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About Trutharchivist

  • Birthday 11/16/2000

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    Reading. In addition to (obviously) Brandon Sanderson's books I've read the basic classic Fantasy books - LotR, Narnia, Harry Potter - the ones that were popular in my country a few years ago - Riordan's mythologies, Artemis Fowl and the Inheritance Cycle, some books that I won't categorize like His Dark Materials trilogy, the Inkworld trilogy, the Underland Chronicles, Seven Wonders (by Peter Lerangis), the Sunlit Lands trilogy, the Books of Beginning trilogy, the Bartimeus trilogy, Lockwood & Co., The Chronicles of Pridain, Sabriel out of the Old Kingdom series, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Spiderweek, (the two last ones I remember, but didn't like too much, really) some random Fantasy books from the local library, Ella Enchanted (apparently), the Last Unicorn (it's an amazing book, you should read it) Five Kingdoms and Beyonders by Brandon Mull, The Homeward Bounders, Archer's Goon, the Worlds of Chrestomanci series, Fire and Hemlock, the Magids duology, Black Maria, the Time of the Ghost, the Power of Three and Hexwood by Diana Wynne Jones. I also write sometimes.
    Life? What is that? Never heard of such a thing, sorry. Now, if you allow me, there's this book I'm trying to read...

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  1. There was an idea, some of you (like @Tacitus) know this, called Trutharchivist's crew. The idea was to bring together a group of of more-or-less remarkable Sharders to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together to read books in a fun, weird way, and fight the SEFBM, the Secret Evil Fantasy Book Mafia.

    This idea didn't last. Nobody died believing it. The crew was disbanded because it went nowhere, and it was probably not the best idea to begin with. Especially the part where I named the crew after myself and all that. And so, the SEFBM reigned supreme.

    But from its ashes [and the ashes of another long-forgotten idea, one that wasn't mine], the fire of a new idea has been woken: the SPORG, Secret Projects Online Reading Group. And though its members are probably hearing about this previous failed attempt now for the first time, and it shares little to nothing with the original idea... I still see it as something of a successor to my crew. That was a new way to fight the SEFBM and the Society for Making Unpronouncible Elaborate Acronyms that Begin With an S (SFMUEATBWAS), and perhaps even beating them. (All right, I just invented this part and didn't tell anyone about it. But I can't just leave a plot thread!)

    Either way, SPORG did something my crew never achieved: a steady reading pace, maintained by two people continents apart. It did so successfully for the first Secret Project, and I dare hope it will keep doing that - and more - for the rest of them. That's my more rational hope, at least. I have some more hopes, but frankly they don't really belong here yet.

    So, if you're reading the Secret Projects and think: hey, wouldn't it be fun if I'll just read each book slower and will finish it by the time the next one comes out? And won't it be fun to read it along with more Sharders, crazy as they may be? (I'm talking about myself, mostly. I can be kind of crazy.) Even if you've already read the sample chapters, even if you're planning to read ahead - if you think it'd be fun to discuss it with people who read at a slow pace and discuss about five chapters a week (it may be changed between books), you're invited to SPORG. Now (or, well, in about three weeks. And the entire time between now and then) is a great time to join - with SP2 just around the corner! So come, hop on, this is going to be fun!

    Special thanks to @Amira, @The Known Novel, @Lego Mistborn and @ash's_eyes, the active (or well, kind of active) members of the reading group. Sorry for tagging all of you! (I do that a lot. Apologizing, that is - I try to avoid tagging.)

    Thank you for reading, and have a good day. (You may ignore the round parenthesis, including this one. Also, you may ignore links. Including this one - well, especially this one.)
    (Credits for the opening speech go to Marvel; the SEFBM was Tacitus' idea. I take credit for most of the rest.)

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