people. So maybe, The Ancient Architects, or The Foregone Masters etc. Heroes of the Lost Ones The Great Mind (they're scholars so yeah) If the name is used by the second party, lets say the general public, it depends on how the people see them. If this group wants DNA from blood and is trying to kidnap people, the public might not see them in the best light. If the public also sees them as heroes then just ignore this (this is also assuming that they even know about them at all, perhaps the character who gets kidnapped starts calling them something scary?). Ideas with a negative connotation: Blood Thieves (this one's pretty obvious) Originators of Calamity (if people are afraid they'll cause the calamity prophesied by ancient peoples) Shadow Meddlers Authors of darkness The Blazing Origin (fire is often connected with chaos and destruction) Good heavens I sure ramble a lot, I hope this might be helpful.
  10. Yes you totally can! It's by no means an original concept so go ahead! (I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks fruit stickers are cool lol) Also, thank you everyone for being so insanely nice. It really makes my day to read your replies
  11. Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!!

  12. Welcome!! Do you have any other favorite fantasy books that are not by Sanderson?
  13. Oh okay, cool (I'm just gonna quickly revise the list so I can come back to it later-- I'm terrible at remembering things) -Warbreaker -Elantris (putting it here so I don't confuse myself by jumping around too much) -Emperors soul -Bands of Mourning -Secret history -Rhythm of War -The Lost metal -and then the other stuff that doesn't really need to fit anywhere
  14. I have read those, thankfully okay so I think the general consensus, and what I think I'll go with is this: -Warbreaker -Emperors soul -Bands of Mourning -Secret history -Rhythm of War -The Lost metal -and then Elantris and the other stuff that doesn't really need to fit anywhere Does that seem good?
  15. Does Emperor's soul require any previous knowledge of Elantris? (Its set in the same world right?)
  16. Are you saying that I should read Warbreaker before finishing RoW? I understand that there are some characters and references form Warbreaker in the Stormlight Archive, does it make RoW more enjoyable?
  17. I started with the Stormlight Archive (a big mistake on my part really), and I read all the way up to RoW. But after getting about halfway through, I randomly decided to start Mistborn. I am now almost done with Shadows of Self, and I'm wondering what I should read next. -First the obvious choice: Bands of mourning, it's the next book in the series. -But, I could go back and finish RoW first, would this make the later Mistborn era 2 books make more sense? Or can I read them without finishing RoW? -A similar question: when should I read Mistborn Secret History? probably after I finish all of Mistborn? or before The Lost Metal? -I'm assuming that I can read the Eleventh Metal because its a prequel to Mistborn era 1, please correct me if that's not true? -I also know that there's Warbreaker and Elantris (and the short stories that go after elantris), I'll probably just read these after everything else, though I know you're supposed to start with them. For context, I started the Stormlight Archive before I knew the cosmere was a thing, otherwise, I might have chosen a better starting place. I just found a cool looking fantasy book that was bigger then my head and thought "oh this will be a fun read."
  18. I actually have yet to read this but, I'm excited too! Also, try not to double post if possible, if you need to add to your post, there should be an edit button by the quote button on your post (I hope that makes sense).
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