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Argus the Awful

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Everything posted by Argus the Awful

  1. Thx, my username used to be Willshaper_Kalak but I changed it to something more original.
  2. I love the new title! It feels in place among the first two book's titles.
  3. New edits to the OG profile pic!

    1. CallsignZen


      willshapers rise up!

  4. WoR/O Edit: It's kinda bland but I was dead tired when I made it.
  5. I don't think she is stable enough to have one, but after some healing and reformation then I can see the two of them settling down and having a family.
  6. Sorry about the name change. I have been planning to do this for a while but just couldn't think of a worthy name. I ended up going wih my D&D name, hope yall are ok with that!

    1. Chinkoln


      It will take a little getting used to, but that is fine! It is your name! I love it!

  7. When you listen to Shardcast on SoundCloud during math
  8. Alright, here we go Willshaper 74% Lightweaver 68% Dustbringer 65% Windrunner 48% Stoneward 44% Truthwatcher 41% Elsecaller 34% Edgedancer 31% Skybreaker 24% Bondsmith 7%
  9. Jasnah is gonna be the first, and I think that Brandon would want to show this happening. Kaladin might also say the 5th, but everyone is expecting that to happen so be ready for plot twists!
  10. I hate this thread bc people will just send two word posts. I understand it's a forum game but... Why? 1091
  11. At this point, every Bondsmith that we have seen (other than Ishar) has been a Kholin. I have nothing against the family but I cannot see Sanderson making yet ANOTHER over powered Kholin.
  12. Sorry this is similar to my last one, but this is a great template!
  13. I looked at the leaderboards today and guess what I saw, my avatar! I guess I'm #4 in most reputation this week. It's the first but hopefully not the last time I'm up there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argus the Awful

      Argus the Awful

      When was the last time you weren't on the leaderboards?:lol:

    3. Chinkoln


      Except for a 2 day period when @Thaidakar the Ghostblood took the weekly from me, I have been on the top of weekly and monthly since February

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      @Chinkoln it was fun beating you for a bit

  14. That's a great point, I can't believe I hadn't thought about that... But I would guess that, given humanities chance at freedom, his parents would continue to allow him to fight with the DDF
  15. I'm glad that all of you took the time to appreciate these problems. A huge problem of society is that we kind of send stuff like this to the back of our priorities, all it takes is a little help and telling people that they are not alone. I do not have a diagnosed mental illness but I do recognize that some people have to fight against their mental illness every day. To those of you who experience this, I give the utmost respect. Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!
  16. Eshonai and Adolin would never happen, but it would be awesome!
  17. Renlain is the easiest to say, but Relainarin looks better on paper. I would definitely give R^2 a vote though!
  18. Well, at that time Shallan was already on her fifth spren. She goes through them like old socks.
  19. No, but I do enjoy learning. TPBM is allergic to calendars
  20. Kingdom of Honorblades (it will be partly in Shinovar) Kingdom of Heralds Killer of Highprinces
  21. Hid doesn't lie chouta on a hill, but my lnstant noodles and p!" QuandoSando kills inexplorablly Qalaxin.
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