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Spren of Kindness

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Spren of Kindness last won the day on June 9 2021

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    A cabin with a sewing room and library... in my dreams.
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    Reading, writing, music, history, Bible study, historical costuming.

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  1. This is kind of stupid.  And I doubt many people will see it.  But I want, and need, to say this.

    I've made myself a persona, on and off the Shard, that is built on being kind.  On being supportive.  On being quiet, and a little bit naive, and a little bit disconnected from the world.  And that quietness and naivete and disconnect is real.  I am that person.  The problem is, being that person can be exhausting.

    I want to be a kind person, and I try to be.  Making someone's day brighter is something I love doing.  But it creates a sort of stained-glass window effect.  People see what I want them to see, because it's easier.  It's easier for me to be the happy, smiling person who puts a smile on someone's face when they need it most, than to say 'hey, I could really use something funny or sweet or silly right now'.

    It's tiring.  It's isolating.  And when it comes to a head, I feel stuck behind the pretty colored glass that I made.  

    And that's where I am now.  It's rough.  But I'm done.  I can't keep pretending that everything is perfect in my life.  Sometimes I feel that way.  My family is great.  My situation in life is good.  So I feel like I shouldn't say anything, even when I can, because there are other people who need the support more, who don't have what I'm so lucky to have.

    One of the things I'm lucky to have is the Shard.  There have been countless times where I've been down, and tired, and all I want to do is scream into the forest and then sleep for a week, and I run across a goofy comment in Sharder One-liners, or a interesting tidbit in a book discussion board, or a especially beautiful piece of fanart, or a meme that makes me crack up.

    It's not a bad think to be supportive, and I know that.  But what I have to learn is how to be supported.

    So thank you.  You all are amazing, amazing people.

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    2. ProfetessaOscura


      Not stupid at all.  Wise.  People like to pretend that love and care and attention is an endless fountain in every heart.  Every fountain needs a source, to fill and be filled.  You're wise.

    3. FriarFritz


      I love this so much. It takes a lot of courage to remove a mask, especially around close friends. I agree that it's important for you to be supported as much as you are supportive of us. That's how friendships are supposed to work!

      Thank you so much for opening up, this was really encouraging! (see, even asking for help is a help to others ;)) You're amazing too! :wub:

    4. Nathrangking


      We're here for you Kindness!! I know what you mean as I find myself in this position. You are not stupid at all. @ProfetessaOscura has stated things so eloquently. To know that you cannot go it alone that is true wisdom and strength! We are lucky to have you here! You don't have to go it alone. We are here to support and listen! Keep being you Kindness! If we can help you be the best you by lending our support to you then all the better! If you ever need to rant or talk my D'M's are open.

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