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Elend Venture

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Everything posted by Elend Venture

  1. Elend fell to his knees on the dusty earth. The kill switch in his left hand released and a large metallic detrium powered atomic bomb detonated, with Elend and Shadow at ground zero.
  2. Granted, but all of the Nightwatcher's pies were poisoned with 7 grams of cyanide each. *throws lethally poisoned keylime pie to Shadow* I wish that I have yearbook style pictures of everyone in the Shard.
  3. Granted, but the teacher hates you and stabs you in the thigh with a letter opener. I wish the Nightwatcher gave less harsh banes.
  4. Elend drew his kopis and chased BoS down the street.
  5. Damon walked into the last room quietly. In front of him was the small council from the dark crusade. They all had their backs turned. He hesitated a moment, raised his revolvers, and...Crack! A gunshot fired somewhere. Damon dropped painfully to the floor, bleeding from a grazing wound in the calf. As heads turned among the three men in front of him, he opened fire, twelve bullets and scores of steelpushed carpentry nails and coins flew at the council members from point blank range. Some riflefire erupted from his right and the floor around him exploded in lead and splintered wood. His cloak had gained just a few more holes to add to the rest from this eve of darkness, but he had come through the torrent of fire mostly in one piece. Not for the last time, Damon wondered why the rusts he had chosen the dark over the light. @Grey Knight
  6. Nuemark walked to his table and poured one not shot of whiskey, downing it in one gulp. He resummoned his shardblade, glancing at the man who had seemingly just been murdered.
  7. Or religious... Elend drew back his longbow and released an allomaticaly spiked arrow at BoS before unstringing it and jumping into the mele with his poleaxe. He screamed his battlecry: "Long live the pheasants!...er, peasants!".
  8. Falchions are really cool.

  9. Granted, but you can only play each level once. I wish that End Game was less popular.
  10. Granted, but sadly, you become a jerk instead. I wish my boon to be me becoming a powerful mage known as Archmage the Powerful LXVII
  11. Nuemark walks in alongside Tel, putting some paperwork* into his hands. "You will have to verify with the leaders and everything, make sure you're not a spy and stuff like that, but here is your Oath of Loyalty doucment." Said Nuemark, pointing to a fancy looking desk with a fountain pen on it. "New members usually sign it there. Sometimes no one is here and you just have to leave it on the Great Desk Of Power." @Truthless of Shinovar *
  12. Nuemark smiled at Tel knowingly, summoning his shardblade back and leading the way out door. @Truthless of Shinovar
  13. Your wish is granted and you get all seasons that shall ever be created. The bane is that next season the series will lose its funding and they will never finish the story. I wish to be able to meet Giovanni de Bande Nere.
  14. How poetic. I have an alergic reaction to the soy within mik and white chocalate, so I have aquired a taste for the dark. At least Sanderson's books don't make my eyes sting...
  15. Waffles were undeniably the best in every aspect. Ivan ate a raw potato.
  16. Nuemark smiled back. "It is dangerous out on the streets right now, but there is this nice little recruitment office down in the ghostblood side of town that I could take you to. They let you sign away your soul to them there and everything!" @Truthless of Shinovar
  17. Why does no one really reference this as often as they should? Brandon slipped a very clear Watership Down reference into there...
  18. Nuemark did not hesitate to help recruit. "They can be quite lucrative, these organizations. Ghostbloods are...well, hired lances, if you catch my meaning. We are one of the best, see, we have a fine sense of comradary and when we do a big job, near everyone participates in the spoils." Said Nuemark, nodding as he spoke, releasing his shardblade. @Truthless of Shinovar
  19. Damon felt a searing pain in his left arm. He tried to raise the gun in in his left hand, but already knew that the arm was broken. A bullet had flown right through it, shattering the bone. He dropped to the ground to reduce his silouette and returned fire, sending two bullets toward each occupant of the room (except for himself). He rolled to the right, springing up and jumping through a doorway into an adjoining room. He shut the door, though that would only hold so long against the inhuman strength of that hulking figure back there, assuming he was still alive after all the gunfire. Damon turned to survey the room. It appeared to be empty, but had doorways at the back. No windows and poorly lit. He groped in his pocket for a tourniquet and tied it around his left arm, tightening it until bloodflow was cut off. He raised his revolver with his good hand and walked into the next doorway, which, according to the map, would have the targets in it, alegedly at conference. @Grey Knight
  20. "They are organizations," Said Nuemark, turning toward Tel. @Truthless of Shinovar
  21. Nuemark was a Ghostblood. He felt right at home.
  22. "Not nearly as much as a man..." Nuemark shrugged, severing four new tentacles with a single swing, wheeling on the second wrath and loading another magazine into his machine pistol. "I have no idea what these things are...As for why, you ever heard of PlasmaCore?"
  23. "The name is Bordeux, Nuemark Bordeux." Said Nuemark, thrusting into a tentacle using his shardblade with a pained look on his face, "I am a lawman and a soldier but there is nothing that I find more repulsive than killing." @Truthless of Shinovar
  24. Dragon!!! Thought Damon, rolling to the side and shooting three more rounds at a marine. He fired the other three that were left in his gun into the eyeslits of muscleman's armor, using the same technique as before. @Grey Knight @Ark1002
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