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Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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Everything posted by Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  1. A few lines on the page stood out as it flew into the air from the burst. -will tell him today. He needs to know. For the safety of the clinic and for the safety of- Thaidakar's hand twisted, grabbing Lerac's wrist. A jolt of energy threw him back, or, at least, distracted him momentarily. Even as he did so, there was a mixed expression on his face, almost one of hesitation. Yet, as soon as it had appeared, it had vanished.
  2. Thaidakar didnt seem too much affected, beyond a slight twitch of his lip. Thaidakar didn’t respond, encapsulated in the throes of his mental capability The bar shook, sending bits of the ceiling down. Dust and gravel showered over Bookwyrm. “so you can’t answer,” Thaidakar said; and his voice quavered. “Reality is what is real. And then what is real?” He laughed bitterly. “My reality is what I make it.” with a violent burst of red light, Bookwyrm was thrown out of Thaidakar’s mind and across the room. Thaidakar rose into the air lethargically, red power flowing from his fingertips to snake through the air. The serpentine arrows circled around those in the room. “I am reality.” the light exploded around them, sending those in the room flying. Thaidakar shot through the door, flying through the hallway.
  3. Thaidakar was silent, his bright glowing red eyes seemingly staring at nothing at all as Bookwyrm's hands were on his temples. He was in the center of the room, Bookwyrm infront of him. His desk was in ruins, his bed: shambles. Pages flittered in the air from his books and journals. One page landed in front of Tal, bright letters staring up at him. A small, octoganal orb bumped into Lerac's toe. Each face of it had a different rune on it, and it appeared to be able to be readjustable to make different configurations of runes. "What is reality?" Thaidakar's voice said from above Bookwyrm. When he reached the entrance of the bar, Bookwyrm found a hexagonal mass of energy blocking the way out. Reflected in each hexagon of power was a shadowy figure, just out of view, laughing at him.
  4. It isn't necessarily that Melishi was a bond smith. It might have been that he just had a strong connection to the spiritual realm built by his previously being a bond smith. It might also be that he has some sort of relationship with BAM or else the unmade as a whole. Maybe he assisted in their creation unintentionally, or perhaps intentionally, regretted it later, and tried to fix it in some way.
  5. At first, Bookwyrm was unnoticed. Red energy surged around Bookwyrm mentally as he saw a swirling image of a pristine hallway with a woman in Thaidakar's arms. Tears fell onto her. He was whispering something out of earshot, but he looked in more pain than Bookwyrm had ever seen him previously. His head shot up, seeing Bookwyrm. He hissed and leapt at Bookwyrm. Bookwyrm was in an empty bar, a cup in his hand with voices around him. His armed moved without thought, pouring the liquids into his mouth, searing his throat. The cup refilled and his hand did the same thing again. "You're not real..." Thaidakar said. It was more of a question than a statement. "You can't be real..."
  6. "Why..." he whispered. Before letting them respond, a bubble of energy exploded from him, knocking the bird and Bookwyrm back into the wall. "WHY?"
  7. Thaidakar's jaw was clenched, his eyes burning with fiery magic. Tears glowing with the same fire dripped down his cheeks. His tears evaporated swiftly and he floated into the air a few feet. His eyes fixed on the bird and bookwyrm and his lip trembled. "You're not real..." he whispered.
  8. His message was met by a wall of pain and anguish. One phrase was being repeated again and again as sharp needles of grief surged against Bookwyrm, pushing him away from Thaidakar's mind. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
  9. He reached for the doorknob of his room. When it didn't yield to his initial soft pull, Thaidakar ripped it back. it shattered as he threw it at the wall behind him. The knob crumped in his fingers and he clenched further into a spindle as he walked into his room. Around him were his trappings of old, his bed, his desk, his things. A power worked in him, drawing him to the desk. He dragged his finger over it, lifting half an inch of dust. He opened his laptop and the mechanical light bathed him in blues. His eyes blazed red in combat. It was open to an overview of a battle. The battle. There were their assets, there were the enemies, there were the walls, there were the different sectors... And there was Thaidakar. In a spasm of hurt that bubbled and trickled through his veins, power blazed from his eyes and incinerated the laptop. The slag dried on to the floor, melting the floorboards. A book lay open on the bed. Wiping the dust away, Thaid picked it up and read a few lines. He trembled, dropping the book. Pain roared in him, but he silenced it. In a mirror above his desk, something flickered. Thaidakar turned sharply, "Get out of my head..." his voice was hoarse, rippling with exhaustion and worry. A thing of red with black eyes stared him back, a toothy grin adorning its fell features. "Hello, my child." The mirror shattered, the wall behind it charred from the fiery energy Thaidakar had thrown at it. The thing leered at him from the shards on the ground, its voice carrying around him, "I am your past, present and future, Thaidakar, my son. You are mine. Together, we will do great things. They have not cared about you. No, once you became your own person, free from their ridiculousness, they saw you as less than a man. A memory. And you are much much more than that... They don't deserve you." A scream ripped from his throat. His eyes snapped closed and he buried the voice as far into the back of his mind as possible. When his eyes opened, there was nothing in the mirror. He was safe. And, yet, somehow he expected a voice to say, "Lies..." It never came.
  10. The moment as the drop in the song I was listening to came in, it started hailing. WHY IS IT HAILING SO MUCH???

    Wait, wait, I wanna see if it'll stop when I turn it off-

    Dang it, I don't control the weather with music.

    Wait a second, that's actually a cool idea for a magic system.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      Imagine not having weird weather music powers.

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      me: whistling song of storms as I walk home from the bus

      the sky 20 minutes later: *huge thunderstorm*

      Me: 😮 magic!

  11. One year. Little can be said that fully encapsulates the emotions that now plagued Thaidakar's mind. "One year... One entire year... my friends..." Had they even looked for him? Had they even noticed? Had they cared? Had they ever cared? Thaidakar's eyes hardened and he stood, "I will return." He shot into the air, flying into the corridors of the clinic.
  12. Thaidakar turned to look at the wall as she talked and he whispered, "How long... how long has it been?"
  13. Thaidakar bit his lip, "I've been sleeping for too long..." He sighed, sitting on a nearby bench. "Is my room still here?"
  14. "Emma," Thaidakar said quietly. His hand quenched itself and he turned away, "The twins are their children, then?"
  15. "Then will you point me to someone who can tell me?" Thaidakar asked. He descended to the ground, taking on a mask of an affable man, "I am in a hurry, and, believe me, I have a thin patience." He chuckled as if he'd made some grand joke as his fingers burst in a threatening flame. "He and I are old friends."
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