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Lecky Twig

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Everything posted by Lecky Twig

  1. “With us? With you more like it. Although Brandon’s quest for creative control is a worthy one in my opinion.” Silk said, glad to be agreeing with Kelsier on this particular argument. “That is why having a deceased author is such a handy thing; No one can mess with me.” He stopped to consider “Unless, of course, Narrator Twig mucks up the continuity. Anyways, when should continue our shopping expedited. What’s next on the list? Clothes?”
  2. “I wouldn’t recommend resenting anything that domes out of Kell’s mouth, he can get a little touchy. Anyway, a show doesn’t dispute the fact that we are all still a story being told to entertain the poor people of this isolated world.”
  3. I like bagels with avocado and cream cheese. I have never yodeled with a shoe on my head. Welcome to The Shard!
  4. Jahora took a quick trip to the washroom to splash some water on his face and fully wake up. If the window had been open all night, than it was plausible for someone to have snuck in during the night. But there was blaring holes in Rose’ story, it was highly unlikely that she didn’t see the notebook when it was sitting in the middle of the floor. He could of believed the the culprit had snuck in after Rose fell asleep yet before he had entered the room until Rose came up with that nonsense about ‘the wind’. Physics made it totally implausible for that story to be anything other than suspicious. He headed down the stairs to meet the others feeling more suspicious of Rose than was healthy for co-workers. But if she didn’t spew out the truth soon, then the rift in trust could lead them to failing the bounty. I sure hope Kieran can moderate our relationship, otherwise this bounty could potentially get real messy.
  5. Twiget trotted beside Pia and Ollie “hmm I don’t like the sound of these ironclads, are you sure we shouldn’t help?”
  6. I think we’ve made a mistake with the lyrics. it goes: Then: Only shooting stars break the mold.
  7. That’s my favourite book too XD. Welcome to the Shard.
  8. "It's not a good thing, not for us at least. It'd be good for him because he had us thoroughly duped."
  9. "Oooo maybe he's a double agent or something trying to get us to trust him." Said Twiget enjoying the drama.
  10. I have a big problem with reading too many books at once, at the moment I'm reading: The Poppy War, Dune, The Two Towers, White Sands (prose), and I've kinda started Lord of the Flies but I'm reading that for school and I have plenty of time so it's low on my priority list. My goal is to not pick up anymore books until I finish all the ones I'm currently reading.
  11. Why did Kieran look away so suddenly? Could he be feeling guilty about poking through my notebook? "Yeah, you're right. I'll apologize to her later, I didn't mean to get so wound up in there. I'm just going to the washroom to freshen up a little, we're all going to meet downstairs in a few minutes; tell Kess if you see her. You could try looking around the shop, we sometimes put a little bit of charcoal in the black dye. I don't know exactly where the workers keep it, but if you ask around downstairs someone in the shop will tell you where it is." He'd have a few thoughts on the notebooks contents, but he's mostly worrying about how it got from his desk to the middle of the floor.
  12. mwahahahaha "No, it wasn't." Jahora said, pointedly tapping the notebook in front of him. "I'm going to go freshen up a little because I'm still a little groggy from sleeping in that chair. I'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes. I hope the other's are awake, we've got a lot to do today." With that, he turned towards the door and walked out of the room.
  13. "Cool! I'm good at not being eaten." She flicked her ears proudly "No one has ever succeeded in eating me as of yet. So, who's trying to eat us?"
  14. "Oh, okay I'll call you that then. Anyways, what are you guys doing?" She asked
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