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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Ah, so you did decide to join us," Penn said with a smile. He dodged a clawed swipe form the boney-corpse-thing.
  2. Penn stabbed the creature again. "We're doing just fine."
  3. Penn stabbed the boney corpse thing, trying to get as much damage on it as he could before it started moving again.
  4. "Perhaps you do not have nightmares?" Penn asked with a shrug. He run up to the boney thing and made a slash at it with his sword.
  5. "Such self sacrifice is noble, but I'd rather not watch a man die tonight. Besides, there will still be nightmares to fight once your gone, what's one more?" Penn angled his sword at the boney creature. Hopefully, this was something he could kill. Unlike shadows.
  6. He kept smiling, "Well because I'm a hypocrite, obviously." "you can't expect a man to be perfect." He reached to help her up.
  7. "Nothing." Pan said with a smile, "There's nothing there."
  8. "Mmhm, our friend here is becoming one, I think," Penn put a hand on Xiylna's shoulder.
  9. "A mortal being, able to love and hate, I think there are a few here with us," Penn glanced at the man with the shovel.
  10. "I know it's hard, but sometimes hard things can be good." Ironic, the shadows in the corner of his eye seemed to say.
  11. Penn moved over to her in an attempt to distract himself from the shadows. They didn't attack him, they knew they wouldn't need to. "Is there something wrong with being human? It might not be so bad," he said, trying to be comferting.
  12. "Oh I have no problem with dying, I just detest nightmares is all." He slashed through another shadow, avoiding looking in it's eyes.
  13. "Okay . . ." Penn said, swinging his sword at a shadow nearby. He recognized it's face, but blatantly chose to ignore it. It was just a nightmare, right? "This isn't as fun as I thought it would be."
  14. Penn unsheathed his katana and cut the grasses holding onto Xiylna, doing his best to free her.
  15. "Yo- "I'm sorry what? Visions? Is that a thing?" Cloud had started to think the cult people weren't as weird as he thought.
  16. "It seems your remembering things, so that's good!" Pan pointed out optimistically.
  17. "Yeah . . ." He had been so focused on the fight he hadn't noticed when the padawans fainted. Cloud leaned down to check on Nayli. "Are they gonna be okay?"
  18. Pan looked around for whatever Being had pulled on his mind. "You can come join us, if you'd like." @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
  19. "I-" Pen felt something tug on his conscious. It was coming from nearby. "I don't think I can follow you at the moment, can we perhaps set up an appointment?"
  20. Penn pulled a katana out of his coat. "This is going to be fun!"
  21. Penn drew a very nice smile "There we go,"
  22. "Yes but what about drinking tea? don't you want a mouth?"
  23. "So, you can see now! Want me to draw the rest of your face too?"
  24. "Alright," He drew a pair of very cute, sparkly eyes. "Now you look very friendly."
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