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Everything posted by mathiau

  1. NullBlade ran toward Kingston "Why in the Almighty's tenth name did you launch a sword at that dancer?" Folorian was about to ask Aln why Ben had run away but he realized she was speaking to another woman, so he lightwove a small message -small enough that Aln would see it, but small enough so Crow would probably not Do you know why Ben ran? And do you know this woman's name?
  2. I guess you could use it to throw very fast punches while in human form, also I previous eras we've seen people use stored speed to create bullet times but I'm not sure that'd be possible without compounding. On an other subject, what does the Amberite Bond and Night Bond do? I couldn't find and the wiki and Silas seems like he's gonna use them soon. @bees?
  3. As soon as Folorian realized Aln had started speaking to someone else, he shifted his focus from "her" to "her conversation", revealing a young person with a mask representing a Singer, a boy, judging by his voice. After Aln was finished talking he added "Hello Ben, I'm Folorian. I'm sorry we couldn't help you." and after a few seconds "By the way, I'm not the brother" @Ashbringer@Ark1002
  4. Ah, she missed the joke To be fair, it was a bad one. ... Yes, it was "Well if your brother want you to speak with other people, how about starting with a food seller? We probably both hunger" Of course, Folorian wouldn't know unless he focused himself on his body, but he hadn't eaten since noon so hi probably was
  5. Folorian frowned, that was a very odd answer, how could having two set of writings be unnecessary yet not cause problems?... Maybe it was unnecessary, but not useless. "If my stormlight is the only concern, I'll continue, I have plenty on me, feel free to have me stop whenever you want. Also, I must say, I'm deeply offended your brother tried to prevent you from talking with me" he said, voluntarily misunderstanding the 'someone else' part.
  6. "To be fair, I feel out of place too" Folorian answered, still lightweaving "Kerr wanted to search for you but I feared we would not recognize you under you mask, nice phoenix by the way, very on point for a day like this" Yes, not like your 'impersonation of stagnation' mask You're just jealous you couldn't wear a mask of me Of course I am, people are wearing a mask of me and I can't wear a mask of you? That's unfair Folorian decided to ignore his spren for a while "Does me both speaking and weaving cause any reading trouble? Should I stop one of them?" ------ "As long as we stay in the reformation, we have little to worry beside things not changing, but yes, anything close to secession would risk destroying the guild"
  7. Folorian jumped a bit when Aln touched but he calm down immediately as he recognized her "Hello Aln, may I share this feast with you" As he spoke he lightwove a written version of his sentence in the air You know, this is absolutely unnecessary. For now maybe, but someday we will it. ------- "I'm sure if there is any directed festivities but for the vendors, this man might now" Folorian answered, pointing toward Kingston. @Archer
  8. "TUBA did nothing for me, by the way you speak I guess they did something for you, which means my assessment was wrong and they actually do things. I don't know if forming a new guild will be any good, that's why I would prefer improving this one. And it's not just that it 'goes along with paper work', that'd be normal, it's that it goes along with a bureaucratic hell that slow attempts of making this a better place so much they barely even happens" --------- Folorian and Kerr could only focus on one thing each, right now it was the crowd. Of course, it posed the problem that the faces and masks became blurry and unrecognizable, but they didn't have anything better to focus on. We could focus on finding Aln hmm or someone else. Kerr thought to Folorian They're masked and probably disguised, how are we supposed to find them? hmm we wait for them to notice us, hmmm Exactly. @Rushu42
  9. Folorian's alarm rang a second time, revealing him an empty room. It seemed that every members had already gone to the celebration. Well he'd just have to start alone, well... "Alone" Are you awake, Kerr? He thought to his spren I'm never sleep Sometime you put a very good Impression.
  10. "Yes, trying talking to the heads would be best thing to do, but who would count as a reasonable member? The hierarchy system is a mess so don't know anyone who's near the top except Prime Confectioner Storm and even ignoring the rumours about his mental health, just reaching him would be a long endeavour for only a slim chance to change anything. About opening another guild, it should indeed be a last resort, not only would we have trouble finding support, but we would also need to build our logistics from scratch, even if TUBA's one is inefficient it at least exists." Er... two teenagers and a 35 years old guy was his target demographic? Ok. "I think the average time between filling the application and the answer is somewhere around one week, but if you gave the name "King" you might have been put in the non-priority "jokers" pile. By the way, my name is NullBlade"
  11. A loud alarm pulled me away from my reading, indicating it was time for me to get ready for the feast;I didn't like the feeling of getting all my perception back, but it was a necessary evil when he didn't feel the passing of time. I fetched my Lera mask and went to the main room, I set the alarm of my watch to "in fiveteen minutes" and say "Does anyone want to come with me to the festival?", extending a hand toward people I didn't see, and might not even be there
  12. NullBlade tried to keep his anger out of his voice and eyes, it was anger against TUBA not against John. 'I've been here for three months indeed, and yes, our purpose is supposed to be helping people but we have become a bureaucratic nightmare, unable to actually do anything. And worst of all: I have no idea how to change anything" Well, he did have a few ideas, but lone vigilantism was a dangerous endeavour, you easily a man you would have hated -or worst, hate now. "I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you" I should have thought about that BEFORE butting in the conversation "And yes, the lights are beautiful"
  13. NullBlade wandered through the street of the Alleycity, dressed in a SteelHeart cosplay -the Invocation one, not the tyrant- complete with a mask that had never been part of SteelHeart's actual clothes. He had managed to put his back scabbard under the disguise's cape while still being able to access it, although he would probably cut the cape by doing it. NullBlade wandered through the street of the Alleycity, still trying to answer the question he had been asking himself all day: What now? He had been in the TUBA for three months and he had come to a conclusion: they were nothing but a very ineffective NGO with a good PR, and he wanted to be actually usefull. This asked the question: What now? Should he try to change TUBA from the inside? If yes, how? If no then what would he do? Leave TUBA and try to do good on his own, or maybe with other people? He missed being part of a team, well, he mostly being part of her team, but he missed just being part of team too. As NullBlade wandered through the street of the Alleycity, he noticed a man without a mask, coming closer he recognized him as a fellow TUBA member, saw him talking to another, and decided to go salute them. "Hello you two, I hope you had a good day" @Emi@The_Archivist
  14. I wouldn't call that an upgrade (also, your finally at 102 posts!)
  15. Well that solve a lot of problems
  16. Or maybe some allomancers decided it was too dangerous and destroyed the crystals? If neither I might try to organize an operation to destroy it next era
  17. Well, "seeing"... Also your number of post seems stuck at 101
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