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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Nah you spelled it right (I had to look it up lol)
  2. Welcome to the Shard!!!! It's awesome to see another fan who loves Elantris, I don't think that book gets enough attention. Same here bro
  3. when you forgot about the update and then you causally log on late at night-

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      It's like a weird alternate universe!

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah! it's messing with my brain

  5. Is that back to the future? I've never seen that movie
  6. I'm so forgetful . . . Atlantis? it has Atlantis vibes . . . National Treasure?
  7. ah it's been forever since I saw that movie . . .
  8. uuuuuuUuuuh reminds of that one scene from the DND movie but I don't think it's from that . . . is it another disney movie? Encanto?
  9. WAIT IT"S ACTUALLY FROM SOMETHING I'VE SEEN? I'm disappointed in myself now
  10. uuuuuuum Plato no wait . . . Abraham Lincoln?
  11. You can run and you can also hide im not good at chasing people
  12. Spoiler



    so I'm terrified my grade in ap art is gonna drop significantly

    because I think the teacher is gonna start grading us in a way he didn't explain or warn us about at all?

    and I kind of think the method super unfair, however I only overheard him talking about it and  so I don't know the details

    anyway so my super anxious self is very anxious about it,


    i cracked out the GPA calculator and worse case scenario (a D in the class) I still have over a 3.9 GPA

    which means that worse case scenario I can still qualify for the scholarship I'm working towards

    so worse case scenario everything should be fine

    I'm writing this to convince myself and force myself to stop worrying about it

    I literally should not care about this this much I know . . .


    deep breaths

    d e e p b r e a t h s

    okay we're good

    I think we're good

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I've never seen it, but my dad loves it so I do hear some of the jokes,

      never heard that one before though

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      Adolin x Link = Adolink.

      Has a Master Sword Shardblade made of a spren named Fi.

      Rides a Ryshadium named Epona.

      (I love making things out of people's typos.)

    4. Ravenclawjedi42


      I sadly don’t really play video games so I don’t completely understand the reference, but


      Huh, I can’t find the button to change font size with the new update. Did they remove that feature, or am I just missing something?

  13. lol I think it's funny they will continue to hunt you until justice is repaid
  14. hehe thanks, I actually love their romance, it's amazing
  15. My character: Name: Sharpie Age (12-18): 18 Gender: Male Preferred District: dunno, somthin fancy? can i do that? Alliance (yes or no?): yes pls Skills: can juggle, can kill a man Personality: *shrugs* Preferred Weapon: whatever he can get his hands on Other: After the death of his older brother Sharp, who passed in the SA hunger games, Sharpie has come to return honor to his family name.
  16. okay, I'll probably make a character by tonight. besides the first post, is there any other posts in this thread I need to read through?
  17. Elantris (low quality cause I made it at school)
  18. Furthering this, because Scadrial has french influence, you can spot a Scardrain worldhopper because they all have french accents.
  19. remember how the other day I said I used a soldering tool and didn't burn myself? 

    yeah . . . 

    that streak didn't last long

    1. Slowswift


      I never burnt myself soldering, but I did get a wicked headache from the fumes once.

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah the fumes make my lungs feel weird.

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