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Everything posted by leinton

  1. "We can't all be Mozarts, right? Some of us have to be Salieris."

  2. I'm now watching The Big Bang Theory. And I cannot see the words I am posting right now XD.
  3. Stargate SG:1 and Stargate Atlantis. I'm also spending this time complaining about how Stargate lasted so long when Firefly didn't even finish its first season.
  4. I would like to announce that I love Les Miserables.
  5. That comic was what I was basing my statement of hilarity. I love xkcd
  6. I'm a fan of A Midsummer Night's Dream, myself. Indeed. The Tempest is another excellent one.
  7. I would like to announce that I am participating in a science/creative writing crossover contest that my school hosts. While the idea of writing something only 2500 words long scares the hell out of me, I'm really excited!
  8. I would like to announce that congratulations are in order for Chaos. CONGRATULATIONS!
  9. When it comes down to it, a lot of famous artists of all genres are jerkfaces. As a musician, I got used to realizing that all my favorite musicians and composers were all jerkfaces. Particularly jazz artists. They were merciless to each other and fans.
  10. Someone's WRONG on the internet?! That NEVER happens. This is the only forum I've ever signed up for, unless you count being automatically signed up for the WoW forums. That says something about you guys, you didn't scare me away with your insanity! (Also, I needed easy access to cosmere information...)
  11. I would like to announce that I'm going to the desert today! Here's to hoping the ocotillios are blooming!
  12. ... grab your heart. In case of rampaging midget shotgunners from Borderlands...
  13. I would like to announce two things. First of all, I doubt anything short of brain death could rob me of my love of fiction. Don't worry there. Second of all, I just discovered that my old high school now has a GIS class (geographic information science). Since I am a geography major and have many fond memories of this school, this makes me extraordinarily happy.
  14. I would like to announce I'm about to take my first creative writing class later today. Yay!
  15. I would like to announce that I've figured what it is that's bothering me so much about Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. One of the Jupiter adepts does not have Mind Read, and neither of them have Reveal. Instead, a Venus adept has a form of reveal that takes a long time to work. *grumble* ruining my favorite part of my favorite adepts... Also, I'm pretty sure that as Isaac and Felix, we explored the whole world and didn't see pretty much ANY of this stuff. Only 30 years have passed. And these civilizations act as if they've been there for ages.
  16. I bet that when the Returned use their breath to heal someone, the breath loses its potency as it works its miracles and becomes a normal breath at that point.
  17. ... melt the polar ice caps. In case of stolen video games...
  18. ... release the raptors. In case of nuclear war...
  19. Shanghai is a funny word. Hehehehe... In other news, congratulations!
  20. I would like to announce that I finally beat Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (I got caught up in reading so many good books I forgot that the game existed for a month). I found it... well, the ending was not satisfying to me when compared to the other games. And since the beginning was also lacking, I find myself wondering why I bothered getting the game so quickly. However, I am hopeful that the obvious sequel to the game won't have an 11 minute long intro that denies me gameplay time and a 20 minute long tutorial thrust down my throat.
  21. In those three days, I read the second half of A Feast for Crows, then I read all of Wizard's First Rule, then I reread Way of Kings, and then I reread Towers of Midnight. The only one I skimmed through is Towers of Midnight, the others I was seriously reading. This is what happens when I am denied the internet.
  22. I would like to announce that after three days without wireless, I now am able to view the interwebs at will again!
  23. So, I was just rereading Way of Kings the other day in my family's lack of interwebs (our wireless is broken), and I found something interesting during Hoid's talk with Kaladin. Page 801Is it possible that Hoid was at one point a shardholder? Or maybe this rock is the mysterious "element" he spoke of in his letter?
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