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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Yay!! They taste better as actual lasagna though
  2. I'll echo Haly's words for she is far wiser in this than I. We are here for you and we all love you. I'd hold you if I could sis
  3. "Well I'm happily married to my husband so I'd disagree," she laughed lightly.
  4. "No never give up on love. It will be worth it when you find the one. It will."
  5. "Only one really but he's dead...that hasn't stopped him before though," she sighed. "Anyways maybe I don't know of any but there's probably quite a few here."
  6. "No, I don't. I sense that people are hurt but we can't really get too involved anymore." Her voice sounded sorrowful and sad.
  7. But no one was there, "sorry. I'm not here currently I can just speak to you from anywhere."
  8. "Be careful," whispered Emma's voice softly in her ear.
  9. *pulls out staff* I've been waiting a long time to hear those words
  10. *giggles and then reds* Hehe @The Halcyon Girl came back temporarily
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