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Everything posted by The_Archivist

  1. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. And it wills for me to win. *wins*
  2. But old magic can't undo the most fundamental law of the universe, no win is permanent. *wins*
  3. Change of subject! *uses black magic to bring the win back in time and into his arms*
  4. It was nearly two weeks! And I was winning for over a decade before I joined the shard! *rushes at SoR with an army of shardbearers and every "magic" using person Brandon ever created*
  5. Archivald approached Lord Winsting's mansion, cane in hand. He was invited, of course, one could hardly host an event of that nature and not invite him, he represented too large a portion of the criminal element in the city for it to be any other way. There would certainly be thieves and cons tonight, trying to steal the painting. They were fools, the painting was less than worthless. The thing truly on auction was Lord Winsting's vote, the people who were invited came for that. They were fools as well, the decisions of the government were inconsequential, with little to no impact on the lives of people like them. No, the true prize tonight was the people in attendance. A person could gain incredible power by making friends here, and that was the reason Archivald came here today. As he neared the gate, he saw there were already several people there, waiting outside. He shook his head in disgust. Not letting your guests in if they were early? Barbaric. "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine evening? My name is Archivald." He didn't bother introducing himself any further, if they didn't know who he was, they didn't deserve his attention. ---------------------------------------- I'm not entirely sure who's there, so I'll just tag @Arraenae and @Experience, because I'm pretty sure about them.
  6. John walked towards TUBA as he usually did when in thought, eyes closed, relying on memory to find his way. Which was why he didn't notice when he turned left and smashed into the wall. He cursed a couple of times, absolutely baffled. How did that happen? This was supposed to be an opening to an alley two streets away from HQ. When he looked around, he realised that he didn't know the area, this place was completely unfamiliar. His eyes now open, he tentatively turned around a corner and walked for a while. How did this happen? Did his memory fail him? He flinched away from the thought. Not only was that impossible, but his whole life was centered around the reliability of his memory, if it failed... well, he didn't know what he would do, but it wouldn't be good. Did he somehow fall asleep while walking? Yes, he must be even more tired than he thought. At some point, he realised he was back on familiar streets, and continued on to his original destination, with his eyes open this time. Despite his intentions, his eyes were closed by the time he neared TUBA. Which was how he smacked his head again. What in the name if Harmony's arms? The door was one meter to the right of where he was. He decided he must have started walking diagonally at some point, causing him to miss the door. Perhaps the blow to the head gave him a concussion. Now that he thought about it, he was feeling somewhat dizzy. He walked through the door, correctly this time, and noticed a noticed a notice board. He wanted to hang a petition there, didn't he? He tore a page off one of his notebooks, writing on it and pinning it to the cork board. The petition read like so: It wasn't as elegant as he wanted it to be, but he was too tired for anything more. He quickly added his name to the bottom and went upstairs to his rooms. He fell on his bed, fully clothed, asleep before he even hit the bed.
  7. This game is the only true constant in the universe.
  8. Granted, people remember what they want to wish for, but they don't necessarily remember to wish for them. I wish for an in-house library.
  9. The thing with the van seemed to be calming down, but when John looked towards NullBlade and the Smedry, they seemed to be gone. That was a shame, he wanted to ask Kingston some questions about his Talent. It seemed like the only interesting developments would be violent ones, so he decided it was time to head back to his rooms and rest. He'd gotten less than ten hours of sleep the last week, and it was catching up to him now that the effects of his last cup of coffee were wearing off. He headed off into the street that led to TUBA HQ, determined to finaly get some sleep.
  10. Actually there is a limit, but I'm guessing you'll be fine with what you can use, since we got a RAFO on wether they can get to chasmfiend size. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/373/#e12043 https://wob.coppermind.net/events/372/#e11953
  11. When you screamed about the spelling, I was with you then. When your eye twitched, I was with you then. Give me your pain, SoR, it's not your fault. Give me your pain.
  12. Is there a thread for RP that is nowhere in particular? Just the alleys, or some random house?
  13. *pulls out a Larkin to suck the light and catches up with king*
  14. *stores heat in brass metalmind and keeps going towards the flyer*
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