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Status Replies posted by Lunamor


    ok. that is it. bye.

    don't look in the spoiler box.


    you did it. just wow. *slow clap* Do not open the next one


    or the next


    do not open anymore after this


    do not open a single one on this status update


    I am just kidding... I was going to say "you lost the game" but decided against it.










  2. AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!  I'm freaking out so bad right now.  A few of my siblings pitched in to get me a pre-order ed copy of RoW, along with a ticket to the launch party!!!!!!  They also submitted a question to Branderson!!!!!!  Today was fabulous.

  3. Alright, guys, so I'm back...ish. We had a tragedy in the family recently, which is why I was gone. I'll be on occasionally to keep up with notifs and whatnot (I'm not even going to bother trying to follow through with the ones I already have), but I won't be on as frequently for a while.

  4. Alright, guys, so I'm back...ish. We had a tragedy in the family recently, which is why I was gone. I'll be on occasionally to keep up with notifs and whatnot (I'm not even going to bother trying to follow through with the ones I already have), but I won't be on as frequently for a while.

    1. Lunamor


      I’m so sorry Fadran, I’m glad you are back now! Have a cute dog:


    2. (See 74 other replies to this status update)

  5. Two words: Francium Bathbomb

  6. Woohoo! I’m a Soulcaster! Now I will slowly turn to dust. . . 


    Get the reference?


  7. I just started watching Pokémon Go: Indigo League, and here’s what I’ve learned so far: handing a ten year old Wikipedia and a pit fighting dog then telling them to “figure it out” is a really bad idea. Also, Misty is a jerk.

    1. Lunamor


      I just watched that one, poor Ash :P

      To be fair, she probably had to act like that because she’s got really terrible sisters. I will never forgive her for how she treats Psyduck, though, poor little dude was trying his best. 

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  8. Can we all take a moment to appreciate that there are currently over 30 names in the ‘Today’s Birthdays’ list?

  9. Can we all take a moment to appreciate that there are currently over 30 names in the ‘Today’s Birthdays’ list?

  10. I just started watching Pokémon Go: Indigo League, and here’s what I’ve learned so far: handing a ten year old Wikipedia and a pit fighting dog then telling them to “figure it out” is a really bad idea. Also, Misty is a jerk.

  11. I just started watching Pokémon Go: Indigo League, and here’s what I’ve learned so far: handing a ten year old Wikipedia and a pit fighting dog then telling them to “figure it out” is a really bad idea. Also, Misty is a jerk.

    1. Lunamor


      Team Rocket is my absolute favorite, the fact that James is always inexplicably holding a rose is the best thing ever :lol:

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  12. I just started watching Pokémon Go: Indigo League, and here’s what I’ve learned so far: handing a ten year old Wikipedia and a pit fighting dog then telling them to “figure it out” is a really bad idea. Also, Misty is a jerk.

  13. I just started watching Pokémon Go: Indigo League, and here’s what I’ve learned so far: handing a ten year old Wikipedia and a pit fighting dog then telling them to “figure it out” is a really bad idea. Also, Misty is a jerk.

    1. Lunamor


      It’s really cute, surprisingly funny, and has lots of fourth all breaking. Also, I just met Misty’s sisters and I forgive her now.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  14. It’s snowing super hard here, I think the snow might stay. Winter hath begun!


    Every so often this past month my brain has been gently reminding me “it’s your Shardiversary soon!”, but now that I’m actually here I can’t believe it. I still feel like it was yesterday when I timidly posted an intro thread and found myself gravitating over to the Forum Games and Community side of the Shard, where I’ve stayed for most of my time here. Since then I’ve *wins*ed, rambled (often incoherently), joined RPs (which either died or I had to leave, whoops) and honestly stumbled across such a wonderful community to be a part of.

    To the forum games crew, you guys never fail to make me smile! I love going on adventures with you, granting boons and banes, and all of the general randomness that happens along the way.

    To anyone I’ve ever RPed with, you’re awesome and thank you for being patient with someone who had/still has no idea what they’re doing :P. This site is full of amazing storytellers and I’m so glad that I’m able to write with you all.

    And finally, thank you. Yes, you reading this. For making this community such a great one to be in. Whenever I’m in need of a laugh, a fun conversation, or a virtual hug, I know where to come. 

  16. quick, someone, anyone

    I need an idea for pumpkin carving

  17. Changed my pfp and not sure if I like it. what does the person replying right now think?

  18. Me: Minding my own business, about to get out of bed after chilling with my laptop

    My Brain: Hey, Wyn?

    Me: What is it?

    My Brain: You know those things, like the ability to walk, and hold things without dropping them?

    Me: Yeah, what about them?

    My Brain: So, in like a minute, I'mma forget how to do that. 'Kay?

    Me: WAIT NO

    My Brain *as I nearly trip over my laptop cable, and accidentally fling my phone from my hands*: Too late!

  19. *sigh*

    I hate it when this happens.

    My mind is so full of information... Don't do history homework for four hours before going to bed.

    I'm thinking about Saladin and Ashoka and the Byzantine Empire and the Momluk Turks and the Samurai and how they moved from straight swords to curved ones and how their armor is made from leather and about Japanese feudalism and China's influence on Japan and how Japan was attacked by the Mongols twice and about Chompa rice and the Grand Canal. (Sorry for any misspellings. Did I spell misspell right? It looks weird). 

    Yeah, we're transitioning from China to Japan in history.

    And yes, it's nearly one in the morning.

    Yes, I'm eating a bagel.

    Yes, I have school at 6:30 in the morning. (Seminary)

    Yes, even if I go to bed now and then miss seminary I'll get almost no sleep.



    Shoot. Now I'm thinking about RoW, too. 

    27 days...

    There are a solid three status updates in a row with nothing in between. All of them are really weird.

    Back to reading my book...

    My bagel is gone now, too, so that sucks...

  20. *sigh*

    I hate it when this happens.

    My mind is so full of information... Don't do history homework for four hours before going to bed.

    I'm thinking about Saladin and Ashoka and the Byzantine Empire and the Momluk Turks and the Samurai and how they moved from straight swords to curved ones and how their armor is made from leather and about Japanese feudalism and China's influence on Japan and how Japan was attacked by the Mongols twice and about Chompa rice and the Grand Canal. (Sorry for any misspellings. Did I spell misspell right? It looks weird). 

    Yeah, we're transitioning from China to Japan in history.

    And yes, it's nearly one in the morning.

    Yes, I'm eating a bagel.

    Yes, I have school at 6:30 in the morning. (Seminary)

    Yes, even if I go to bed now and then miss seminary I'll get almost no sleep.



    Shoot. Now I'm thinking about RoW, too. 

    27 days...

    There are a solid three status updates in a row with nothing in between. All of them are really weird.

    Back to reading my book...

    My bagel is gone now, too, so that sucks...

  21. I already consider all of you shard buddies, but to make it official who wants to be added to my list?

  22. If you 1) have a shard buddy list, 2) you’re following me, and 3) haven’t already added me, can I be added to your shardbuddy list? Also, everyone who wants to be my shardbuddy, let me know I’m going to make a list soon!

    1. Lunamor


      Shardbuddy!!! I don't have a physical list, just a very long mental list :P

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  23. Status: Sick

    I threw up.


    No, it’s not covid. Yes, I’ll be fine...


  24. I am tired of PMing people. Anyone wanna be my shardbuddy? I don't bite hard.

  25. I am tired of PMing people. Anyone wanna be my shardbuddy? I don't bite hard.

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