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The Storming Stormfather

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Status Replies posted by The Storming Stormfather

  1. This is the end.

    I had a post written up, I had it down and was going to post it.I knew what I was going to say. It was short, sweet and did what it needed to do.

    It said goodbye.

    Yet... it feels insignificant. It feels wrong. It wasn't as meaningful as my goodbye needs to be.

    While I will be coming back on every now and again to say hi or to post something on a thread I like, maybe look at some status updates to see how people are doing, it will never be the same. For one thing, I have ended my characters in Insanity Clinic and TLT (oh boy, the TLT one was rushed.)

    I love all of you. There's nothing short of that. I don't know how much I can pontificate off that without coming off the wrong way. I love all of you. Each and every one of you, no matter how much I have disagreed with some of you at times. Y'all are amazing.

    I am going to miss this old place.

    Read my cover photo, look at the big paragraph block in my about me. They're all true. If you have my number or email, I'm always there if you need me. If you don't have it but you want it, ask around. Someone most likely will have it and they can ask me if you can get it.

    Before I leave, I want to tell you something. You need to remember this. If you don't, then the evil penguins will haunt your dreams repeating it till you do.

    You are wonderful, you are amazing, you are loved, you are worthy of love, you deserve the world, you can change, you can become a better person, you can get through it all, you can defeat the pain, you are valued, you are worth the world, you are the bestest, you are a good person, you make people happy, you can do anything you put your mind to, you can become stronger, you can be the best version of yourself you can be.

    You are spectacular, don't you forget it.

    I love you.

    It is done.

    It is finished.

    This is the end.

    I am going.

    I am leaving.

    God be with you till we meet again, old friend. May our paths cross again.










  2. *Gasp* you watch Hermitcraft?!

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      I used to. I like Scar and Mumbo a good bit but have fallen out of the loop for the most part. It's cool though and I watch a HC video here and there

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Bit late, but happy birthday ❤️❤️❤️

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      Thank you none the less!

  4. Wait, it's your birthday?

    Happy Birthday!

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      It is, indeed, my birthday.

      Thank you!


  6. Happy birthday you manifestation of the fury of nature 

  7. Happy storming birthday!!!!!

    you're awesome!

  8. It's 30C 

    I am wearing two sweaters 

    I am still freezing

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      Bruh it only gets that warm here for like three weeks a year. This planet is awesome

  9. I just realized it’s my fifth Shardiversary. Can’t believe I made this account five years ago!

  10. Had pineapple on pizza for the first time. I understand why the Italians hate it.

  11. A while back I said I might be done with the Shard.  Well, this is my official statement of that.  I had good times on here with y'all, but it's time for me to move on.  I do have a tumblr, but since it's almost completely Formula One, I won't mention it here.

    Peace out, everyone.

  12. It's my shardiversary!!! I'm not super active anymore (which is probably for the best, life is very stressful at the moment) but I want to take a moment to be sentimental.

    This was the first online community I ever interacted with, and in retrospect I couldn't have chosen a better one. I was a lonely kid still figuring out how the internet worked. I was cringe, awkward (still am tbh!) and possibly overshared a bit at times, and I'm so lucky that the people here were lovely and kind to me. I genuinely believe that having such a great bunch of people to talk to has made me a better person.

    I love every single person on here (even if we only interacted once or not at all, I STILL LOVE YOU). And especially our wonderful mods! You're awesome, and I truly appreciate all the effort you put into making this site a good place to be.

    Here's to many more years! 🥂

  13. Wow, things really do not get better.

    I'm sick of this. I don't think it's worth it.

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather


      I just can't do anything. I can't try. I'm trapped in a downwards cycle.

      I appreciate the words, but honestly, they just... don't really mean anything, in this moment.

      As long as you keep saying this, nothing will change. I don't mean this as criticism, it's just a fact. Your words have power. What you say to yourself directly impacts how you think, act and treat others.

      I was where you are, once, but I've pulled through. You can too, you just need to make the small steps in the right direction. Start with what you say to yourself, what you think about yourself. If something negative comes to the forefront of you mind, stop and say (mentally is fine, but spoken word has more power) something to the effect of "That's not what I want to think about myself" and let that bad thought pass on, stop fixating on it.

      Note that you will not be good at this to start, as you are LITERALLY REWIRING YOUR BRAIN. Don't let the negativity prey on slow progress, you need to break the established neural pathways before you can change. It WILL be hard, trust me when I say I know, but it is SO worth it.

      One thing that you can do to help here is think of someone who loves you, or who you love. It can be an SO, parent, sibling, friend or anyone else who loves you. For me, it was The Lord. He Knows me, down to the most minute detail and He still loves me enough to die for me, even if everyone else was perfect! He would have done the same, gone to the Cross just for me. He'd do and has done the same for you!

      Even if you don't believe in God, there are still others who care for you, a few are making themselves known just by responding here. I won't pretend to know you well, but I understand what you're going through. Even if you can't live for yourself, live for those who love you. My mom, my sisters and my dog are the main reason I'm still here, outside of The Lord.

      Another thing I'd recommend is finding somewhere to volunteer. Find somewhere that needs help and just help. It could be a soup kitchen, a program to clean public spaces, any place where elderly folks need help moving things. For me, it was my library's book sale. The two elderly women running it lost their previous helper to college, so I started helping them, just doing little things like taking the trash out or carrying boxes of new donations down to be sorted. This brought value to my life that I wouldn't have had otherwise and really showed me that I wasn't the all terrible person who couldn't get anything right I thought I was.

      Sorry for throwing a wall of text at you, but I want you to know that you're not alone, I've been there and want to help you. You can do this, even if you don't think you can. It's just a matter of time before your breakthrough comes.

      I believe in you! You can do this! It will get better! 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  14. Heyyyy guys 

    A little update 

    Things have been going well 

    Very very well 

    I got into the college of my dreams and though there have been tough times I would not give this place up for the world. I have learnt so so much, had so many experiences. Some good and some bad but all of them have taught me something and I am very grateful for them 

    I have good friends, I have broken free of the my mould. I am happy 

    I am no longer as upset or lonely as I used to be and my mental health has improved leaps and bounds

    But the reason I came here was to ask this 

    I have a wonderful, wonderful boyfriend and I'm pretty sure I'm in love 

    And it's beautiful. It's what all the romance books talked about

    But I'm scared he's gonna break my heart or I'm gonna do something stupid and it's gonna end 

    And I don't know what to do

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      Seconding Calano, just want to add one thing: you're in this together. It's not a competition to win, so calmly talking things out with each other is the name of the game, not hyper-passionate screaming matches. You might not be getting into fights frequently, but establishing the rules of engagement for when you do is essential. I recommend watching this Youtube short for a quick and concise breakdown. Yes, it is talking about how to have a successful marriage, but I think it's still good advise even for dating.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. I am almost at 1000 posts.

    Which is really weird because I see people at 1000 posts and I think of old sharpers but I am still kinda new. I have only been here a few months. Which is nothing compared to others who have less posts. Anyways, this is a big landmark number so quadruple digits coming in!

  16. What's this? A shardiversary post? :o

    Shocking that I've been on this site for five years already. I have really enjoyed getting to be a part of this wonderful community. I may not always be the most active, but everyone is always willing to welcome me back when I get some free time again. Thank you guys for five years, and just keep being the wonderful people you all are. :wub:

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