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Everything posted by revelryintheart

  1. revelryintheart gracefully accepts, tearing into the sandwich with conviction
  2. revelryintheart has no idea what this thread is about, but wants to participate anyways.
  4. Oh definitely the originals. Better singing and (at least for me) more visually pleasing. I'm not a fan of CGI anyway. If you could broadcast yourself onto all the screens in Times Square NY and say one thing, what would you say?
  5. Khriss is absolutely GORGEOUS so kiss her, marry Renarin because Renarin (need I say more), and sorry TenSoon I love you but I'm removing your spikes. Stephen Leeds, Tobias, and JC
  6. Not one someone told me, but yesterday I was playing Mariokart on Moo Moo Meadows and for some reason (I don't remember the context) I said "Cow-nt me out." My brother was not impressed. What is the weirdest thing you have eaten?
  7. I feel like most of his characters are three dimensional and interesting, but a few of them can fall flat, such as Wax or Marasi. (although this might just be because I don't like Mistborn era 2). Also, some of the shorter stories that focus more on the world and it's place in the Cosmere (Sixth of the Dusk) lack the same character complexity as the Stormlight Archive of Mistborn. This is obviously because the stories are not as long as the novels, and have to be more plot-focused. I did think he did well in Shadows of Silence in the Forests of Hell. Opening with an outsiders perspective on Silence and then transitioning to her POV allowed for good characterization. As for mental health, I personally think that is one thing he excels in. As someone who has suffered from depression, I can say that Kaladin's depression was very realistic. I remember reading Kaladin's flashbacks and getting super excited that what I had felt was finally put into words. As for other characters, I felt Chapman's trauma was well-written, although I did get really annoyed with her in Oathbringer. Then world is dying, everyone is struggling to keep things together and prepare for war, and Shallan's like "instead of helping, I'm going to go have an identity crisis!" But I suppose that's the thing with mental health; you can't control when bouts of depression or dysphoria happen. LGBT is lacking in his books. The few LGBT characters we do have don't get viewpoints (excepting Shallan, who I believe was not originally supposed to be bi, readers just interpreted that and Brandon was like yeah sure). I would love to see a queer main character who's sexuality is more focused on then Shallan's. However, Brandon is LDS, as are a lot of his fans. Some of my friends have quit reading/ watching something because a LGBT character was included. If a main character's queerness was explicitly addressed, there will be controversy, and I don't know if Brandon wants to deal with that.
  8. The novel The Shadow of Kyoshi confirms that earthbenders can bend glass.
  9. 10/10 purely to break the cycle of rating stuff out of 11 also zelda is good
  10. I sometimes worry about the mental stability of the people in this thread.
  11. revelryintheart

    Cosmere Dresses

    A collection of various dresses from across the Cosmere. I might update this
  12. From the album: Cosmere Dresses

    Here's my interpretation of Vin's first ballgown. I've had this sitting in my files for a couple of weeks intending to make some changes but I'm lazy so I decided to go ahead and post it. The description in The Final Empire says that she has a ruby bracelet, but it ALSO says that she's wearing gloves. So is the bracelet under the gloves? Over the gloves? Is wearing gloves and bracelets at the same time even a thing? So my solution to this was just... not draw the bracelet.
  13. I love the colors in the background!
  14. @Gears I don't know you but the few posts I've seen of you have been super deep and cryptic so now I'm convinced you are a seventeenth century tragic French author
  15. My alarm clock makes an incessant buzzing noise that only stops if I unplug it, but then the screen goes dark and I can't tell the time. So I just... ignore it? Idk how to "teach" someone to sleep with white noise.
  16. at the top right corner there should be three buttons. I believe the farthest the the left is unread content.
  17. Story time! I applied for a job in an escape room a few days ago and today I got a call from an unknown number but I declined it because I never answer unknown numbers. The number texted me and turns out it was the escape room asking about my resume. I responded to call me back but they didn't for like 6 hours. I finally texted them and asked if they still wanted to talk to me and they asked if I had a resume and to send it to an email account. Confused because I had already sent my resume when I applied, I resent it and have received zero acknowledgement that they got it.
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