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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. The stick Raoden uses to save Elantris is the same stick Shallan tries to convince to become fire. Galladon brought it to Roshar when he visited during his search for Hoid with the 17th Shard in an interlude chapter of WoK.
  2. The good fizzles away into nothingness, releasing Willy. "Until next time then."
  3. Sooo . . . Instagram has pretty much crashed and burned up into a tiktok knock off . . .

    Is twitter worth getting? 

    Can you avoid the arguing people?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I think it's alright tbh, as long as you follow the right people and stay well away from politics

    3. That1Cellist


      I meant to call them platforms, whoops. 
      But I do think it's an accurate typo. 

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      I think it's alright tbh, as long as you follow the right people and stay well away from politics

      yeah, that was my plan

  4. The goo consumed it. It then flooded in around Willy, completely swallowing him.
  5. Bro I totally feel that. I also don't really want to be in a leadership position, but I'm one of the few responsible yw in my ward so they kind of lean on me for stuff . . .
  6. Blob man lost it's humanoid form, and began to form up and around Willy on all sides.
  7. Cloud had frozen. He had been fine, able to move and everything. It wasn't the gore or the threat from Krarik that stopped him. It was that sight. He had seen it before. A women lying on the ground, a burn mark in her chest, lightsaber cast aside. No no no, he told himself, it isn't like that, it isn't.
  8. The blob man turned and made another swing at him, this time it's arm becoming hard and sharp. It sliced down toward him.
  9. Oh! you should read it! It isn't Brandon's best novel, but I really like the story!!
  10. Merinn decided to stay near the back of the group. He was a capable fighter, but not fantastic. Plus he worried that moving around to much in a fight might reveal his signer features.
  11. Merinn's nervousness returned. "You're ra- radiants?!" "Don't worry," Alili whispered, "They'll help you learn to use your powers!" "Ali'i, these are the people who are most likely to kill me if they find out I'm . . ." he whispered back. "Tha- That's . . . very . . . very . . . um . . . uh interesting, yes very interesting, I've never . . . never met one before, there aren't any where I come from . . ." Merinn stammered, trying to sound calm.
  12. HI!!!!! Welcome to the Shard!!! What books have you read?
  13. Merinn jumped out of his socks. "What the-" "Ah!" Ali'i said, suddenly appearing on Merrin's shoulder. "It would seem we're in good company."
  14. I soldered something for the first time in my life today, and it was honestly less scary than I thought so that's good. I didn't even burn my fingers!

    It was real simple stuff, just connecting 2 wires, but I'm still proud of myself for some reason.

    Just one of those things that seems scary until you actually do it I guess.

  15. "Very well," it's voiced boomed. A limb, formed from the black tar stuff, extended from the mass and came up to Willy. A large blobby chunk of tar-stuff came off the limb and landed right in front of them. The limb-thing retracted, but the blob stayed, churning now with an unseen force. Slowly, the blob formed into a somewhat humanoid shape. "Let us begin." The blob man swung at Willy.
  16. Merinn pulled a machete out of his tunic. "I- It's not really a weapon but . . . it's sharp." He had worried carrying weapons would make him more suspicious .
  17. Cloud was no stranger to the sight of death. He continued moving, mind going numb. A familiar feeling, unfortunately. He swung at Krarik, who was now wide open. He didn't think, couldn't think, as he brought the blade down.
  18. Welcome to the Shard!! You're from Finland? That's so cool! I love being able to meet from around the world here. Who's your favorite character?
  19. I finished TLM last night and it was *wipes tears* very very good.

    I started Tress and I'm really enjoying it so that's fun.


    Also my backpack is like 15 pounds and one of these days it's gonna snap my weak little spine in half, but until then, we're vibing.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ravenclawjedi42


      Worse, definitely.


      I had acknowledged the possibility of Wax or Marasi or Steris dying, but always thought that it couldn’t be Wayne. He was the funny one! Even someone as evil as Brandon wouldn’t kill him off…or so I thought.


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      That's actually something I really liked about him. Stereotypically, Wayne would just be the comedy relief thrown in to make things a little more lighthearted. But Brandon went ahead and made him an incredibly emotional deep character who had a major impact on the plot. The fact that he got to have a moment in the spotlight and be the hero of the book was so special to me.

      Brandon always writes the best characters I swear.


    4. Ravenclawjedi42



      He really does.


  20. Mayo hesitates for a moment, frozen by fear. But then, moving without thinking, he charges after Blink. Hoping he could get away.
  21. Suddenly, a shadow crosses the land. "Hmmmmmm," "What a strange little place." The source of the shadow is a massive globular silhouette on the horizon. It's as tall as a mountain, with the consistency of tar. Bits of things are caught in it's gooey form; broken tree branches, boulders, even an entire house. "I offer a trial, little ones, defeat me, or prove you deserve to be consumed by the void." *cue boss music*
  22. Mayo jumped out of his skin. Why was this place so scary? Why had he agreed to come? He pulled his notebook close to his chest.
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