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Everything posted by Trutharchivist

  1. Chuck him into mount Doom. It worked on hos ring, after all. WWYDIYF a lava-dripping, extremely angry dark lord IYP?
  2. Galard tried removing the small creature from his head. "Rude?" He said. "I wouldn't say so. Can it be rude when no one expects it to talk?" He looked uneasily at Dave, the black goo person. He remembered their previous meeting all too well. Maybe he found someone else to... Eat.
  3. Oh, I just... Didn't think anything was necessary unless it was supposed to be a spoiler box. People tend to do the mistake of using the wrong one, my bad.
  4. You accidentally used a quote instead of a spoiler. If that blew your mind... And it probably should... I advice you to really sleep better and prepare before continuing. You're in for a shock at the end of basically every season.
  5. Yes, it is by the same author! Those are some of my favourite books, really. Both series. I really recommend you try it. I can change the thread to be Jonathan Stroud, but those are literally the only books of his I've read (I mean both Bartimeus and Lockwood and Co.), so I'm unsure about it. On another note, I've watched the TV series up to episode 3. My impression so far:
  6. New to Fantasy and you're starting Stormlight Archives? ... Depending on the kind of person you are, it's quite ambitious of you. Then again, I'm pretty sure LotR was one of the first books I've read (probably later than I think, but I still read it during Elementary School)... So I'm not really one to talk.
  7. You are actually wrong. Rowling's house-elves are based on the fairy tale "the Shoemaker and the elves". Tolkienian elves go against those tropes to get to a different, perhaps older, version of elves, but Rowling's version has its origins.
  8. I think it should be "mine". I did read them now. Great to hear it's loyal to the books! I... Found myself nitpicking during the first episode, we'll see how it'll go from here. I did realize from some random things I've seen in the Internet, but after reading what you said in one of those status replies (in a spoiler)... It sounds overly so. Hope it works, anyway.
  9. All right. So far, my tries at starting threads here didn't go far, so I'm having my hopes down. Still, we'll see. Lockwood and Co. is one of my favorite book series to date (I should probably make a list), and now it got adapted to a Netflix series! Currently watching it, a tad suspiciously since I don't trust Netflix. Anyone else here who has read those books? If so, did you watch the series? What do you think?
  10. I think the Silvan one is called Sindarin. Also, that can be fun. Never understood why High Valerian is an option in Duolingo but Quenia and Sindarin aren't. The Hobbit house thing sounds fun, too!
  11. Galard frowned. "What is this ... Creature? Did it just look like a dragon?" He shook his head. "Anyway, I'm professor Galard, nice to meet you. And you are...?"
  12. It can be easily checked! You can say random facts, and we'll see how many upvotes you get! Though, all of the experiment conductors should be forbidden to upvote... And people will probably be weirded out by you randomly doing so... So it's probably a bad idea.
  13. Galard sat at the kitchen, an amused look on his face. He frowned for a moment at the small dragon that zipped around the room, returning every now and there to the timid girl that just entered. Then it changed to... A pot? Whatever this thing was, it was odd. "Hey, you can wait here while the soup is cooking." He told the girl. "Don't be scared of Klave there, he'll do you no harm."
  14. Me, with a surprising amount of people IRL: Also, at least two if my RP characters seem to be all too prone to get into such a situation. I mean, it's not like it's obligatory to ask people for their names when you talk to them... Right?
  15. Well, you got one detail kind of right. My hair is curly! And also dark, I think. Pretty brown. The rest is utterly wrong, I'm afraid. I'm not tall, really. I took growth hormones since elementary school - until I finished high school, more or less. Nowadays I'm around the average adult height, but on the shorter side. But, considering the fact I'm (technically) an adult... I will probably look relatively tall to people under sixteen. In theory. I don't think I will, though. In relation to my eyes... They're actually blue. I have a debate with my sister on whether I'm a lighteyes or a darkeyes, though. Thanks for the try, anyway!
  16. Huh... I'm kind of curious now to hear how people imagine me... But I haven't been very active lately, so most of you hardly know me. Plus, I can't really say how I imagine people - I can just say that I was kind of surprised when I've seen pictures of some people I know from the Shard. I guess I go with the default "profile pics" answer.
  17. Well, you probably don't remember it, but when you join the Shard there are a few odd jokes during the registration. One is that Rubix, one of the site's admins (I think) will own your soul unless you yodel with a sandal over your head, and that he'll probably sell it for a bagel in mere moments.
  18. Galard, who decided to go back to the kitchen to finish eating, raised his head to see the small group entering the room. He waved at Klave then resumed eating. *** After Klave left, Lightning lay down and went to rest.
  19. Hello and welcome to the outpost of Trutharchivist's Rambles! I'm writing here instead of my blog because I'm (supposedly) in the middle of writing a series of posts about the history of Judaism during the age of Enlightenment there, and I don't want to stop it. Anyway, let's jump to this week's topic: daemons.

    First thing first: daemons and demons are two separate thing in this context - I'm talking about daemons from His Dark Materials, who are constant companions in animal form that can talk and are largely considered to be the physical presentation of a person's soul. They can also talk, and act as if separate from their respective human even though they are in actuality one entity.

    More details about daemons: they usually are the oposite gender to their respective humans (or biological sex, it's not absolutely clear from the book), and touching them is considered a taboo and a horrible violation - since they are their human's soul. They can change shapes freely during their childhood, but they settle as one animal upon reaching puberty. They and their humans can't be too far apart - separating them causes them both pain, and severance - while possible - can cause death or lobotomization. Also, since I'm spoiling the book anyway, consensual daemon touching can be an act of love - like opening your soul up to someone. And now those of you who didn't read the book will wonder what happens in the books that those things are spoilers. Well, as they say... RAFO.

    To return to the topic at hand: daemons. Or, more accurately, to close another tidbit. You see, in Northern Lights/the Golden Compass, the first book of His Dark Materials, the passages of Ancient Sin in the bible are presented as the myth of the first daemon settling - Eve's daemon, thus connecting daemon settling to eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. I already wrote a rant - albeit in Hebrew - about HDM and religion, if anyone wants I can try to translate it and publish it here too, but to make long story short - the books go against religions that suppress knowledge and life's joys. I don't believe Judaism as I know it is guilty of that, and it might just as well be Pullman (the series' author) crying out about dead grievances (and that was somewhat clumsy wording. Whoops. Hope it's fine). Still, I think there are some things to be said about this connection, and I think I'll mention one or two of them.

    Is puberty a bad thing? A hard question, really. Pullman, obviously, sees it as a positive thing. If I remember correctly, he once said he set out to write a loss of innosence book as a good thing. To be quite fair, if your answer is that puberty is bad - well, it can be that you think that the process is not very good but the end result is good (though... Journey before Destination, people!), in which case all's well, but if you think adulthood and the loss of innosence is a tragedy - well, I'm sorry to tell you that 80% of your life are a tragedy. Not that I liked puberty that much, but it's a fact of life. Side note - please don't take offense at anything I'm saying - I'm writing in a storm of thought.

    Anyway, whether or not you believe in the bible, chance are you have one of the three opinions I presented in relation to puberty. You could also have another opinion I guess - though I can't think of one right now. The first - Puberty is bad - is what Pullman pushes into the Bible. It's a possible interpretation - and certainly, just because Pullman thinks this idea is wrong doesn't make it wrong - but let's explain how one could see it differently. Say, those (theoretical) people who think the process of puberty as it stands is flawed - perhaps it is. Perhaps t puberty was supposed to happen anyway - but now that Adam and Eve ate the Tree of Knowledge's fruit it's not going as it should have. How it would've been different? ... Don't ask me, I'm just randomly rambling here. One interpretation I heard about the knowledge of good and evil is that originally they knew true and false (objectively) - what is and what is not, and that after eating the fruit they started thinking about things subjectively - good for me, bad for me. And what about those, like Pullman, who think puberty is the best thing that humanity was blessed with? Well, a possibility (that I'm pretty sure Pullman won't like) is that Adam and Eve just ate the fruit too early, and they were supposed to eat it at a later date. It still shows something about puberty problematic, but more as a technicality than as an essential part of it. This explanation comes from something a Jewish rabbi said about the problems that surfaced in Jewish education at the Age of Enlightenment - namely, many children leaving Judaism to become secular. And that's just something I'm not going to elaborate on more here. 

    I don't think that the option "puberty and adulthood are bad" needs an elaboration on how it fits the way Pullman presents things - it's pretty straight forward. There could also be explanaitons on puberty and the Tree of Knoowledge not being connected at all, but I'm not sure I can think them out. Just as a clarification: puberty here doesn't necessarily refer to sexual puberty but to the entire collection of growing up and reaching adulthood and everything that ties into it. So, there might be a "take a fourth option" of parts of it are good, and parts of it are bad... Anyway, you can think it up, I've been rambling for too long anyway.

    On another note, in relation to daemons and my interest in them - I have a small obsession to confess: I'm really interested in exploring my identity and personality. To this end, I looked into my MBTI personality type, Hogwarts (and Ilvermony) house, Patronus and... At some point I also reached daemons (oh, and there's this Brother Bear totem quiz. But that one was a while ago). Anyway, daemons seem to be a far better system than all those other ones, since the final form of one's daemon represents their personality, and... well... there are many, many types of animals in this world. This kind of narrows things down more than, say, four houses or sixteen personality types - also, someone should draw a correlation between them and the allomantic metals. Anyway, it sounds great in theory... Only this means it's also more complicated, so there aren't many good online quizes. That led me to the Daemon Forum... But that's a story for another day. All of this is why I take it to heart to explain how all that works.

    There are more things to be said on it - like the relation between daemons and Dust (intentionally capitalized, a term from the books), and how that ties them to angels, but I've already wrote a really long ramble that I'm not sure how many people will take interest in, so I think I'll stop now. Also, if I had any idea in mind about something specific I wanted to say on the topic, I... kind of forgot it...

    Anyway, thank you for reading, and have a good afternoon/evening/night/morning/day/whatever other thing you're at!

  20. Yeah, true. You forgot the 17th Shard though - not a Rosharan organization, but members were seen on Roshar.
  21. Well, it appears that mobile communication devices are less advanced on scadrial. Oh well, at least I can get a seon from the Ghostbloods. That'll replace a spanreed well enough. (This is my way of saying I'm using a keypad phone.)
  22. Hey, I went up in the world! From an odd religious secret society to an actual worldhopping secret society! Now I serve Thaidakar. And... Am probably a villain. Well, got to deal with that. Heading to Scadrial - I prefer it to Roshar during that season.
  23. True, true. This is getting off topic, but look at it this way - all those other people I'm in contact with are younger than me, so from their point of view it's all very different. If I had let age differences get in the way, I wouldn't have been talking to anyone around here, really. This is hard, but I'm sure there's a way to reconnect it to the topic. Also, time zones are more in the way of interactions - and I'm almost half the world away from most people here - the Americans, at least. Can be something of a pain sometimes.
  24. Happy birthday! And yup, those are epic scenes. Though the most epic scenes in this book, in my opinion, are Kaladin's third ideal and the four on (kind of) three duel. Also... I think you're one of the few Sharders I interact with regularly who are older than me. It's not that it's hard - I'm just 22 - but it is kind of weird.
  25. Memes tend to draw upvotes, if they're funny enough. Actually, scratch that, funny things in general tend to attract upvotes. But, as I've seen Chaos say once or twice, this isn't an upvote mine (don't remember the exact wording). You'll get upvotes in time - I got somewhere and I didn't really try. Took me two years to get where I am, so take what you will from that.
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