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The Aspiring Archivist

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Everything posted by The Aspiring Archivist

  1. He sighed. "Thank you, really." He paused, cringing. "I probably shouldn't have said anything, I didn't want to stress you out."
  2. "No, not exactly. It's just a song. I guess kind of like what you might call a nursery rhyme." He took a breath breath. "I was born and raised in a different dimension, like a lot of people here. I think about a million people lived there." TAAron began shaking, his voice choked. "Five years ago today, my dimension collapsed. I don't know how, or why, but I'm the only one still alive. That's why I became a scholar. I wanted to understand what had destroyed everything I ever knew and loved. My world, my home, my family... and my best friend."
  3. TAAron jolted. He turned to her, wiping away the tears. "How... how much did you hear?"
  4. TAAron began tuning out the music as he watched the couple dance. In its place, he found himself humming to the tune of a song he had learned as a little boy. The boy would run 'round in the forest Playing games and having fun. What the boy did not yet know is That his whole life had just begun. He went to school; he made a friend. A friendship that could never end. He brought that friend down to the forest. And thus, the games began again. Oh, how he left me with grief. He fell away on that fatal reef. I will surely never forget. The boy was growing to a man, Learning each and every day. But through it all, that fateful friend With the still-young boy would stay. Their love was stronger than the waves. Best of friends in every way. Their games went on down in the forest, Until one day in fateful May. Oh, how he left me with grief. He fell away on that fatal reef. I will surely never forget. That day they went to the sea, Playing games, throwing sand. But what those boys did not yet see Were the rocks beneath. Oh, how he left me with grief. He fell away on that fatal reef. I will surely never forget. I am that boy; this is my song. Years may pass, my life be long. But I’ll remember my forest friend. The best thing that came to an end. Oh, how he left me with hope. That one day I may see A love as true as the mountain slopes, Like the love from him to me. As TAAron finished the song, he realized that not only was he crying, but that he was softly singing aloud. Hopefully no one had noticed, but he had a feeling that they did.
  5. What do you call a footnote by a pre-calculus teacher who works part time designing the scenes for movies?

    A set-builder notation!

  6. I wonder when we will be giving gifts. TAAron found his attention wander back to the crystals. He took the out of his pocket, holding them in the palm of his hand. He could feel the energy eight souls within them, four in each. Not whole souls, just little bits. Still, there was an odd sense of presence that engulfed him when he touched them. One of those presences was heartbreakingly familiar to him. He put back the bracers, settling in to watch the dance.
  7. "Calano, do you enjoy music? My... limited understanding of various human cultures suggests that it is usually a quintessential part of wedding celebrations."
  8. Despite nearly going unconcious from the level of emotional backfeed, TAAron smiled. Nothing even went horribly wrong! He felt a relief that was his own.
  9. Insomniac poem v2

    I wonder why I cannot sleep

    And then I realize:

    I'm listening to Warbreaker

    So it's not a surprise.


    Perhaps I should stop listening,

    Sink down and close my eyes.

    Yet as I climb the plotline slope

    To continue, I decide


    Insomniac poem: limerick edition

    The thoughts racing through my head,

    Lore thought up in my bed.

    Frankly, I'm certain

    That I ought to close curtains

    But my mind demands to be fed.

    1. Cinnamon


      I love your poems :P

  10. As the ceremony began, TAAron realized that he had forgotten a wedding present. Unsure of what to do, he thought through what he had on him. There were just a few small metal objects for Pushing and Pulling in an emergency. Nothing suitable. Except... no, I can't. I've still not recovered. How long has it been now? Five years... He jolted. To the day! Two bracelets sat in his shirt pocket. Normally, he had them in a hidden compartment in his bag, but the bag would have been far too out of place at the wedding. They pulsated with a faint white glow, a crystal with the appearance of glass and the weight of iron. Stacis, it was called. The last of it. A tear welled up in his eye, and not just for the sake of the soon-to-be newlyweds.
  11. Do you too have an aversion to questions? Also, how do you postulate that the answer to my question is so ambiguous?
  12. Does anyone really know anything in the end? Isn't everything we believe just based off of truths that are never entirely certain?
  13. TAAron sat in the audience, smiling broadly. Hopefully this all goes well. He could feel the tension and excitement in the room all around him. Unfortunately, he was reminded of less pleasant things as his ears began ringing. As long as I don't go crazy or black out again.
  14. "Well, I pretty much began dying and then was stopped, and now my soul is severely damaged. If you want to hear the whole story, keep in mind that it's a pretty long one."
  15. "Not any better, unfortunately." That was technically the truth. He was feeling worse. "Lovely to meet you, Insa." He reached out for a handshake.
  16. TAAron waited in his room, wondering when the wedding would start. Hopefully there was some sort of broadcast or something. Was he already supposed to be somewhere? I should probably start heading over. With great difficulty, he stood up and began walking down the hallway to the main entrance. Hopefully this event would take his mind off of some things.
  17. Ever feel stressed out about something, and then whatever that thing is gets resolved, but it takes a second for your brain to register and so you still feel like there's more to do?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      Sort of… what’s up?

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Mainly school stuff. It's happened to me twice in less than a week now, so I was wondering if it was a common thing.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  18. But how is that? Is it not true that we thrive in limitation? If there are no boundaries, what reason is there to push?
  19. "I... sorry, we'll need four things." He frowned. "I can't remeber them somehow. We just talked about this just minutes ago. @Nameless, what were they again?"
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