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#1 Taln Fan

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Status Updates posted by #1 Taln Fan

  1. Howdy! I have more free time again, and wanna hop back on the forums. Any good RPs goin on? xD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      *In an Obi-wan Kenobi voice*

      Hello there

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      ...did you just change your PFP to Luffy?

    4. #1 Taln Fan
  2. Happy birthday Vennie!

  3. By the way, sorry if I'm offline a bunch, I have three papers due this month, along with a bunch of complicated problems going on in my friend group right now. So until around the end of April, I wont be on much. I'll check my notifs for pings though, so if you need to get my attention, @ me.


    1. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      We'll miss you while you're gone, hope you do well on those papers!

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      that sucks! hope you get it done!

    3. Morningtide


      Good luck on your papers! Hope your complicated problems get solved. 

  4. Welp, I had a funtastic day skiing today. On a difficult stretch, it was real slushy, and one of my skis hit a thick patch, and I flipped forward onto my face, both my skis and one pole came off behind me, and I skidded on my face halfway down the slope. 
    Wrist sprained, and my legs feel kinda funky. So that’s fun


    Holy heck what an ending. I’d heard that it had a phenomenal twist but did not expect this.

  6. First off: Enders Game is such a good book. I recently started it, and am a third of the way through it. 

    Second: My older brother has finished SA and is on mistborn, and today we had a fun time talking about stormlight and mistborn for like an hour, it was super fun getting to chat in-person with someone about these books lol, my friends aren't really big on book discussion.

    Fourth: I'm hungry so imma eat my 11:36 sandwich now

    Fifth: Have a great day/evening!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Morningtide


      OOOH ok. :lol: I like it. 

    3. Elf


      Enders game could be a good book, i haven't read it so I wouldn't know. But in case you didn't know, i  just wanted to let you know that Orson  Scott Card isn't...the best of people. 

      Still that shouldn't deter your enjoyment of the book. You can support the content without supporting the artist. I mean look at JK Rowling. 

    4. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Yeah I’ve heard about Card. Clearly though, I don’t mind buying books from a questionable author. I mean, I backed Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter and the man microwaves his cake. :P

  7. Hehe I'm actually excited about a homework assignment for once. Our english teacher said for us to write a poem in a unique style, and I showed her Eastern Street Slang and asked if I could write my poem in it. She agreed, so now I get to.... hehehehehe. This'll be interesting

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm
    3. Medium


      Compare the ash from Scadrial with the red lightning from the Everstorm?

    4. Morningtide


      That sounds amazing. I recently got told in art class that I could draw a fictional place as my "happy place", and I'm now drawing Urithiru

  8. So happy update, I’m a Keeper on the coppermind now! (Along with Truthwatcher34) Ironically, I didn’t see the Chaos’s message since I was marathoning edits for 2 hours. It’s all part of their plan to get people to do more edits. However, now I have the ability to suggest April Fools ideas… 

  9. Ha I did a double take when I saw your pfp

  10. Good news! I’m almost completely done with my research paper! It was initially due tomorrow, but the date got postponed until Tuesday since a bunch of people were sick. So I can take it slower, chill, and finally relax. *spends day listening to happy oldies music in celebration*


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      I also re-installed discord, which I had deleted temporarily for a good chunk of the month as I worked on my paper. So now its fun to catch up with people I haven’t talked with for a while

    3. Morningtide
  11. I know timezones make things wonky, but where I am…

    its 22:22, 2/22/22! Yay! Why am I, along with so many others, excited about this completely pointless and meaningless milestone? Who knows. But hope you have a great day/evening.

    Also, cheese is delicious.

    1. Morningtide



      Pointless milestones define human existence

      Very true

  12. First time I’ve ever cried while editing on the Coppermind… 

    RoW chapter 12 spoilers…


    Rock held out his arms for an embrace. “Come. Give me farewell.”

    Feeling like he was in a trance, Kaladin stood. “Will you return? If you can, after?” 

    Rock shook his head. “This thing I have done here with all of you, he is the end. When we meet again, I suspect it shall not be in this world. This life.”

    Ahhh I was updating Rock’s page with his departure stuff, and it made me so sad. I guess I’ve never really stopped to wonder if Rock really will be executed. Sure, we are getting a Rock novella between RoW and KotW, but still, it could be his death at the end or something similar. Brandon might not, but he might. 



  13. Inspired by @Szeth's Facepalm’s status update, I put a bunch of sharders into a Hunger Games simulator…



    Turns out, Kaymyth is the most skilled Sharder when it comes to mortal combat. (Also sorry if I got someone’s gender wrong, I had to guess on several)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Morningtide


      Might be the most hilarious thing I've read all day

    3. AonEne


      This is *hilarious*, I laughed out - wait frick Robin said exactly what I was going to say. Uhh, this was great and I loved it and :lol: 


      AonEne questions her sanity 

      can confirm. 

    4. Kaymyth


      All those yearly Pumpkin Katana Baseball festivities have trained me well.

  14. sorry for all the status updates recently ^_^

    Anyway, there was something that I’ve been curious to see:

    1) What is the oldest book you own? (Not when the book was written, but how physically old that copy is)

    2) what’s the most valuable (money-wise) book you own? 

    feel free to send pictures 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Dang 1918 is impressive. What books?

    3. Medium


      Inside cover said 'Library for Young Girls And Boys'

      Probably some kind of almanac for kids, basic information, what have you.

    4. Morningtide


      I think the oldest book I own is a copy of Inkheart. I don't know how old it is exactly. The most valuable is probably my hardback copy of Rhythm of War. I don't have a lot of expensive books:lol:

  15. Lol I love your status/member title. I can definitely relate 

  16. Feeling a bit better (see my last update), I’ve stopped throwing up, and can eat small quantities of food. I still have a headache though, and I feel weak and tired. I’m kind of nervous, since

    A ) I have a bunch of homework to do, since I gotta catch up
    B ) I have an interview this evening over zoom, I’m a nominee for this prestigious award thing that looks great on resume/college apps. And the interview determines if I’ll actually get the award or not. So now I’m extra nervous about that since I’m totally not there mentally right now and will it’ll probably not go well.:unsure:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Doomstick
    4. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      I think it went alright! Its unlikely I’ll get it, but I didn’t do terribly.

  17. Well my day went downhill fast:

    Backround info: our parents are out of town and me and my 2 siblings are home alone

    I woke up at 3:30 am to violent retching, found my brother vomiting, I went back to sleep, then woke up again at 5:30 to him throwing up again. My little sister woke up this time, and started having a panic attack because my bro’s vomiting was quite violent, so then I tried to comfort her. Then we were figuring out school stuff since my brother clearly can’t go. Then my sister’s stomach starts hurting, and I start getting ready for school to drive myself. Then my stomach starts hurting, gradually getting worse.

    So now I’m laying in my bed, stomach tied in knots, trying not to throw up. I’m starving, but when I tried to eat some bread my stomach worsened. 

    On the bright side, my dog is in a cute and funny position:


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      (oh, and cute dog!)

    3. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Update: Vomiting every hour or so, but on the bright side, my grandparents came to take care of us. ^_^

    4. Morningtide


      Grandparents are amazing!

  18. For you Cradle fans…

    I just finished Wintersteel


    Hehe I read all 500 pages in half a day instead of doing homework, whoops.


    1. Elf


      I feel ya bro. I read Rythm of War in 12 days, with about a 100 pages a day (not as impressive as you but still) I haven't read Cradle yet. Should I?

    2. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Yeah Cradle is fantastic

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I NEED TO READ CRADLE. My friend is going to start reading it and I am like "WHEN CAN I READ IT? WHEN DO YOU BUY IT YET?"

  19. Our mother is out of town, so now our dog Sammy is moping. Poor doggo… :(


    1. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Whenever my mother would leave the house, even if it was to go on an errand, my dog would sit and pout. I miss him so much.

    2. Szeth's Facepalm
    3. Morningtide


      why are sad dogs almost cuter than happy dogs?! Sooooooooo cute:wub:

  20. 93FEC42E-5C0F-49A7-ADBA-C72EF068611B.thumb.jpeg.dd865486c4b45d01c9e07e62f47ebe0b.jpeg
    Arranging books is weirdly therapeutic for me… I’m not sure why I find it so fun. Anyone else get a lot of satisfaction from it? It am I weird? :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Morningtide


      Oh that's totally true!:lol: Totally not my goal for the eventual future...

    3. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Yeah.. I have most of the hardcovers, once I get a job I’ll start building a true collection with first editions and such. :lol:

      Shame books cost so much …

    4. Morningtide
  21. Went to the eye doctor today for a checkup/ change in prescription, and got my pupils dilated. Sooo weird. A few hours later, here I am, finally able to see good enough to type. Saddest part was not being able to read my current book I’m reading. Got myself a new glasses prescription too, since its hard for me to see some signs when driving.

    1. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Also question for whoever pops into here: have you read the Cradle series by Will Wight?

      If so: Yay! I’m on book 5. 

      If not: Read it! Its super good

    2. Doomstick


      it's on my list (nasin lipu mi li suli a)

  22. Had a kind of eventful minute and a half earlier this evening, I accidentally called 911… (the North America emergency phone number if you don’t know)

    My jacket got caught in my car door as I was preparing to leave robotics, with my phone in my jacket pocket, and it held down the power button long enough and apparently called 911, and I didn’t even realize my jacket was caught until it started beeping, (telling me it was about to call 911), and I hurriedly pulled out my phone as the person picked up, and then I explained what happened, and then they asked for my location and name, which I gave before hanging up… :unsure::blink:


    1. revelryintheart
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Was kind of alarming when my phone started beeping like a siren, I didn’t realize what it was for until the 911 operator picked up, I worried I’d done something to my car, or seriously broken my phone. Then it was:

      ”Thank goodness, it was only calling 911. Wait hol up…”


  23. My birthday is soon

    And I have a list of books

    So I’ll try something


    I’ll say to my mom,

    Forget all the other stuff

    I only want books


    I’ll give her the list

    And then ask for nothing else

    ‘Cuz there is a lot

    15 books on it

    I’ll see how many I get

    Maybe all of them


    It is a fun test

    Hope you enjoyed these haikus

    Its kind of a mood






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