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Everything posted by One_Armed

  1. Wax & *win* (I'm sure Wayne will forgive me).
  2. Why everybody hate moash? He does what in his eyes is good and thats Honorable.
  3. But mostly cookies. (With special Ingredient...)
  4. Did you just made a parody of the wheel of time of robert jorden? its awesome!
  5. Haha, actually I didn't get I just thought that I was doing something new. Only now I realized that you aimed there.
  6. The more you spend time on a thing the better you get at it. For example - if you do workout you get stronger. If you read books you get smarter. If you cook food you get better at cooking. Fun fact: this magic system exist in a planet called Earth. Shooting
  7. Indeed. I, personally think that to many got hurt and killed by the protest for it to be justified. I will understand someone that a person close to him got hurt because of the protest and he dosent think lucidly right now.
  8. Ijust wanted to say something that was a little bit missed here. It's okay that a person would think that people from all colors are equal and still will be against the BLM movment because of the violent protest, (Not against their vision but against their methods) andthis person should be able to stay silent without being accused as racist. (Sorry if this post hurt anybody I just feel this an important point that we often miss) Edit: (I dont know what Edonidd said and i hope no one takes my words out of context)
  9. How dose it a synonym of post? Meat
  10. new rule to the game: next one to post loses.
  11. Free (Isn't that the opposite of trapped? If so than i'l start with: learn)
  12. salvation 2000 years are long time to be away from home. Once he was the greatest one, evreyone saw him and thought that he is the chosen one, the one that shows the way. The pride and power made him fall. Now after 2000 years away his father, the king finally forgave. (Hppy stories aren't that hard to make...)
  13. The lonely stone Once they were seven, the gurdian stones of the city. Then there was a great war, and they became five. Then the cursed hunger stroke, and they were three. And then came the big fire, and they became a "him". And the last stone sat there lonely rotting, and then they were none.
  14. The rabbit hole goes deep... (Seriously, its addicting)
  15. And then the young hungry man ate all the dead and alive potatoes and quited his hunger.
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