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Everything posted by mathiau

  1. Actually, that's a big point in the favour of 'disliking Kaladin' =/= 'everyone he likes is a Bondsmith'
  2. I disagree with Dalinar's power not fading, I believe creating stormlight is a normal thing for third oath Boundsmith -although the closet I could come to a confirmation was this. During the battle he doesn't seems to need any physical effort to create stormlight but afterward it's described as almost painful to do it. I would guess Odium was surprised that the bond between Dalinar and the Storm Father made them able to create a perpendicularity, which he was the first Boundsmith to do (and could be what you meant by making both of them stronger )
  3. A spontaneous group is probably gonna appear at the TUBA headquarter so maybe you can start there Do any of you know what their character will wear during the festival? I think I will go with a cosplay of Invocation Earth's SteelHeart for NullBlade but I don't know what to use for Folorian, I had thought of dressing him up as a Cryptic or as Harmony but I think the first would weird his spren and the second is essentially a colour swap of his normal attire.
  4. You're right, the WoB is saying that matter and investiture are the same thing, which is not exactly the same as being made of investiture. But it doesn't change that if being made if investiture was a a problem to hold. Yes it seems I was wrong about that.
  5. Here you go Link to the WoB : https://wob.coppermind.net/events/256/#e8656
  6. Actually, mundane matter and energy is made of Investiture
  7. I can't find the quote I was talking so I can't tell you whether it was a one-one or not :/ And the Physical realm too
  8. Are we sure his shapeshifting abilities are "considerable"? I mean, you're probably right about him being able to look like being from an other ethnic group, but would he be able to look like another person? I mean, is Zahel just Vasher with darker skin and smaller eyes or is he completely unrecognizable?
  9. Actually, Lifesense is a Mental enhancement and Intuitive knowledge is probably a Spiritual enhancement, or at least a Mental one (I'd say spiritual since spiritual enhancements help with placing hemalurgic spikes) Actually, Spren are non-physical, not spiritual These two are solid physical object while Breathes are gaseous Endowment, the only time we've seen gaseous investiture being repulsed was Preservation's Mists being repulsed by long spiked peoples, I don't see Endowment's gaseous form being repulsed by investiture for either Honour or Cultivation. On the other hand I can totally see it being repulsed by Odium Like every living thing in the Cosmere Now about an actual argument about the subject, the only reason I can see for a spren being unable to carry breath would be that it doesn't have a body, here's why I don't think it's enough: Aside from the cognitive avatar of his holder, a Shard mostly has three manifestations: a solid one -their godmetal- a liquid one -their shardpool(s)- and a gaseous one -the mists, stormlight or breaths-, according to Sazed each of them correspond to either the body, mind or soul of the shard. I don't remember which of the liquid or the gaseous correspond to the soul and which to the mind but I remember that the godmetal correspond to the body (which my the way is why we say Lerasium and not Preservium). Why would you need a body to use the spirit/soul of a shard? (I'd say liquid for soul since shardpools make the three realms one and the spiritual real is essentially a dot) Now, it's possible that a spren wouldn't hold breaths as good as a human and would leak them, but that's not the point.
  10. Secret History spoiler I think he ascended the way Rashek did
  11. "The Void parted for the Separate Being and the One-eyed God, and a sun beamed brilliant in the sky. This was the first birth of the world." Sounds to me like he literally made the sun (If that's not enough for you, there could be a small religion worshipping him as The Solar Power while no one else does that, a bit like Sliverism in W&W)
  12. Actually he's not an epic, he just comes from a world with epics, and he has the exact same powers as when you approved him last era
  13. Tags don't work in quotations @Voidus
  14. A black hole of size of a human would be stable for a very long time (and about one thousand time heavier than hearth), now after the ferruchemist stop tapping his ironmind (cause you know, dead) he would go back to somethink like 80kg and then he would die of quickly... Alongside with an energy burst of 80kg, which would be about 1700 megaton of tnt, to give you a point of comparison, the total of all Nuclear testing only ad up to 510 megaton of tnt. Actually we have no idea if there is any delay between the moment the ferruchemist start tapping his metalmind and the moment he attain his desired mass. Also I doubt you can start a thermonuclear explosion just like that, especially considering the mass will disappear as soon as the person die
  15. Here's Era 5 Folorian, I reworded his curse so it's more clear and I added that he is a 1st oath Lightweaver as well as a few things so his spren doesn't make his weakness meaningless. I also changed his age and when he first entered in the Alleyverse. (tagging @Rushu42 in case the scholar guild didn't exist 5 years ago) And here's Era 5 NullBlade, I mostly added an artificial 3 months timeskip so he can be disjointed in the new TUBA In both cases, the changes are in blue. @Voidus @I think I am here. @Sorana
  16. Hello Emi I think should consult the index, for simple powers like the metalic arts it gives exactly how much power you can have (Also, you should add part saying whether if Allenice is in a Guild and which one(s))
  17. Actually the pros of being Returned are: - A body closer to your ideal - Limited shapeshifting - Limited access to fortune ('cause Lightsong can't be that lucky at Tarachin) - Ability to fully heal someone by sacrificing yourself - Fifth Heightening - "Only" needs 1,500 breath to attain the 6th heightening Of the power granted by the fifth heightening are agelessness and perfect life sense.I doubt perfect life sense can cost less than A-bronze, which means 35. Agelessness would probably cost something like C-atium-(A-atium+F-atium)=55 (which, to be fair, seems more than it should) (C for compounder) Actually, breaths are gaseous Endowment, not souls. More importantly, this was estimated to 10 weakness point on Xanas's character sheet, and while he can probably use voidmaking to steal investiture from other people, I doubt it counts for a lot.
  18. Thinking about the past seems a bit too similar to thinking about where you are, same thing for thinking about what you can do and planning the future, how about : first day you think about the past, first night you enjoy the present, the second day you plan for the future and second night there originally was no celebration but people like to party so in the end they put one anyway?
  19. Yeah, NullBlade is definitely dressing up as Steelheart, feel free too confuse it with a Superman cosplay How about: exactly that but everybody think the DA is a myth too except for a few conspiracy theorists whose theories looks nothing like what the actual DA is like?
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