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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Everything posted by Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  1. Lyla's lip twitched, but she nodded, "Alright then." She considered it for a moment, "No, I don't. But..." Lyla docked the ship at an open stretch of dock, locking the craft into some siding with a jerk. The bubble over the top melted into nothingness, "I do know someone who might. He's one of the lizards and, coincidentally, the dock master. He knows everyone that comes in and everyone that goes out by name. He keeps their names in a little book on his desk. And his name is, get this, Pepsaycocacolai. Though," she said as she turned the engine off for the hovercraft, letting it rest at the dock, "he doesn't seem to have any pep in his step." Lyla gave the embodiment of darkness a flat look.
  2. "I'm Lyla," she said brightly. "And, as for where you're supposed to go, I assume you'll want a way to get back to your universe. Yes?" "You don't have to get drunk to drink," said Lyla, "It's only an occasional side effect from misusing it. See, you merely need to dunk your head in water about every five minutes of drinking, and you should be fine."
  3. The pilot looked up from her juice box, "I call it the syrup. But it's called the Void." She stood up, walking to the console. "We're nearing Neverkeep now." She shifted the direction of the craft towards a purplish light in the distance, seemingly a star. "hold on to your arses and get ready for the ride of your life." With the president of a button, a blueish bubble settled over the hovercraft. "Wel-!" In what seemed like an act of god, there was a large boom as the hovercraft was launched forward. They shot towards the purple dot, or what had been the purple dot. As the stars turned to streaks of paint in the black canvas, the purple speck turned into a large city. "-come to NeverKeep!" And the pilot feel into a fit of giggles. A description of Neverkeep is just about due. Neverkeep is the third largest city in the Void, making those smaller settlements mere spacklidwifs (a type of beaver from the barbecued universe) in comparison. On either side of what, to the simpleminded, looks like a coin is the main sections of the city. Firstly, there is the under city. The under city hangs down from the disk, peaking into a stalactite like formation, each monolithic building coming to a neon peak. Directly above the under city is the Coin. The Coin is a mile thick, a part of the city in itself. it is where the under city and the upper city meet in harmony, or, rather, organized chaos occasionally broken by discord. Bullet trains move almost constantly and the crowds move more than a humble "almost". The Coin is where most markets and shops lie, always full to bursting and never, never out of stock on fuzzy dice. If they were out of stock, they were swiftly decommissioned by the Coined Council. The driver had been kicked out of a meeting they weren't supposed to be in by asking if that term was coined. Above the Coin is the Upper City. Filled to the brim with the dragons, bird people and tall purple and green buildings, the upper city was, frankly, only rivaled in business by its downstairs neighbor. Of all the cities, this one is the most important. It is home to the ship docks. From the edges of the upper city extend the docks that go for a mile or more into space, allowing ships of all sizes to dock for awhile. Never for too long, however, unless you were one of the Soulless. Soulless are not above the law. Whenever one does break the law, the city guard winds up turning around after they see a dragon's eye close to their own face and their seemingly growing hotter mouth. The upper city also happens to be home to the organization tasked with handling all comings in and goings out of Neverkeep. These were the people who, at that moment, sent two ships to go beside the bright yellow hovercraft. The driver smiled, lifting an empty juice box, "Am I allowed to dock?" "That'll be 1500 lunaries," said a helmeted and uniformed guard from one of the silvery ships. "Pricey..." she muttered, "But I guess I can't haggle it down?" She paused, looking to the guard, "I take it from your soulless visor that it's a no..." The driver pressed a button, a small beep signaling that the money had been transferred. The two other ships left and she drifted lazily down the docks. Being halfway there, she turned to Elan and said, "My friend, I believe I know someone can help you with your... ailment when in comes to women." She smiled at Aventine. "The place I am recommending has a very special treatment in the easily accessed form of a bottle. It is called," and she gestured her hand into the air, as if announcing a prince, "a bar." Chuckling, the pilot leaned against the console and pulled out yet another juice box, this time it was mango. In between slurping, she said, "Ahh.. I never understood why people don't like this flavor. It's purely unbeatable." @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm @Ancient Elantrian @Aeoryi @Cash67@RoyalBeeMage
  4. Methinks you like Downton Abbey, Isaiah's writing, Nephi's expounding in his second book and an excessive amount of Tolkien. In other words, I like your style. I can't wait till I'm going on my own mission.
  5. "Ahh, the Insanity Clinic." She smirked. "I've heard of that place. Didn't some war happen there with chickens?" She giggled. "Ehh," she waved her juice box, "There are scholars that sit around and just argue about the different systems all day, I recommend picking a name for each universe and going with that. See," she said, pointing to a small scratch in the floor, "I got that from the cookies and cream galaxy. I got a scar in... an unsavory place from the Idiotic universe, and this one on my cheekbone from the supercalafragilisticexpialadocious dimension."
  6. The driver laughed. “So you do know a little bit about this place… Lizard people, dragons, soulless, they’re all the same thing. I just prefer tah call them the one they prefer the least.” She turn from the controls, sitting down on the ground and leaning against the railing with a self satisfied sigh. A juice box appeared from a pocket in her messy uniform and she started drinking it noisily, “So what universe do y’all come from?”
  7. "There'll be food where we're going." "Then you'll want to know a few things," she said as she sped the hovercraft forward into what seemed a random direction. "Avoid neon colored buildings or roads, don't bother the funky looking things that look like they were birthed from snot, and don't mess with the lizard folk. They get a bit touchy if you ask them if they'd let you ride them or feed them fish." She checked a dohicky on the panel next to the wheel, "We'll be there in about fifteen minutes."
  8. The driver smiled, "Well... it's kinda hard to explain. Imagine your universe is a pancake, and it's one in a large stack of em. Between each pancake is syrup that runs down all the sides, connecting the syrup and the pancakes into one sticky catastrophe. We're currently in the syrup." She paused, turning to Bookwyrm, "I take it that you lot have never been here before?"
  9. Yo, are y'all okay if I hop in at one point for like a post or two with a joke character who won't affect the plot, the characters and the setting whatsoever?
  10. But… Star Trek isn’t space fantasy, it’s science fiction.
  11. “Gosh, there are a lot of you,” said the driver. She watched them all land in the hovercraft with a wry smile on her face. “The closest city is Neverkeep, it’s where I’m headed. If you want, I can bring you there.” @The Bookwyrm@Spark of Hope@shortcake@Cash67@whoever else went to the hovercraft
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