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Lecky Twig

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Everything posted by Lecky Twig

  1. "Ohhh, that makes sense. You have a long name Pianissimo." She let the syllables roll off her tongue a few times then giggled in delight "It's super fun to pronounce."
  2. "I don't want to be scary. I'm sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean it." Twiget said to the snow, not seeing exactly where the voice was coming from. "Who's Cavalier?"
  3. "How did I do what? It was the wind." He raised an eyebrow at Rose and smirked slightly. He walked back to the desk and plunked to notebook back into its rightful spot. "The notebook is just full of work stuff, but there are certain people whom I don't want ruffling through my stuff. My job is a lot easier when certain intels remain confidential to the rest of the world, that's all."
  4. "Really?" Twiget said, a grin spread across her face and she started to bob up and down in excitement "that's amazing! What are your names? I'm Twiget."
  5. "It's too heavy to be blown off like that, the window and the desk don't sit at the right angle for that explanation to be plausible. It's unlikely that a gust could have been strong enough to move a leather notebook halfway across the room; not to mention that the book's trajectory is off as well." He started pacing, he still didn't believe Rose but he couldn't ignore her arguments either. A security breach was a big problem, he was liked by most of his neighbours, they had never failed in keeping burglars out of his shop. What had changed? Had he unwittingly upset one of the locals? He started pacing a little "I keep that window shut, so if you didn't open it and I didn't open it, that means that someone else opened it. And while I have good reason to be worried about someone pottering around my room last night looking through my notebook, what I really want to know is why they left it lying in the middle of the floor." He locked eyes with Rose and displayed is skepticism broadly, then meaningfully attracted the metal latch to it's anchor on the windowsill and made minor adjustments to the centre of attraction until he heard the satisfying click of the latch shutting. "I really hope your not playing folly with me Rose."
  6. Twiget shrunk back nervously on her hind legs "Hey, what's wrong? I'm not scary, I just wanna be your friend."
  7. the world is gonna roll me I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
  8. Granted. Your bane is minimal because everyone deserves happiness, you must smile for at least 2mins a day otherwise you will be slapped. I wish for a doughnut.
  9. Heh, I spend half my life on that thread. TPBM likes fancy hats.
  10. we charge for battle secret intell: TLT just jot a new page Owo.
  11. Granted, but your mufaletta and it's ingredients is sourced unethically from exploited workers all over the world. This caused all the humanitarian activists to track you down and give you a bonk on the head. I wish for someone to reply to my wish because it feels neglected.
  12. YAY! you did it. 'Tis a monumental occasion. *takes screenshot of follower count* hehe
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