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The Aspiring Archivist

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Everything posted by The Aspiring Archivist

  1. Aw, now I just lost the game. Thanks a lot.

  2. I agree, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the king. While he is distracted, I take his crown and become king.
  3. Ask for compensation. What is the worst thing someone could say while in a formal meeting?
  4. Is it possible to have a bloodline that gives you the ability to temporarily render anything you touch magically inert?
  5. I steal the Infinite Improbability Drive from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and use it to make it very probable to find the sandwich, and then find the sandwich. I return the Drive to the Heart of Gold.
  6. A rabbit with ludicrously strong jaws bites into the gold and runs with the sandwich and then brings it to me.
  7. So much nija'ding. I put on wings and fly above Thaidakar, snatching the sandwich.
  8. TAAron took out a concealed notebook and began writing. He had never seen that type of magical capability before, except maybe once. It would be quite the thing to study.
  9. Taking out the glowing bracelets again, TAAron held one out to both Calano and Emma. "I suppose this requires some explanation. These bracelets are made out of a crystal called Stacis. It existed exclusively in my home dimension, which, five years ago today, was entirely destroyed for... an unknown reason, rendering these one of a kind. It is mostly indestructible, and also has a lot of general magical potential, which I don't really know a lot about. " His voice choked. "These, in particular, are a duality. A pair. They symbolizes unity and love between the two people who wear them. Each contain a small piece of the souls that possessed them before. This one," he said, raising the one in his left hand, "contains a piece from the soul of my best friend. And this one..." He held up the opposite hand. "This one contains the piece of mine that I lost when he died." Smiling sadly, he continued. "If you accept this gift, you will be wearing the honor of my people. If you ever were to break apart, these crystals would shatter as well. I don't think we'll need to worry about that, though." He paused, looking a bit uncomfortable. "If and when one of you dies, the second crystal will appear on the wrist of the one who is still living. After that, both can be removed. When you're ready, you may pass them on to another two people. "That's about it. Calano and Emma, do you accept my gift?"
  10. TAAron stood up, wincing. "Okay. If I may, I'd like to present my gift now. That is, unless anyone else would rather go first."
  11. "Thank you for your concern. I assure you, the wedding is lovely. The problem is my own and my own to fix. Please, go be with your bride." TAAron grew tense, anxious from the attention he was garnering. Of course I'd manage to ruin this somehow.
  12. "Yes, it's completely safe. Most likely, it's the most stable magical object in the entire universe. As for the glow, that comes from the soul magic inside of them. "I was just going to say 'It's fine,' but I guess that works."
  13. "It doesn't mean anything you don't already know. The one that went dark contains a small piece of my soul."
  14. Thank you very much. I'm undecided on a name. Maybe "Forest Friend"?
  15. "I'll explain it later, it's really not that important." He sat back into his chair. "Yes. Yes, I'll manage."
  16. Both rings were identical, made of what looked to be some sort of glass and yet surprisingly weighty. The only thing that differentiated them was that one glowed internally with a white light, while the other was completely dim. He sat up, looking dazed. The light flickered back to life in the ring. "Oh no. Sorry, I..." His voice trailed off, seeing Haly holding the bracelets. He went suddenly pale. "That's... nothing important. Just my wedding gift for Calano and Emma, that's all." He laughed uncomfortably.
  17. Both rings were identical, made of what looked to be some sort of glass and yet surprisingly weighty. The only thing that differentiated them was that one glowed internally with a white light, while the other was completely dim. He sat up, looking dazed. The light flickered back to life in the ring. "Oh no. Sorry, I..." His voice trailed off, seeing Haly holding the bracelets. He went suddenly pale. "That's... nothing important. Just my wedding gift for Calano and Emma, that's all." Laughing uncomfortably, he reach to take them back.
  18. Hello. Earlier today I wrote a mini-song/poem for the Insanity Clinic roleplay. It's about a boy who loses a childhood friend. I didn't spend a lot of time on it and the rhythm and rhymes are a little all over the place, but I think it turned out alright. So, how did you like it? Feel free to be as honest and critical as you can be. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement please let me know.
  19. "Thanks." And with that, he fell out of his chair. The two glowing rings about 3 inches wide each fell out of his pocket as he hit the floor, unconscious. Oddly, one of them went dim.
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