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Ookla the Stranger

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Status Replies posted by Ookla the Stranger

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's been awhile, how're you doing? Where've you been?

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger


      I'm doing alright. I've been mostly working and focusing on school. I haven't been active much cause life is stressful. I did go to Dragonsteel which was fun.

      but yeah. thats about it.

  2. Happy birthday! 

    Where'd you go?

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger


      and to answer your question:

      school. work. life. I’ve been a little busy (=

  3. several things, IM A GERONTARCH NOW!! I forgot what that meant however...

    I wrote two chapters in a book im writing with a co-writer in two days, today and yesterday.

    I feel like I watched something cool but I didn't lol.

    Youtube now works on my computer again which sadly means more rick rolls...

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger


      (To lazy to put a link) :P


  4. I got back from Trek 2 days ago, (Thats why i havent been posting) and have been dead tired because of it.

    Anything interesting happen in the last 5 days?

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger

      Tiring. But it was fun. 


      Ima post a picture of my bucket tomorrow... I think it turned out great.



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I looooove Undertale and Deltarune!!!


    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger

      I am also an Undertale/Deltarune fan.


      Yes ur a monster lol


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. this requires it's own OFFICIAL status update, as well as a pinging of everyone I know of who feels this is important. because THIS IS IMPPORRTANT> VEERY MUCH SO :D

    @Szeth's Facepalm @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Sequence @The Wandering Wizard @Channelknight Fadran @Spook's biggest fan

    idk who else i think thats all.



  7. I got back from Trek 2 days ago, (Thats why i havent been posting) and have been dead tired because of it.

    Anything interesting happen in the last 5 days?

  8. signing up for college classes rn

    what electives should i take

    too many choices, decision paralysis crippling

    if any of u are like, old, what collge classes did u take that were really cool. literally does not matter the topic, I jsut wanna take cool electives.

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger

      'He hasn't gone to college yet, but welding sounds cool.'

      Also it depends on what you like to do. I personally think that creative writing would be fun. Financing would look good on a resume. lol You could take quantum mechanics if you like that.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. (Knowing that someday you might break the bonds of hatred and return home without killing a single monster...)

    (It fills you with Determination)

  10. So yesterday there was a massive storm and my mom and sister were driving home and they saw the truck in front of them get struck by lightning. My mom said she saw sparks but nothing else happened to the truck.

  11. Also, I wont be that active in the summer, mostly because I have an 8 hour job each weekday. 

    Sooo june third is start of that job. 


  12. Also, I wont be that active in the summer, mostly because I have an 8 hour job each weekday. 

    Sooo june third is start of that job. 


    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger

      Nope. Thats why i said,  I wont be that active in the summer.

      I will still post, but not as much.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. You are being attacked. What do you do? @EmulatonStromenkiin

    1. Ookla the Stranger

      Ookla the Stranger

      Im not the one doing it. Soooo you earned it i guess?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Here's a picture of a cryptic I made with a program


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