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Status Updates posted by Negative_Null

  1. Hey everyone, glad to see that the Shard was able to keep going without me, and hopefully our little roleplay corner didn't hurt too badly. Sorry I left at the worst time for some of the rps. I'm so happy that they're still going, especially Siren's Call. 

    So by way of explanation, the last few months have been kinda crazy. I got a girlfriend, got through finals, broke up with said girlfriend so she could go on her church mission, and came back home to a bunch of little siblings who were very excited to see me. I feel as though all I did between February and April was sit and study and I haven't had a moment since then to sit down. My life is settling down now, though, so hopefully I can get back some level of activity on the Shard.

    There was another little wrinkle during my time off, because of course you can never only have one life event at a time. So... yeah, I'm in the process of coming out as non-binary. More specifically, I'm choosing to identify as bigender, but that's all up in the air as I explore that area of my life. Yay. I plan to update my pronouns and stuff on the site but don't worry too much about it, I'm still figuring it out myself so I won't get after you if you use the wrong pronouns or whatever. Feel free to ask me anything about this (or storms, any of the other stuff)

    I just figured you'd like to know what's been going on the Negativerse while I've been off here. I'm glad to be back and while I know I'll need a heck of a TLDR on some things, I'm excited to get back to some roleplaying, discussion, and crazy theorizing.

    Journey before Destination

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Goob


      EYYYY they return! Welcome back!

    3. Experience


      *says all you were doing was sitting and studying*

      *proceeds to say they haven't had a moment to sit down*

      Hey Null!!!! 

    4. Negative_Null


      Thanks so much, guys! It's great being back!

  2. I just finished RoW and I only have one thing to say.


    Ok, I'm done. Time to get to theorizing :P 

    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      I know. It’s insane. Ahhhhhhhh!

  3. Guess who finally got Rhythm of War! If you don't see me at all for the next few days, I'm rereading the first three books and then diving in, finally. I'll see you all in the spoiler threads.

  4. Just making a rant post, because I'm really frustrated right now. I'm working at a live performance theater, and we're doing Christmas Carol, for context.

    Riddle me this. How can you go to a show and watch a show all about kindness, charity, and selflessness, a story about helping the less fortunate that would otherwise go unnoticed, how can you sit there in the theater with your mask dangling around your chin and go "yeah, this is a great show, it's got such a good message", then leave and continue on your way? What kind of psychopath do you have to be?


    Ok, rant over

    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      You'd have to be someone like me.

      Wow. I litterally just watched the movie about Charles Dickens two nights ago. That's a good type of ran Null. You have a good heart. :) It's just really hard to respond to this, so I'll come up with something better eventually. 

    2. Negative_Null


      I'd say that was a pretty good response. Thanks for that :) 

    3. Scout_Fox


      Because it's easier to say than it is to do. It takes a special type of person like you to make that happen -_-

  5. Would people be interested in restarting a Mirrored Dimensions like thread? IE playing a more rule based roleplay over the forums? I'd be willing to play as DM, but I also have a bunch of characters I want to play. I just want to see if there's interest before hand rather than letting the thread die before it starts.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Negative_Null


      Mirrored Dimensions was an RP Fadran set up that didn't get off the ground. I was definitely thinking DnD 5e, because that's all I know. If I get a couple more people interested I'll ping y'all to start it

    3. danex


      Oh. I was very wrong. Welp.

    4. xinoehp512
  6. *Dives out of portal just before it closes, kicking at the clutching hands reaching out of it to pull him back in. Stands up, dusts himself off, looks at notification list, and sighs."

    Sorry everyone, school sucks. What did I miss? I'll get started reading through the... 500+ notifications you've gotten for me.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Scout_Fox


      Glad you hath returned! Did you vanquish the midterm monster? :D

    3. Negative_Null


      Well, not with flying colors but enough :D 

    4. Scout_Fox


      Close enough, I'm sure you did excellently! A vanquished monster is a vanquished monster! :P

  7. Ok, sorry everyone I've been off for a bit, I'm not ignoring you :P Midterms are almost over and then I can get back into full RP mode.

    1. Scout_Fox


      May you have the best of luck in completing your midterms! We believe in you!!

    2. LukeWasTaken


      Good luck on midterms! 

  8. I'm so happy all these people are joining Siren's Call, but everyone please know I have essentially no control over the plot line at this point. :P:D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LukeWasTaken


      I am sorry for asking so many questions, but it only means that you made an interesting world that I want to know more about.

    3. Negative_Null


      That's exactly what i wanted from it, don't worry :) 

    4. Condensation


      It should be an interesting world, apparently the worldbuilding took forever!

  9. I don't look at the Shard over the weekend because I don't really have time to, and what do I come back to? 170 notifications??!!

  10. Ok, now Clone Season is officially over!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Negative_Null


      Sorry Mr. Dice. It was too much work to make that again :P 

    3. Emi


      How long is that?

    4. Negative_Null
  11. So unfortunately it looks like my dice profile pic got deleted off my computer... so I'll have to make a new one. Looks like I'm staying Truthless for a little bit

    1. Vapor


      Oof. That's annoying.

    2. Condensation
    3. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar


      I mean... rats, that’s too bad Null!

  12. Updated my About Me file with Alex Stellan, my Myths and Magi character. I'm still waiting for a few other RPs to reach a certain point before I put those characters in (Krystalfyre?)

  13. Guys, if you keep wishing me a happy birthday I'm going to run out of rep to give out! You all are awesome!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scarletfox
    3. Condensation


      Happy birthday, Null!

      I had this idea to start birthday topics(like here's a birthday RP) for people's birthdays, but I'm already in so many RPs and trying to keep them all from dying that I don't have time :)

    4. DramaQueen


      Wait, it's your birthday!!!? I need to check the birthdays list daily, huh? Happy birthday and many, many more, Null!!!!

  14. SORRY EVERYONE! My computer broke over the weekend so I'm sure I missed a ton of stuff. Sorry for anyone who was waiting for me, I'll get to it all in just a sec.

  15. I turned my ugly hand drawn profile pic into a fancy computer made one!

  16. I have a computer now so I can see signatures and stuff! Yay!

    1. Vapor


      YAY! Whenever I'm on my phone, I can't do google docs or discord or anything and it's annoying

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