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Posts posted by Koloss17

  1. A few notes:

    @Brik_head and @TheRavenHasLanded: don’t forget to list your character, area of the city, and specific area before getting into what your character does. In this case, it would be formatted like this:

    Character name, The Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar.

    It doesn’t have to be in every post, but it is useful when starting a character interaction in a new location.

    In addition, you should tag the people you are interacting with at the end of the post, just to notify the folks you are RPing with that you have responded.

  2. 2 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    for my major merit could i have full Mistborn. my normals be zinc and copper ferucemistry. my miners be second heightening, fabral creation proficiency and the capacity to hum to the pure tones of the shards(only for light combining and moving like navani in rythem of war.) my idea for this character is a fabral scientist who also uses awakened southern scadrial tech. would this be possible? 

    So the biggest thing to consider when building a character is how powerful they are. Right now, we have

    -a person with a Smedry talent

    -a Cytonic with only the ability to teleport and cause illusions

    -an iron misting

    -an obligator with no powers other than being smart and charismatic

    -a chromium compounder with the downside of being allergic to chromium

    -A forger

    -A bronze compounder

    -A midnight essence spore-eater with a dead shardblade, with heavy trauma and in an abusive relationship 

    -The main villain of the era, who is an A-bronze F-Tin Twinborn, who is completely blind. He has recently acquired fifth heightening and A-steel and A-iron spikes. He is also slightly insane.

    Generally speaking, make a character with the base power level without any significant flaws be around the strength of a mid-tier Twinborn. You can definitely have a full Mistborn, but the more powerful the character is, the bigger the flaws should be.

    Additionally, the more you develop the character, making them more interesting and 3-dimensional, the more you can get away with having a stronger character. Since this is a storytelling RP over a gameplay RP, the more interesting and well developed your character is, the happier everyone will be.

    As you can see from our current roster, the strongest character is a pseudo inquisitor who is still getting a hang of their powers. However, they are also the main villain, which means that people will naturally gang up on them. The whole idea of power level in this case is to make it so that you find that sweet spot between fun to RP and not encroaching on other people’s ability to be useful in the plot.

    Besides powers, what do you have in mind personality-wise?

  3. 13 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    oh ok. if i wanted to create a herald (fancy surgebinder with the surges of gravitation and division, living surgeblade without spren, the ability to come back to life after dieing. you know that kind of stuff. it would also be a new type of herald with different surges to normal surgebinders.) what would a good majer, 2 normals and 3 miners be. i have another idea including the heightening if the herald idea doesn't work out. 

    Hmmmmm. Surges are generally quite powerful, shardblades too. I mean, so long as the character is fleshed out, and has pretty strong flaws, it could be alright.

    For them to be a proper herald would be a bit much I think. Immortality and hundreds, if not thousands, of combat training is a recipe for an overpowered character.


    And alternate universe Cosmere characters I don’t think have been done before. Could they be done? I mean…maybe? We have alternate earths with the Reckoners, so alternate Cosmeres aren’t that far out of the question. However, I would need a very good reason and a ton of worldbuilding to justify it.

  4. 4 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    Would awakener of the first heightening be possible for a normal power?

    Oh for sure! I’d say anything up to third heightening is going to be a minor advantage, assuming the character is not particularly adept at awakening. 

    If they are, normal merit is probably fair. However, if they are an awakener above all else, it might be higher than that. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, AonEne said:

    Hey, interesting character concept! Couple notes: 

    First, I'm not sure how conscious Midnight Essence is - doesn't mean she can't have an abusive relationship with it, but I am unsure how much it would be directly trying to manipulate her? However, this is also untrod ground, so there's room. 

    Yeah, that’s frankly my thought too. I’m straddling the line between spore and full Aether, and I’m not sure how great that is. However, the best option to fix that would be to go full Aetherbound, which would be pushing further into unknowns 


    I'd want to make sure that you had specific ideas in mind for what her trauma looks like and how it affects her and not just "she's super traumatized by all the things", I trust that you have thoughts on it and don't just intend to play her generically or disrespectfully but it's a little vague as is. 

    Everything else looks good! 

    Yeah, I certainly have ideas for how her trauma will affect her character. However, given that it was already quite long, I didn’t want to overstuff it. Plus, I’ll get a clearer picture of her trauma and its manifestations as I roleplay. But I will certainly not be disrespectful about it (at least not intentionally!). 

    For the time being, it’s safe to say that she

    -has issues forming meaningful connections with others due to fear of losing them

    -Has at least some form of PTSD due to I mean, you name it (being orphaned, losing all of her friends, killing her spren).

    -unresolved grief from Gideon definitely, and potential unresolved grief from losing her friends and family

    -Is clingy to those that she does have connections to, which is for now only Minthe.

    -likely has dissociated from reality in some way due to all of the grief she has experienced over the years

    Again, further specifics on how those develop will be ironed out in roleplay, and will likely have some other issues as well. I will try not to dabble my toes outside of what I’m knowledgeable in, and will definitely do research on something if I do plan on using it as a facet of her character.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

    That seems to be a fairly strong assumption for only having seen barely half of the Spores (or less if Bone Spore is not White Sand)

    Whell yeah. But from what we have seen, Midnight Essence is by far the most complex. Automatically forming a Luhel bond and having at least some form of basic consciousness/intelligence is something we have not seen in any other spore thus far. Hence why I made this post and not one about Zephyr spore-eaters, for example.

    But you are right that I have made a bit of a generalization :P.

  7. 35 minutes ago, alder24 said:

    I don't think so. Crow can't control vines or make them grow in one direction, I doubt you would have that kind of control over Midnight Essence. Maybe once they pop out to defend you, you might be able to establish Luhel Bond, but you probably can't just summon them on command.

    Spore Eaters have a parasite in them, it's not a beneficial power, it is feeding on them until they die and the bare minimum they get in return is saving their lives from direct harm - just to keep them alive and feed on their water longer. They are not like Aetherbound, they can't control it.

    Whell yeah, but it’s clear midnight essence is much weirder than any other spore, with a level of intelligence that other spores don’t seem to have. How would that work with a spore-eater? I don’t know. But I imagine it would be different than Crow’s affliction.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Argenti said:

    It would be incredibly creepy, though.

    hehe yeah. My thought is that given that midnight essences seem to be much more intelligent than other spores, you could collaborate with them to allow them to do more than simply protect you. Perhaps sharp but brittle swords/claws, or summoning spy goop in a similar way to harnessing them normally. And yes, nightmare goop potential is high.

  9. Chloris Valekev (Chlo, for short)


    name: Chloris Valekev, named after the last living Niobid.

    Appearance: A half Iriali woman, with tan skin and yellow eyes and dyed black pixie-cut hair. She is 29 in age, and wears a brown leather jacket. She has a very emo/punk aesthetic. When she uses her powers, here eyes often turn black.
    Personality: she is fairly aloof, but is generally going to be quite friendly. As an ex-Edgedancer, she looks out and helps others. However, she has deep trauma, for a variety of things, and is currently in an abusive relationship.

    Concept: A midnight essence spore-eater that is in an abusive relationship with the essence (who is also an ex-Edgedancer who killed their own spren).

    Motivation (Short & long term goal): for the most part, her goal is to stay alive. How, she does not know, but water helps. Long term she wants to be happy, which she is not getting right now.

    Merits: Is a midnight essence spore-eater whom she’s formed a deeper connection with. Aside from protecting her from most forms of harm, she can also use the midnight essence as a tool, from reconnaissance to weaponry. The weaponry, while sharp, can also be quite brittle, and would break into smoke with force. 

    additionally, Chloris is armed with a dead shardblade, belonging to her former spren. She uses it rarely, as it gives her a great deal of emotional pain to wield. 

    She’s also a trained techie, and can build and hack a great deal of technologies.

    Currently wears a small visual scanner visor, which acts as a sort of database, only giving information on what she already knows about. Handy in a pinch, and is great for building a profile on someone or something, but is not particularly powerful. Is voice activated, and has a rudimentary A.I., enabling on the fly editing to the database without requiring input. This allows her to gather information and know things happening around her without paying full attention.

    Overall, is a kind soul that just wants to help people. However, she is currently (as in for around five years) been having a crisis of faith, with a push for selfishness over selflessness.

    Flaws: has deep trauma. Her life has been surrounded by death bring just around the corner, and in so many different forms. She has childhood, teenaged, family, adult, and relationship trauma. A lot to unpack, tbh. 

    Because of aforementioned trauma, she is not particularly decisive, and is in a very vulnerable situation at the moment. She is being preyed upon by her spore, and is not in a good place. She tries to play it off, but she needs help.

    Aside from all that, she is also nearing death from spore-eater things. She has had around 6 months of midnight-essence consuming her, and the main thing keeping her alive is absurd fluid intake and residual investedness from being a radiant for quite a while.

    Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): was an orphan at a young age, and has tried to avoid forming meaningful connections. However, it is in her nature to connect with others, and can’t help but help them. She was bonded to Gideon as an Edgedancer, and now carries his blade with her. She is currently bonded to Minthe, who she has an abusive relationship with.

    Home Planet: Vedenar, Roshar, but of both Veden and Iriali descent. Born in the Cosmere space age. 

    Current Residence: drifting from place to place, renting a place to sleep and getting money where they can. 
    Backstory: Chloris was born on Vedenar during the Cosmere space age. Her Iriali mother died when Chloris was a baby due to sickness, so she was raised by her Veden father. She lived with him in poverty until her father died from a gang attack when Chloris was 15, which started her path to becoming a radiant. At 16, she bonded Gideon, a Cultivationspren that served as a mentor and fatherly figure for her. She joined the order of Edgedancers at age 17, where she found friends and made a pseudo-family. 

    A terrible accident occurred at age 22, where her entire squad was killed. This began her descent into breaking her oaths. She abandoned the radiants, feeling that her cause was hopeless. Over the course of two years, Gideon became a deadeye, and Chloris lost hope nearly completely. She moved off world, winding up on Lumar. She spent three years wandering from place to place, taking down piracy here and there, but mostly staying to herself. 

    At the age of 28, she was forcefully bonded to Minthe, a midnight essence. Minthe provided protection and company, and acted as a protector that Chloris badly needed. Two months after her bonding, she fell into the Alleyverse. She’s been in the Alleyverse for four months, and is getting by, but not by much. Her reliance on Minthe has become worrisome, and she is controlling Chloris’ actions more and more. As Minthe becomes more manipulative, her need for water grows…

    Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): she has been bouncing from home to home for most of her life, and is in dire need of family. She also needs to kind of survive for another year, which is already beginning to be a concern.

    Theme song: Tourniquet by Evanescence. Perfectly encapsulates her vibe.


  10. 4 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    anyone want to explain to a new person to the allyverse what everything is and how to get started?

    So basically, the Alleyverse is a dimension where all of Brandon Sanderson’s works can exist within the same universe. Alleycity is the main area where things happen, and it has an extensive history. Though at the moment, we are trying for a soft reset where everything still happened, but for the most part, you don’t need to worry about it. 

    To start, I would brainstorm a character, check out other characters, ask questions, and use your creativity! Once you have a solid character idea, check out the character thread and submit one for approval!

    Theres a guide here, but it’s a few years old. Most of the things still apply though! 

    Im currently the active “mod” (I stick around, help out, and have character approval privileges, but don’t actually have mod privileges.) The only other ‘active’ mod is @AonEne, who can pop in from time to time to resolve issues.

    Our current plot revolves around Perses, a pseudo inquisitor that seeks on gaining a foothold in Alleycity, and Corbeau, who is a prelan who seeks to become the mayor of Alleycity. However, for a new player, you can definitely just hop in and figure that kind of stuff out as your character does.

    The biggest thing to note is that the Alleyverse Roleplay is more of collaborative storytelling than a roleplay, which means we work together to form a plot. There’s no DM, so you need to provide the details and worldbuilding along with the other characters. You are free to make up any details about anything that has not been explicitly stated by another Sharder, and just have fun! If you have any questions, you are free to ask here or ask me!

    I am honestly considering making a thread about the new fundamentals of the Alleyverse RP, starting with character creation, but for now just look at the character thread and check out what the approved characters have. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, alder24 said:

    That's probably a bit too big. Crow isn't overgrown by vines, she just popped a little one from her face to stop a bullet. A Midnight Spore Eater would likely just sweat a little Midnight Essence that would do the same. It doesn't have to be in the shape of a living thing.

    Well, I meant venom as in a talking and probably bad influence compatriot, not big fella. 

  12. So we have a very basic concept of spore eaters. Spores form a symbiotic relationship with the host, where they protect them in exchange for an ever increasing amount of water.

    However, midnight spores are much different. The Luhel bond with them are complex, and they seem to have some amount of mind of their own. Would it be a Venom-like situation?

    And I apologize if this question has been asked before. It just seems to be an interesting premise.


  13. I’m considering making a new character, as that could solve my sitting around with not much to do problem. However, I currently have no real preferences for one.

    Does anyone have a niche that needs filling? Just some sort of character to help out or be a rival to?

  14. 11 hours ago, Silver Phantom said:

    FRIEND!! I want one.

    They are legal pretty much anywhere but the US. They are giant African land snails, and they apparently make for great pets! The only reason they can’t be pets in the US is that they are highly invasive.

  15. Hey folks! A Potential issue is arising. @Ookla of whimsy is currently the leading force of two out of the three current thread interactions. Admittedly, they have two characters, but that’s still a lot of pressure on a single human. 

    Is there any way to resolve this issue? Maybe one of the threads gets wrapped up, maybe another human joins in on one of the threads, which would help move that particular interaction along without the input of Ookla if needed.

    @Edema Rue, @Ravenclawjedi42, @Brik_head, @TheRavenHasLanded, @AonEne, @Lunamor, @Scars of Hathsin(if you are interested)

    Side note-It might be easy if y’all choose to follow this thread, so that way I wouldn’t need to worry about pinging ya if I need to do something kinda like this.

    And side side note—Perses is still not doing a whole lot, and part of that is because I don’t have a good way to currently RP them in the story.

  16. 8 hours ago, Brik_head said:

    Unfortunate coincidence. I'm basing it off my own allergies. Very small amounts (some powder mixed in his drink) will only give him a stomach ache and fever, more will cause some swelling and fatigue (half the usual bead), and a large dosage could be lethal (maybe one definitely two full beads).

    Well, so long as you can guesstimate on how much luck that would give your character, it works for me! Character approved!

  17. 8 hours ago, Brik_head said:

    Made just couple edits to make him more balanced and consistent.  The biggest changes to his flaws is that he has a "slight allergy to chromium, so he either has to consume small amounts at a time or burn it off really quickly." touching chromium has no effect, so wearing a bracer is fine. 

    Interesting! So how does the allergy manifest? Is it a histamine response of some sort? Is it magical or just an unfortunate coincidence?

  18. 1 hour ago, Brik_head said:

    Thanks for checking in. I do really like this character, but I have no idea where he fits into the story or if there are changes I still need to make.

    He actually would fit into the story quite well, I think. @Ookla of whimsy is in a bit of a slump with their character and where to go, and your character bumping into them would be a good way to get the ball rolling again.

    As to changes, it’s mostly finding stronger flaws or lowering the strengths of the character, and then you’re looking pretty good!

  19. 17 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:


    Keshi teleported into the shop just as the customers left. He had spent some time probing the shopkeeper’s mind and had determined that he had some cytonic blocking technology in his hat. Good thing he had taken those classes on conventional espionage. 

    Keshi waited until the shopkeeper’s head was turned then teleported through the door behind his desk. This lead to what seemed to be a workshop full of various types of metal in vials or laying around. What was particularly interesting were the guns. While primitive they were never the less impressive. One that caught Keshi’s eye was an incomplete but still quite large gun sitting on a table nearby. 

    Keshi teleported up to the table to find what seemed to be a blueprint next to the weapon. He scanned over it and saw a scribbled note reading: “due in 2 days or else that inquisitor will probably blow off my head.” Keshi took note of this as the door behind him opened.

    Venser returned to his workshop, humming to himself. As he opened the door, he heard a rustling from his main bench. 

    Staring beck at him was a strangely large rat-like creature, wearing a surprisingly stylish silk robe. The…person, he assumed, appeared to be riding a  large hunk of colorful yellow…leather? It was clearly alive, but unlike anything Venser had seen before. Though, on reflection, that was not particularly shocking. He had been in Alleycity for fifteen years, but he learned something new every day about the vast cultures of the multiverse. A large rat-person riding a sentient blob of leather is just another thing to adapt to.

    ”Who are you, and how did you get here?” Venser said cautiously. “And what are you doing in my workshop?”

  20. 1 hour ago, Duxredux said:

    I don't think that's for me to decide. It's the Spren's choice with how they choose to present themselves to the world. Syl would have something to say to this because she is amazing and articulate.

    If I had to choose one, I considered my background long and hard. The only armed combat training I've received was a smattering of 2-stick Kali, which doesn't translate well to a Shardblade anyway. The closest is to that is... a stick.

    I mean, to be fair, I have absolutely no combat experience. But if I were given a Shardblade, you bet your crem that I’m going to learn how to use it.

  21. So this is purely fluff, just to stretch your creative mind. I’ve been wondering lately—what would my Shardblade look like? Obviously live shardblades can change form, but they generally have a base form.

    And when it boils down to it, I think that base form design has three main factors: your Radiant order, your personality, and your preferred fighting style.

    And because there are so many different aspects of a sword, I have decided to make a template! You are free to use it or not. Whatever floats your boat!



    Radiant order:

    Base sword type/inspiration (if applicable):

    Blade description (color, design, general shape): 


    Guard description (shape, color, is there even a guard?):


    Grip description (longer or shorter? Color, patterning, so on):


    Pommel description (design, color, shape. Will it be sharpened or pointed?):

    Sword length:

    Other common weapons you would change it into:

    Drawing/sketch (if you want!):

    Reference images:



    Koloss17’s Shardblade:


    Radiant order: Truthwatcher

    Base sword type/inspiration (if applicable): Chinese Dao broadsword, specifically the sword form of the Guandao.

    Blade description (color, design, general shape): The blade would be a single edged sword that would increase in size slightly the further from the hilt you go. There would be a point to it, but it wouldn’t be particularly stabby. 

    Texture-wise, it would have a Damascus style with swirling mist patterns, which nicely fits the Truthwatcher’s Mistspren. Ideally it would be a black stained sword with silver engravings, but that doesn’t really feel like a Truthwatcher blade, so probably light silver with golden engraving.

    Guard description (shape, color, is there even a guard?):

    The guard would be a basic circular guard, with function being more important than design. This would probably be black or gold in color, but mostly be fairly simple looking. However, there would be a simplified twisting vine pattern reaching upward from the hilt as a little bit of design, similar to the Guandao reference image (except not a dragon). This would match the guard color.


    Grip description (longer or shorter? Color, patterning, so on):

    It would have a relatively long grip, but would not be a double handed sword grip, as the sword is meant to be a one hander in sword form. Ideally, the grip would have a barber shop/candy cane swirl, but I’m not sure how practical that would be. The grip would be a dark silver or even black.

    Pommel description (design, color, shape. Will it be sharpened or pointed? Is there even a pommel?):

    Pommel will have a point, with a slight curve to one side, mirroring the blade. It will have the same coloration and design of the blade, with the purpose of being another sharp object that my opponent would have to worry about.

    Sword length: I would say this will be on the shorter side (for a shardblade), with the full length being between 4 and 5 feet.

    Other common weapons you would change it into: I would think it would be so cool for the hilt to lengthen into a polearm, transforming the shardblade into a guandao. The circular attack patter of a guandao would be perfect if it has potential to instantly kill on hit.

    Drawing/sketch (if you want!): Sadly, I suck at drawing, so my dream blade cannot be made manifest.

    Reference images:

    For reference, this is a Guandao.


    general idea for the sword blade design, but with the blade being slightly on the longer end, and a hair on the slimmer end.


    This is a Damascus design, and I’m thinking somewhere in between the knife’s design and the extremely swirly design behind it.


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