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Everything posted by Ookla-son-son-Ventyl

  1. Alright, after catching up on everything that’s gone on in this thread since last night. TJ seems has a substantially more amount of suspicion than Lahilt. To be honest I was tinfoiling with that vote . Anyway, the main votes on Pyro and TJ both seem pretty good and in reality I don’t see what difference it would make depending on who we vote. We get the same information out of both, essentially. I’m placing my vote on TJ for now solely that they seem likely to have a higher chance of being elim than Pyro. This could change depending on how the rest of the cycle plays out.
  2. Okay after reading the cycle one thread, I have determined that no role games are much harder. In all seriousness though, I’m sad that Xino is dead! I was looking forward to playing with the them as a fellow villager. I don’t think we gain any insight on who could be a possible elim. If you look at Xino’s post he never gave any suspicious, unless you count a “stab vote” as one. So unless Lahilt is an elim who is trying to mind game us, I don’t have an leads so far. But, if anyone goes back and looks through C1, try to find if people were reacting to Xino in a suspicious way. Though, Xino’s death could be the elims killing off an experienced player, which I don’t like! Cause according to this: No GamesGearsMysticLotusThe_TruthwatcherVaporOne GameAshbringerLahiltTwo GamesMatrim's DiceShard of ReadingTJ ShadeReturningEternumFrozen MintSparkrunnerExperiencedDevotary of SpontaneityExperienceFifth ScholarLord_SilberfarbenMistStrawStrikerEZTheYoungPyromancerVentylXinoehp512 I’m an experienced player! Although, I’m not sure I agree with it. Considering how Ashbringer outplayed me extremely well in the LG. So with that knowledge, I don’t think we can put any of their actions to “new player weirdness.” Simply because of how well they’ve already gotten the hang off the game. Also, I’m totally not an elim!
  3. I’ll join as Aaiden Etteax, the great-great grandfather of Lafay Etteax who has recently perished! Note: Lafay may or may not be stuck in the Cognitive Realm and is very confused as to why he isn’t completely dead.
  4. My motto is, ‘better safe than sorry.’ EDIT; So Ashbringer know that I’ve properly clarified everything (I hope), would you be so kind as to not kill me today? I can prove my role for real this time, I’ve already submitted the actions to Leech Walin and Trap you, because I really don’t know what to do with the trap anymore.
  5. Well at the time I bought it, I was worried that Ashbringer would Pulse me so that my action didn’t show up and I would die. But then when Emi posted, I thought Ashbringer was going to be all good, but apparently I was wrong. I had submitted the actions of Leeching Walin and Steel Trapping Ash that turn, but when Emi posted I unsubmitted. In hindsight, I probably should’ve done it anyway. EDIT: @Magestar you are right.
  6. I did it to prove my role, but after Emi made the clarification I didn’t think that I needed to roleblock them anymore so I unsubmitted the action. I’ll probably end up selling the trap if I live. EDIT: I’ve decided I’m going to Roleblock Walin, and use the trap on Ash. So if maybe I can please stay alive, I can actually prove my role...
  7. If I was an elim, why would I want to kill Matrim? The only Sparker that I know can confirm my role? I fail to see how this is a valid argument against me. Any player would know that this would be a great way to get outed as an elim, and if you honestly think I’m stupid enough to make that move if I was an elim, I’m offended. Another possibility is an elim!Coinshot that wants to get a mislynch on me so they killed Mat and Elkanah, one with the elim kill and the other with the coinshot kill. Though this has only a slight chance of being the case, because two elim kills seems broken. Anyways, after this post it seems like you really want my mislynch so Magestar I won’t vote on you. I’ll vote on Ashbringer as it seems like they’re an elim just trying to find some sort of way to make me seem like an elim. The main reason I voted on Experience and then took my vote off and asked you to do so to was so I could hopefully misdirect the elims from my suspicion of Ashbringer. Before I saw Ash’s post I was going to make this post saying that I didn’t see it necessary to hide my previous suspicions because I thought he wasn’t an elim anymore. Though, now I’m not so sure that he’s village. I said earlier that I think the Elims are way more dangerous than the Kandra, so I think we can save a lynch on Magestar for another time. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— I’ll roleblock @Walin this cycle if I don’t die, so I hope you don’t have any elim outing plans for this day turn. If you do, PM or say it in thread and I won’t roleblock you. I’ll find someone else to roleblock if that’s the case. Also Ashbringer, I only have one Steel Trap, I wouldn’t have ever had enough boxings to buy a second one. I’m sure somebody can do the calculations for my boxings and verify this. In general I do agree that a lynch on me will give some information, but considering I’ve had limited interactions with other players I think an Ashbringer lynch would give a lot more information about a lot more players. Namely the people in SHOUTY SHOUT AGENCY!!!. If they flips vilage, then I die the next the next day anyway. If they flip elim then we get information about Pyro and the others they’ve been having semi-consistent interactions with, I can’t remember them of the top of my head, but I know there is a few. EDIT: Another vote count. Ventyl (4): Elandera, TJ Shade, Lahilt, Ashbrigner Magestar (1): Karnage Mist (1): Magestar Ashbringer (1): Ventyl
  8. Alright, as promised here is my almost post by post analysis of @Magestar. If you don’t want to read the whole thing, scroll to the bottom of the post! ———————————————————————————————————————— Starts of with some RP, then says that they don’t think the Kandra is going to be a big hindrance to the village. The talk more about the role until they say that the thief seems like a more powerful role. I’d say this is mostly NAI, seems to be just basic role analysis. More talk about the Kandra, says they don’t it’s a body swap mechanic . Then more general role analysis, still pretty NAI. Says they won’t defended themselves from Cycle one accusations, this makes sense. Also says they won’t post reads unless they know for sure that they have the elim team pinned down. The reasoning being that they’d just change their behavior, well couldn’t we look for that behavior change? Seems slight elim, but I’d give a more village read on it in reality. Says they’d want a lynch train. This is pretty village in my opinion, because if you think somebody is an elim, you’d want enough votes on them so that vote manipulation couldn’t save them. Says that the elims would want us the keep talking about the kandra instead of looking for them. Just like in my analysis of Araris, I think anyone who tries to give helpful advice like this is village. Though this could be a elim play to look village, but I’ll give it a village read. Votes on Ash, saying they’d rather vote on someone who they have suspicions of than Karnage. Says they don’t like that they tried so to push for Kandra discussion. This seems village to me, but I always like to clarify that anything could be an elim trying to distance themselves from what people are giving others elim reads for. Asks a few people if their roles could’ve removed their votes on Hatz. Elim trying gather information from the village? He does try to convince them that it shouldn’t be to revealing, but I think anyone can do a little investigation and figure out someone’s likely role. Slight elim read on this one. In response to Drake he says he doesn’t think claiming that your role removed your vote is RI (new acronym? Role Indicative). Seems like in elim trying to persuade the village into giving the elims hints about their roles so they can narrow it down. Claims to be twinborn in thread. Also talks about village coinshot, theorizes if they’re inactive or cautious. Seems like it could be an elim trying to get information and find out if anyone is a coinshot. I doubt this though, so this is a village read for me. Does an analysis on Pyro, NAI to me. Then later asks for my thoughts on the game, which I give. Says they’d love to hear an real evidence on Karnage. Worried about an elim diversion. I don’t think an elim would point out that they did a diversion, so slight village. Responds to Drake about asking him to vote Ashbringer. States their worries of an elim diversion again and their suspicions of Ashbringer. Still a little village to me for the same reason. Gives a village read on Araris. Says their views on the game line up. Not really elim, but could be a possible Kandra as Araris might have wanted to make some one with similar views the next Kandra? Says they want to get Ash lynched. Wants feedback on their votes. Slight elim, but mostly NAI. Says they don’t agree with the Experience lynch, village read based on how Experience flipped. Gives advice about not voting, as always when it comes to giving very good advice, this gives me a village read. Gives an analysis of Drake that reads slight village, as they want the information from it. Responds to Drake, this does seem elim to me, as it sounds like they’d be fine with a mislynch if it meant they’d get better reads and if it meant it’d make them seem less suspicious. I disagree, although I do admit that mislynches give information that can be valuable, every dead villager brings the elims closer to winning. Says they’d wish that Drake had been elim. Drake flipping village apparently messed up his reads. Village vibes, but not too many village vibes Responds to Pyro’s accusation of being a Kandra. Seems like they are trying to convince people they aren’t Kandra, which could be true. But it could just be them trying to make people think they aren’t... Voices their suspicion of Kynedath, slight village. Says they aren’t suspicious of Experience, slight village. Gives thoughts on the Kandra, NAI. Defends me so of course I’ll have to give a village read. Says they’d vote on me if boxing cap wasn’t activated, but it was so I don’t think they voted on me. Another village read. Gives up on the Kynedath lynch and brings up an Ashbringer lynch or an Experience lynch. Seems NAI to me, but I’m not sure. This post in response to Elandera gives me NAI vibes in the first half. In the second half I get elim vibes, because he says he doesn’t care about who gets lynched, but in a previous post (I don’t think I’ve mentioned it) he says the elims wouldn’t care which villager gets lynched. Which is exactly what he he’s doing. Votes on Experience, NAI, but could be elim considering how they flipped. Explains that his vote on Experience is for information. It seems village to me, but I also don’t like lynching for that reason alone. Kind of defends me? Says that Experience will give more information at death than I would. States some of their reads. This is different than their previous play style, could be an elim trying act more like a villager, but it also couldn’t so NAI Theorizes about the number of elims, and says that there is definitely a village coinshot. They say they would’ve gone for Kynedath, could this be a distancing tactic? I think this is either NAI or slight elim. Talks about their village reads. Also talks about how it’s likely for elims to sit back and not post much to make it harder for people to get reads on them. Points out that they haven’t done anything elim-y, which seems like a totally elim move. What better way to convince people them to say that you haven’t done anything elim-y. So I’m starting to think that he’s a really good a elim, in that he’s great at pretending to be a villager. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— TL:DR, Most of Magestar’s post all seem to be village, but his most recent one (at the time of this post) bring up the possibility of him purposefully not doing anything suspicious. There is also the possibility that he’s the new Kandra, which in my opinion is probably more likely than him being an elim. But I think both reasons could be good to lynch him, though I do think we shouldn’t worry about the Kandra more than the elims. Yes, it would make sense to kill it, but also the elim kills are more guaranteed that a Kandra kill. EDIT: Here’s a vote count for anyone wondering. Magestar (2): Karnage, Ventyl Ventyl (3): Elandera, TJ Shade, Lahilt Mist (1): Magestar Also someone post so I can make a response to my possible lynch.
  9. I’m going to make some analysis tomorrow, but I’ve been taking a break from the game, if anyone is wondering why I haven’t been that active.
  10. I didn’t go through with it, because Emi cleared it up. I probably should’ve now that I think about it...
  11. An hour until rollover and right now my only suspicion is on Ash, but even that’s not that much because we cleared (maybe?) up everything. I think I’ll have to wait until next cycle to really give any new reads on anyone.
  12. The only thing Lafay knew was confusion. As the night drew near he thought about the events of the day. He’d gone from eating, but not enjoying, the scarce food they had left to being called a liar by half of the people in the warehouse! Then it was finally cleared up when Lorrine finally cleared up that all she’d done last night was eat and sleep. Ola had wanted to defend him in front of the Scadrians, but Lafay knew that it wouldn’t have gone over well and had convinced her not to. She’d wanted to say, “I’d never bond a liar! Liars can’t keep their oaths!” Not only would the presence of a Spren on Scadrial confuse everyone in the room, but it could draw the eye of any other potential worldhopper in the PRE, and Lafay didn’t want to have to answer those questions. Eating his sad meal that they called dinner here, Ola floated onto his fork. She was a small orb pulsing in duple and triple time, it’d been a long time since he’d seen her in this form. She always said it was the most comfortable, but she had seemed to take a liking to the Scadrian fashion and looks. He continued wondering about why she’d gone back to the simpler form he was about to ask when interrupted. ”Lafay, will you ever swear your fourth Ideal?’ She asked, seeming resolute. He was shocked, she’d always nagged him about it, but she had never sounded like this about it. “It’s been four years Lafay. Four years and you haven’t progressed, most Willshapers would’ve been Full Radiants two years ago. Why not you Lafay?” He never answered her. Even though he knew why, Ola wouldn’t understand. Could a Spren, even a true one, understand what it meant to lose someone you loved? Lafay didn’t think so, but maybe someday, he’d finally swear that Ideal... (ninja’d! Also, if I don’t die all of my RPs might just become me making up my characters past on Roshar, because I’m really enjoying it!)
  13. I have a roleblock, but why wouldn’t I want two? I knew Ash was a Pulser and I’ve had suspicions of them for awhile, so why wouldn’t I want a why to make sure I don’t get Pulsed. I’m glad I did, because know I can hopefully use it to prove my role. Also if no one believes me, I know a Sparker who can role scan me this turn, they should have two charges by now. Thank you Walin, I’m automatically getting a village read on you just for being willing to help me. I’m going to clarify that I’m going to be roleblocking Walin with my role. Then, I’m going to use my Steel Trap on Ashbringer to make sure they don’t Pulse me. I hope everyone understands why I’m taking that precaution. I’m also praying no one else has any roleblocks or I’m going to die day four. (This whole thing ruined my plans to make analysis )
  14. I think no matter what I say, my offer to try to prove I’m not lying about my role won’t be taken up. So in an act of self-preservation I’ll vote on Karnage. The vibes being my other reason of course .
  15. I agree with the fact that the game has devolved into utter chaos were rational thought is no longer present.
  16. Is no one going to consider that Ash and/or Emi are elims? Is no one going to consider my offer of the village telling me who to roleblock to prove that I’m not lying? If y’all tell me who to roleblock, I can guarantee that they will be roleblocked, I bought a Steel Trap last cycle, because I figured that Ash was going to try something like this, so if it comes down to it, I can roleblock whoever the village wants me to and roleblock Ash to make sure they don’t Pulse me.
  17. @Ashbringer, I know for a fact I put in the action to roleblock Emi. I’m literally looking at the message Young Bard sent me saying I did! They only explanations for why you don’t believe this are: 1. You yourself are an elim and you’re trying to get a mislynch onto me by lying about Emi being roleblocked. 2. Emi is an elim and is lying to you about being roleblocked. 3. Both you and Emi are elims and are trying to get a mislynch onto me. In scenario one Ash is elim and Emi is village. In scenario two Emi is an elim and Ash is village. In scenario both Ash and Emi are elims. I don’t know why this doesn’t seem suspicious to anyone else. Can anyone explain to me why I would lie to multiple people about my role to risk being lynched if I was an elim? Also, is it not possible that when I roleblocked Emi, they simply didn’t take an action? Can @StrikerEZ please confirm that if someone is roleblocked but they don’t take an action that it doesn’t tell them they were roleblock. Oh wait... I just figured this whole situation out... Ash has claimed Pulser to me in PMs... I want everyone to think about what that means... If you really want to lynch me, wait until Day 4 when if I was pulsed it will show up for Emi during this night turn, I think. If I was pulsed by Ashbringer, then I’m pretty certain that they’re an elim. It could also explain why Araris was killed, because I told them that Ash was a pulser... EDIT: Ashbringer EDIT 2: Ashbringer Nevermind! I recant my statement about Ash Pulsing me, I just realized I would’ve received a PM that I was pulsed and I did not... I am honestly confused now. All I know is that I submitted the action to roleblock Emi, and I don’t know what kind of shenanigans are going on. So unless Emi clarifies that they were actually roleblocked, which I’m 100% sure they were, then Emi and Ash are definitely working together. I still think that the village should let me prove my innocence by allowing to roleblock one person, that can testify that they are roleblocked.
  18. I have claimed Leecher to everyone I’ve PMed. I don’t know if this is reassuring, but I have been telling the truth and if the village comes to a consensus on who I can roleblock today to prove that I’m a Leecher, I gladly will roleblock them.
  19. @Ashbringer when have I lied about my role? I’m willing to roleclaim in thread if that’s what you what.
  20. Mainly because I’ve wanted to team up with them, and that I thought Drake was slightly more suspicious. So why wouldn’t I change my vote to someone I think is more suspicious, even if it’s just a small amount? If it comes down to it, I think there still is a possibility of elim!Experience, but I want to wait a little longer to see if I can get better reads off of them if they do more analysis like the one on myself. When they do that, I’ll make an updated analysis similar to the one I did on Araris. Also here is a current vote count, I think... if anything is wrong please tell me. Vote Count: Karnage (1): Elandera Ventyl (1): Experience Lahilt (1): TJ Shade Kynedath (1): Magestar Okay, I’m going to make analysis for all of the lynch targets currently, once I get the time for it. So know that one is coming sometime today, if the lynch candidates change then I’ll do analysis on those players. So please, don’t make a huge tie like we’ve had in the previous cycles. I don’t want to have to make that many analysis . Anyways, I hope that this post clarifies any questions about my swing. If not, I’ll try to find the time today to answer any more. If it comes down to it, tell Striker to tell me (We are siblings if anyone didn’t know).
  21. Lafay was not liking this night. After he decided to abstain from his love of whiskey for the rest of his ‘stay’ at this storming warehouse, he’d done something. A lot of it. Most of it had been him thinking in circles about how to catch a Loyalist in the act, he would consult with Ola about his thoughts and she’d point out some flaw in his plans. Frustrated by his inability to figure out how to smoke out a Loyalist, he went to go eat. As he walked through the place that they’d been calling home for the last two days, he itched to just Willshape it into better condition, but he knew that would raise too many questions that he didn’t want to deal with. When he reached the kitchen it seemed they had finally run out of the nicer food that he’d come accustomed to again since his time back on Scadrial. On Roshar, it had mainly been military rations as they’d be out on long campaigns where fighting was almost always happening. Sure, he’d get to go to some party and be treated to any Rosharan delicacy he could imagine since he was a Radiant, but those were far and few between. The plate that the kitchen maid gave him looked less appealing than any military ration he’d ever eaten. He almost considered not eating, but he knew that if he wanted to be ready for what ever was in store during the next few days, he’d have to keep his energy. He picked at his meal for a little before taking a bite. It was more disgusting than it looked! ”Hey, at least you’re trying something new, taking a adventure! Though, I guess not all adventures are pleasant,” Ola chimed in, when she glanced at the food she also gave a slight look of disgust. For once in about four years, Lafay completely agreed with her.
  22. The reason that I haven’t made any arguments is because: 1. I haven’t been on the Shard that much today, I’ve been doing other things. 2. I’m kind of at a lose as to what to do right now. I’m probably going to have to re-read this thread a few more times then I’ll give a better post about, something... whispery whisper inc. is a organization similar to the SHOUTY SHOUT AGENCY!!! we are not as, rambunctious... as the SHOUTY SHOUT AGENCY!!!, but i still believe that we could have some coordination so that we don’t accidentally work against each other, as i think we did when we saved experience.
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