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Frustration last won the day on February 1 2023

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    An insect centaur that has a bet with Nameless
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  1. Can we talk about the fact that the T.Rex is the perfect terrestrial predator for a second?


    This thing could smell better thanand  a turkey vulture, see better than a hawk, and had incredible hearing. It could swim, run at up to 12 mph, while maintaing that pace for an incredible length of time, and had strong enough musculature to flip your car on its side and bite through it. And not only that but it was incredibly inteligent, and depending on what study you use could be anywhere from as smart as a crocodile, all the way to a chimpanzee.


    Oh yeah, and it also weighed more than fifteen thousand pounds.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Also it probably had feathers

      Which is lit af

    3. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      Yes, big scavenger chicken. 

    4. Frustration


      @The Bookwyrm as far as we can tell it was a predator, it just also scavenged, similar to some North American bears, they'll kill for food, or they'll eat things already dead, depends on what's available to them.


      They also might have been pack hunters, which is awesome.

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