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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Yes. Midnight Essence is a universal cosmere phenomena, and has existed for quite some time. However, that doesn't mean that it is not connected to Ruin in some way. For example, I frankly don't think Ruin had any direct control over Nightblood's creation. I think that when Nightblood was created, through its very nature, some of Ruin's investiture was implanted in it. An unrelated connection that I have made: The Father Machine was built to mimic the Yoki-Hijo. Nightblood was created to mimic sharblades. Does that idea of mimicry have any connection? I don't really know, but it is another similarity between them and Midnight Essence.
  2. So at this point we pretty much know that Nightblood's connection to Ruin is that the command of "destroy evil" is an innately ruinous command. This connection to Ruin is what causes Nightblood to bleed black, Ruin's color. This is also likely what occurred with the machine in Yumi, which also had destructive tendencies with blackness oozing out of it. My question is this: How does that connect to Midnight Essence? Does it connect to it, or is it just a color coincidence? We know that Midnight Essence uses some degree of corruption of investiture, but that isn't exactly ruinous. In fact, a lot of what we see with Midnight Essence seems to be more close to Cultivation or Preservation than Ruin. They are built upon mimicry and adapting, and are not inherently destructive. Is there a connection to be made, or are they just weirdly similar?
  3. Fun fact! @Kingsdaughter613 is on the shard! She isn't as active as she is on Reddit, but she exists! I also wonder how the Iriali and the Long Trail fit into it. Obviously we don't know of the origin of the Iriali or the religion, but it is interesting. Though I frankly don't know how much you are counting the newer influences to the planet. However, I will note that Dominion and Devotion likely had some sort of influence, if indirect, on Scadrial. We know that for the longest time, there was some form of cosmerelogical trade between Scadrial and Taldain or Sel. There was a great but ultimately unfounded theory a while back on the Lord Ruler's can stashes being a valuable trade commodity. Ultimately, I think the abundance of metals and atium were the valuable trade goods. Hoid mentioned in SH that Ruin's Perpendicularity was a major trade hub up until Kelsier ruined (ha) it. And past that, there's also the Ire, which undoubtedly interacted with Scadrial before trying to take Preservation. Through similar means, Autonomy has been hovering around Scadrial for a long time. Obviously she spent time meddling post Catacendre, but they are also almost certainly responsible for original Trellagism.
  4. Chloris gazed upon the newcomer as they entered the bar. Stormlight. She felt a pang of yearning. It's in the past now, Minthe whispered. And plus, you have me, don't you? This was true. Storms, what would she be without Minthe? Probably being a husk of a woman, living out of necessity. Or she would be dead. Though...she yearned for more. She yearned to rule the ground, and to fly across the earth with no regard for physics. Hold on, what was a radiant doing here? This place did not seem to be their first pick to visit in Alleycity. A thought struck her. "Asylum," Chloris asked, "who is your employer?" @Lunamor, @Ravenclawjedi42, @Stormlightsong
  5. As Chloris took in the information, her MAPID automatically updated. Eza Business partner of Asylum She really needed to fix the A.I.’s interpretation software. It catalogued what it literally heard, but doesn’t pick up on the finer details. Chlo couldn’t help but smile at the child’s inquiry. “He was reminiscing about old memories, and I decided to give him someone to talk to.” A bit of an odd move, thinking back on it. It was certainly out of place in a place like the Mistwarrens. However, she couldn’t help her nature. Even though I broke those ties a long time ago… @Stormlightsong @Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42
  6. Week Three Perses wandered the halls of the Manor. What room was it this time? Feeling around, he reached a table. On it there was a newspaper, a pot, and a mug. Perses' heart rate rose. Feeling the inside of the cup, he was met with a wet liquid. Yes! Tapping his dwindling scentmind, he smelled the contents of the cup. Coffee. Cold, stale coffee. Perses chugged the cup, storing taste. His thirst was far from gone, but he took what he could. His stomach ached like hell, but he needed the reminder. Every day without food, his will to resist storing his hunger away lessened. It would be an easy death. Perses thought. Store away the pain, the hunger, the thirst. Fade away, to your forever sleep. It was so very tempting. Perses felt around the table further, and his hand landed on a few coins. Hope welled in him. Tapping his scentmind once more, he held the coins up to his nose. Nothing but his own stench. Excitedly, he tried to store smell into the coins. Slowly, his smell dwindled to nothing. A smile creased Perses' face. New metalminds! This was huge. He had managed to lose a couple of his tinminds in a previous venture. He needed to get these back to base. And so, with the sound of coins clinking in his pockets, Perses began to attempt to retrace his steps. ------------------------------------ A few hours later Of course, that didn't go well. The Manor had shifted. Perses tried desperately over the past however many days, or weeks, it had been to figure out a pattern to the Manor's shifting. He was beginning to think that there wasn't one, but he still had hope. Rusting hope. How did he keep going? He wasn't getting out of here. Why bother surviving? Perses didn't know the answer to that question. Somehow, he just had to keep going. He had a good bit left of his hearingminds, which he needed to maneuver the Manor. He had stumbled into the clock room, with an always burning fire. This was often a great resting point. Did he dare rest? His legs ached for rest. Perses reached the rocking chair, and sat down. Maybe a brief rest... His eyes were always closed, nowadays. Saved energy. Made him more tired, but it was a worthwhile trade. The warmth of the fire washed over him. This place is much more comfortable than his room. Why not move here? Suddenly, his lifesence alerted him of the presence of something entering the room. A chill went down Perses' body. Hastily storing lifesense, he remained completely still, trying to stay his heartbeat. He made his breath silent, blending in with the furniture. He waited. He didn't know how long, but he never did. Time was something he lost a long time ago. Tic. Tic. Tic. Tic. Tic. Click. Tic. Tic. Tic. Tentatively, Perses stopped storing lifesense. Nothing. Exhaling, Perses fell to the ground. He began shaking, tears welling up. He couldn't keep doing this. H-he couldn't keep living like this. Why was he here? Why did it want him? He was nobody. He was less than nobody. Why do you want me? "WHY DO YOU WANT ME???" Perses laid there on the floor. He heard nothing but his heartbeat, breathing, and sobs. Wishing, hoping the housekin would take him. End this suffering. End this misery. Harmony knows he couldn't end his own suffering. He hated the Mansion, but more, he hated himself. Hated that he was born. Hated that he was here. Hated that he didn't have the guts to end it all. Slowly, Perses got up and walked to the other door. Robotically, he reached the end of the hallway and opened the door. The scent of urine and stale food overwhelmed his senses. Of course it was in the next room. Closing the door, Perses sunk to the floor. Home at last.
  7. Chloris, the mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar. Chloris took in the new arrivals. Two Scadrians, by the look of it. Her MAPID automatically labeled them based on the information she received. Asylum friend of Kimura Itsuki ………….. ???? along with those came a pop-up. Add ‘Vinette’ to database? Chlo nodded, dismissing the pop-up. She had plenty of memory left. And plus, anything in Alleycity was interesting. Turning to address Asylum, Chlo sighed. “Hello, Asylum. As Itsuki said, we’re not dating. We’re just having a chat.” ”How exactly do you know each other?” Chloris inquired. Though “charismatic” wasn’t exactly the word she would use to describe them, Asylum seemed to be hanging out in different circles than Itsuki was. @Ravenclawjedi42 @Lunamor @Stormlightsong
  8. Hello and welcome to the Alleyverse! This is an extensive guide to the Alleyverse RP, and is mostly a collaboration from me and AonEne, with stuff being taken from other older threads. With the RP being active again and there being a lot of people newer to the written FFRP (freeform roleplay) scene, we're putting out this thread on rules and guidelines for roleplaying. We've taken and updated some content from previous guide threads, in particular this one - many thanks to the mods and members who have written or contributed to these over the years! Over the Eras of the RP, the format and rules of the Alleyverse have often changed - for example, if you read old guide threads, the duel format has been removed and character creation has been revamped several times. This should be the most up-to-date source of guidelines and worldbuilding and older ones may include outdated information (as may the Alleyverse Wiki on Fandom). This thread is meant to be fairly extensive, and hopefully of use to those currently RPing or those interested in RPing. If you have any questions, suggestions on what to add, or rules and guidelines that you are unsure or confused about, please let us know! The most active Alleymods are @Koloss17 and @AonEne, but questions can also be addressed to @Voidus and @ZincAboutIt, or to the Alleyverse community server on Discord. The Alleyverse Recent History There's actually a pinned thread about this, which I recommend checking out! It'll be constantly updated as the plot progresses. Character Creation Roleplaying- The Format Other Rules All normal rules for the 17th Shard apply; for an extensive list please see the general Code of Conduct. The Alleyverse also adheres to the 17th Shard's RPG rating. If you're ever unsure if something is appropriate or allowed, just ask! We're always happy to address any questions or concerns. If you notice something that may be a breach of the site rules please use the report option on the post so that someone in the staff can look into it. The primary goal of this and any other RP is the enjoyment of the players. Don't be afraid to speak up if another player's actions are stopping you from enjoying the game, but keep in mind that the other players need to enjoy the game as well. Try not to railroad the entire story and make yourself the only hero or derail the story threads of other players. Communication is key here, make sure you talk to people if you're not sure about a major decision! No Godmodding Be Patient Canon Compliance Guilds Further Worldbuilding These are the present-day city districts and some of the locations that have been established in Alleycity. Many other locations have existed or still exist but are not listed here. City Districts Keep in mind that these district descriptions have been pasted over from a much older thread, so the descriptions of the areas aren't necessarily accurate. For the time being, I will allow some alterations to the districts, and I will update them when larger events occur within them. Specific Locations Here I am going to include some of the newer locations to mark a newer era. Something to keep in mind is that you can almost always set up a new building, as things can change drastically era to era. In fact, worldbuilding is greatly encouraged! Interacting With Others Now, all of this formatting and such is nice, but it really doesn't mean anything unless you have someone to roleplay with. The Chat Thread, Collaboration Thread, or any of the guild threads are great places to talk about and set up roleplaying opportunities. When you've gotten in touch with someone, communicate closely with them, as you don't want to write up something that would be difficult for the person you are roleplaying with to add on to, or put in information that the other person (or people) would disapprove of. This is especially important for making major plot developments such as starting up a fight or moving locations. Now that you know the gist, get out there and make a character! Find a person or group to roleplay with! Discover the wacky world of the Alleyverse! And again, feel free to ask questions! I sincerely hope that you come to love the Allyverse and its world just as much as we do.
  9. Hey all! I have been, as of yesterday, become an official mod to the Alleyverse subforum! I am now a god!! (If a god means being able to pin things and such.) Does this change anything from what I’ve been doing here? Not really, no. It just means that I can better enforce things. But to me, this is a big deal! I’d like to wholeheartedly thank @AonEne for putting out a good word for me, and helping to provide me with the advice and skills needed to take on such a role. I’ll be doing the same stuff as I have been for the past month or so. Ya know, moderating. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ping me! I know a lot about the mechanics of roleplaying, and less about the worldbuilding. I’d recommend that you talk to Ene and Voidus for lore, but I can also just send your inquiry to them . See you out there!
  10. Chrysts are the universal currency of Alleycity. Basically each area has their own currency due to differences in culture, but there needs to be something universal to get trade across districts, and to make money not worthless once you step out of your district.
  11. Chloris, The Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar Chloris looked back at the automatic text log on her MAPID, whispering a command. A job opportunity? Chloris hesitated. Waiting? She had never been a waiter before. Frankly, she wasn’t sure how much she would enjoy such a job. You need the money. Minthe was right. “Where is this diner located?” Chloris asked. “I’m currently staying at a motel around Demoux road, but I move quite often.” However, she was growing to like this part of the city. Are you really going to throw away this opportunity? For nostalgia’s sake? No. Not yet. She needed the money, and opportunities were hard to come by. ”And do they pay in Chrysts? That’s quite important, as money exchange is a lot of work.”
  12. @RoyalBeeMage and @Scars of Hathsin: reminder that posts should generally be longer than a single line of dialogue. This is for many reasons, but generally the most important is that there’s no DM, so the only person that can describe the scene and setting is you. Additionally, inner thoughts are very much appreciated, as they can give insight into a character’s personality, as well as thoughts that they would have rattling inside their head, but wouldn’t say out loud. The Alleyverse is much more like a collaborative fanfic than a D&D session. Embrace your inner writer!
  13. Week One Perses woke with a start. How long had he been out? Immediately, Perses tapped hearingsense. It was empty. Rusts rusts rusts rusts. Perses' heartbeat spiked, his heart pounding, his breath frantic. Feeling around, he reached for the wall. He was met with a smooth surface, which felt odd and waxy. Knocking his fist on it, it made a glassy twang. His breathing slowed. He traced his hand around the room, feeling for the door. Opening the door, he felt the other side of the door. Waxy, glass. Good. Closing the door, he sank to the floor. Trying to control his heart rate, he laid there. He was safe. Perses had only been trapped in Wickwillow Manor for a few weeks, but it felt like an eternity. He always had difficulty telling the time, but it was near impossible within this manor. There was an occasional wind that blew through the manor, but each time he sought it out, the winds disappeared. He was convinced at this point that the manor wanted him to be trapped. He had hoped someone would have come and rescued him, but he had all but given up on that by now. Harmony, he was so lonely. His stomach panged in hunger. It was natural, of course. His rations were nearly out, and he would need to go out exploring once more. However, he first had to restore his senseminds. Sitting in this room of mirrors, he should be safe from the creatures that lurked in the shadows. With a shaky exhale, he stored his senses. Everything went dark. He was used to darkness, in some way. Perses had been blind his whole life. For most of his life, he saw it as a curse. Had he just been born with sight, he would have been seen as useful to others. Instead, his life had been one of constant struggle, trying to prove to others that he was worth something. He was a better shot than most, and had more awareness than anyone around him, and almost never got snuck up on. But the mere fact that he couldn't see is what stifled his chances. And could he see now, he wouldn't be here. Trapped in a constantly morphing, maze-like manor, being hunted by creatures that could make no sound, and could be anywhere at any time. However, their one fear was mirrors, and seeing their own reflection. The one thing that Perses could never see. These were the sort of things he thought about as he stored his senses. While storing, he couldn't hear anything, smell anything, or feel his surroundings. He couldn't even hear his heartbeat. He was cut off from the world, with only his thoughts to keep him company. At least his hunger pains went away. He couldn't hide them forever, as he needed the reminder. But for now, he needed it stored. Sadly, he would run out of painminds at some point, and would have to either tap them or find more bronze. He hadn't found anything pure enough to use, but he still had hope. Frankly, it was all he had.
  14. Well, as the era is progressing, I thought it would be smart to make a post summarizing the huge number of pages of RP. This will cover the nitty gritty, the simplified plot thus far, and what a denizen of the Alleyverse would likely know. This post will be updated as the plot continues. What someone that has just entered the Alleyverse would know: What someone who has been in the Alleyverse for a while would know: A meta cheat sheet summary of the current plot: A nitty gritty summary of each of the events in chronological order: There are of course side plots, and things slowly unfurling, but that is all you need to know to get started! Of course, you can choose to completely ignore the current going-ons of Alleycity in pursuit of something completely different for your character. So long as you get at least one person to roleplay with, you are good to go!
  15. Wow, the internet sure is weird. I keep feeling like I should be embarrassed that I haven’t posted in a long while on non-Alleyverse forums, but like???? I shouldn’t? Yet somehow I feel like I’m expected to make my magnanimous presence known.

    Anyway that’s to say that I haven’t stopped loving the Cosmere, and am avidly reading through Defiant. I just don’t have the theory juices flowing right now. If you want to see me more, I am very present on the Alleyverse Roleplay, where you can be whatever character you want in the Sanderverse!

    I will also very much respond to pings, so if there’s F-Tin posting afoot, give the word and I shall be there!

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Heya Koloss! Yeah it's weird isn't it, you're basically feeling guilty for not wasting your time on the internet :P

  16. I suppose we'll just have to find out! On a similar note, how exactly is the process painful? I assumed it was due to a slow buildup of spores inside the host. However, would that make some spores more painful to be bound to than others? I would imagine something like crimson spores would be much more painful than zephyr spores. I would also think midnight spores would be less painful in that regard, as it would just be a buildup of goop inside you. Now, is it still painful and eventually deadly? Certainly. Just, perhaps, less deadly than crimson spores.
  17. At the very least, its worth checking in on if there would be any tells that they are a Windrunner.
  18. Well, there certainly could be! But not everyone is going to advertise the fact that they are a radiant.
  19. @RoyalBeeMage Would your character recognize that the person they ran into was a Windrunner? Keep in mind that the way the Alleyverse narration works is that every narration is from the point of view of your character, meaning everything that is written down is already known by the character.
  20. “Hey, sometimes a place just speaks to you. This place,” Chlo gestured at the window, “reminds me of home. In an odd way, as Scadrians used to be seen as my enemies.” It was nice to talk to someone who nobody else seemed to care about. Their story had value. And it’s not giving you any Chrysts to afford a room for tomorrow, Minthe interjected. She was right. Looking down, she saw that she had already finished her first glass of water. She moved onto the second glass. “Say, do you happen to know of any jobs in the area? I’m trained in a wide variety of things, from technology to police work .” She should be embarrassed that she was now homeless and jobless. She used to have it good, with a roof under her head, a meal in her stomach, and friends to talk to. Minthe keeps nagging her about that. She supposed it’s Minthe’s way of looking out for her. But living on the streets was not new to her. She had done it most of her childhood, and a good few months off-world. Her life was like a pendulum, in that way. Swinging from stability to table scraps. Chloris chuckled to herself, realizing how much like her ancestors she was. Looking up, she realized that she had been only half listening to Itsuki’s response.
  21. So I actually want to make a thread that regards a summary of all of the events that went down, but I’m still looking for approval by actual Alleyverse mods (I can approve characters and lead things for now, but that’s the extent of my ability pretty much). For now, the summary is this: Perses is an up and coming pseudo-inquisitor (full character description and abilities are on the character thread) that is trying to gain a foothold in the Alleycity underground. So far, he has leveled a gang controlled factory in the Mistwarrens to get information on an atium stash, has broken into a gang controlled inn that held the atium, and is now about to get a sick new weapon to kit himself out with using a bit of said atium. Because of Perses’ blatant disregard for the law (with there being very few as of late in the Mistwarrens), Corbeau, who was a high prelan before appearing in Alleycity, has taken it upon himself to deal with Perses because of this, there are two main sides. The current characters and their affiliations are: Perses’ Team: -Perses (duh)—Blind F-Tin Twinborn that has recently been Hemalurgically spiked and has a hunger for power. -Asylum Smedry—Has the talent of superstition, and is currently serving Perses on a when requested basis -Eza (kinda)—a young lurcher thief that has Asylum has taken under their wing. Corbeau’s team: -Corbeau (duh)—mastermind high prelan who hopes to become mayor of Alleycity. Right now is focused on taking down Perses -Keshi—a Kitsen cytonic that is currently a spy for Corbeau -Sonyr—a bronze compounder who operates the Secret Library and has been incensed by Corbeau to help hunt down Perses Undecided: -Itsuki—a lonely and depressed Kilohitan that has no clear direction in life -Flint—a chromium compounder playboy with an unfortunate allergy to chromium -Chloris—a Midnight Aether spore-eater that has broken her oaths as an Edgedancer, but is still a good person. For what’s going on right now in the plot, Corbeau, Keshi, and maybe Sonyr are planning a sting on Perses, who is about to get a cool new gun in the Corridor, while Itsuki, Chloris, Flint, Asylum, and Eza are all at Bendalloy Bar in the Mistwarrens, having a nice drink. I plan on expanding the plot to reach to other areas of Allecity, but right now everything is fairly centered in the Mistwarrens.
  22. well, both of your characters are Radiants, so there’s that! The current plot is currently set in the Mistwarrens, but that by no means means that your characters have to interact there. The world is your oyster, and so long as you two can agree on where and why to interact, then that’s all that matters. I recommend having that conversation either in the collaboration thread or in PMs tho.
  23. Well, you just need to find someone to RP with! Right now, @RoyalBeeMage appears to be on the lookout for someone to RP with, and @TheRavenHasLanded is fairly open at the moment, I believe. Also feel free to post on the collaboration thread! We do have some other plot threads going on right now, but I would want to check in on the free floaters before jumping in with those already doing stuff.
  24. This guy didn’t look like one that needed a strong drink, but she didn’t know his story. Chloris walked up to the bartender. He was tall and well dressed, surprisingly so for a place like this. She supposed it didn’t hurt to look a bit more expensive than you actually were. “I’d like a beer and some roasted cremlings, if you have them.” The man looked her over. “Rosharan, eh? Well, you’re in luck.” He poured a beer and wrote down Cremling Kebab. “Anything else?” Chloris was hungry, but more than anything else, she was parched. “I’d like two glasses of water, and…” she looked at the minimal selection of food. “And some eggs, please.” With a drink in each hand, and one wedged in her elbow, she returned to the table. “So. What’s your story? Looks like there’s something keeping you in this part of the city,” she said, passing the beer to Itsuki. “I suspect few come here without good reason to.”
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