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Everything posted by Voidspawn

  1. Welcome to the Shard!

  2. Welcome to the Shard!

  3. Except Nameless heard all. He was overcome by the noise of everything screaming, and went deaf and his ears exploded.
  4. Ladent Lady Lentin Lahar Laird Lakin Lalai Lamaril Lamentation Winebare Lanacin Langor Lani Lanna Write Laran Laresh Larskpur Lawrence Robert Layton Leavenworth Smedry Ledder Leef Leland Libel Lellin Lemex Lenehe Leras Leroy Lesan Calour Letmere Leven Lezian Lhan Lhanin Libby Smedry Lichfather Lifeblesser Lifeline Liganor Lilly Whiting Limmi Lin Yang-Tanasin Lincoln Liss Litima Liza Llarimar Loats Lokkall Lokmlen Lolan Lond Longbrow Loophole Lopen Loradar Vamah Loren Lorenzo Lua Luc Luesh Lukel Lulu Lusintia Lustow Luten Lyn Lyndel Lyndip Lyon Eliminated Laral Roshone, Leyten, and Leshwi. Which three would start a war so they could profit?
  5. I've never even left the US. NHIE not read AND FINISHED a Sanderson book within a week of it coming out.
  6. Look at this beautiful flower! Well, scud. *charges at a brick wall*
  7. Proof: Susebron likes the taste of metal. Theory: Captain Underpants is Hoid's father.
  8. Chouta, gancho! WYR eat food or drink water (you don't need either to survive, it's just WYR experience hunger or thirst)?
  9. ...what? The Nightwatcher stares at you in confusion, then gives you the power to turn into an insect so you can learn this technique yourself, and supplies you with a sword called 'Nichirin.' The Nightwatcher bestows upon you a bane--you cannot turn back into a human once you have turned into an insect. I wish for Moash to kill Kaladin.
  10. *laughs at @Experience's foolish attempt at winning, and in doing so, wins*
  11. Gets a kitsen slave. *inserts Evershore (the audiobook)*
  12. It was three. When I made this I hadn't listened to Lux, but that was it.
  13. Gets a text from the Spelling Police: "Neverseen has no spaces." *inserts Boomslug*
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