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The Bookwyrm

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The Bookwyrm last won the day on July 28 2022

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About The Bookwyrm

  • Birthday August 31

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  • Member Title
    It's a wild ride, this passage of fate.
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    A tiny planet called Earth. You probably haven't heard of it.
  • Interests
    Pondering other worlds, whether those be the distant worlds in our own universe, or the worlds we can enter through the stories of others.

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  1. ...I was writing some worldbuilding notes but it turned out like an advertisement for a military spacecraft...


    One of WHIM’s latest technological developments is the Wyvern-class Starfighter, named after a highly adaptive apex predator on the planet Wahatan. It relies heavily on Starshaping technologies, being propelled solely by gravity drives and utilizing high tech force dampeners and redirectors to effectively null g-forces.

    Highly modular and customizable, the Wyvern consists of a spherical cockpit that forms the core of the craft. The cockpit is specially designed using special Starshaping technology to give the pilot a 360 view around them, gathering electromagnetic and gravitational data and displaying it on the screen that covers the entire interior surface of the cockpit. Other holographic displays provide other information. The cockpit also has a hovering control seat capable of rotating 360 degrees along three axes within the cockpit, giving the pilot free view and access around the spacecraft. The cockpit is equipped with advanced life support systems that can keep pilots alive for long periods of time.

    Attached to the cockpit exterior is a specialized chassis to which any number of modular components can be added - weapons, engines, surveillance instruments, et cetera. Most customizations of the Wyvern have large metal portions capable of folding into a high number of formations for vacuum combat, though oftentimes an atmospheric setting is also added to the loadout. The fact that the Wyvern can fold itself into a high number of shapes and formations, and the fact that the cockpit is spherical , eliminate the concept of a “front” and “back” to the spacecraft, making it a formidable and adaptable force in vacuum combat and maneuvering. 

    (WHIM is the Worlds of Humanity Interstellar Military.)


    1. Medium


      i’d buy that..

    2. Turtle


      but its in world, so its cooler than if it were written without pov!!!

      could imagine this in a newspaper column

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