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Everything posted by Ookla-son-son-Ventyl

  1. Alright, I could get more, but it would require me to double post . I don’t think anyone wants that though.
  2. I would take over, and then use my throne to find all the elims before they eventually killed me.
  3. But the more time he spends counting, the more time we can spend posting sooo. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
  4. Wow, is this Pyro’s role?!?! Also I’m going to catch up with both of you for most post.
  5. How naughty of you Experience, just for that I might have to vote on you Just kidding.
  6. I did say my character was resurrected by Harmony from the last game He did some exploring of the Cosmere in between then and now. May or may not have Surgebinding, not even Striker now...
  7. Lafay fast walked his way to the kitchens, the sight of a young girl with meat pies on her head distracted him for a moment, Focus, Lafay he thought, you came here for one thing, whiskey. And storms are you going to get it! He continued his endeavor, slamming open the kitchen door with the strength of a pewter savant. “Somebody bring me some rusting whiskey!” He shouted, drawing the attention of the head cook who looked extremely shocked for some reason. Must be from my grand entrance, he thought with a smirk. Lafay found the sounds of pots and pans annoying to say the least, but he would endure it for whiskey. As he walked around the kitchen further, a nice looking kitchen maid bumped into him. ”Oh my, Rust and Ruin, oh Harmony! I’m so sorry mister...” She started. ”Etteax, my fine lady,” Lafay responded trying to use his gentlemanly voice, and failing miserably. Nonetheless, the girl still blushed furiously. “Would you happen to know where to find some quality whiskey around these parts?” ”Sorry sir, someone has already drank all of it in just one day... In fact I think it was y-“ She started, realizing that Mister Etteax was the man the other kitchen maids had be warning to not let near anymore alcoholic beverages. ”Storming warehouse!’ He interrupted “Why does this place have no whiskey!” He started towards the nearest cabinet, stumbling in his drunkness. The kitchen maid looked on in a mix of horror in disbelief as she tried to think of a way to get the man out of the kitchen. Hopefully, he wouldn’t destroy too much like he did the last hour he came looking for the same thing. Hopefully, any destruction he did cause, she wouldn’t get in trouble for it. As he was being dragged out of the kitchen by the complexes hazekillers for the third time that day, he yet again saw the young girl with meat pies on her head. It seemed she was still confused as how to get them off her head without ruining them. She was clutching a necklace, Lafay wondered what it meant.
  8. It’s when someone can’t play or is inactive, GMs find another player for them. Though she could just end up being taken out of the game entirely. I don’t know about that though. EDIT: ninja’d by Coda
  9. Mainly because they’re a newer player and it was only a poke vote, if I’m reading them elim later on (which I’m not) then I’ll but my vote back on them. But for now I’m keeping it on @Emi.
  10. Oops. Then I’ll but another poke vote out. Emi you haven’t posted yet, what are your thoughts on the little information we have?
  11. Mist didn’t mean to start a lynch train on you. Now, I don’t really have any elim readings on anybody yet, but I think Ashbringers statements about not starting the Kandra hunt now is a little suspicious. It could be good to get the Kandra out of the way so that we don’t have to worry about them ruining a potential 1v1 scenario by killing the villager. If that happens Kandra could indirectly cause Elim win if the Kandra kills villager and the Loyalist kills the Kandra. That is my main worry about the Kandra right now. I don’t think it’s going to have a too overpowered role, but its likely it has some way to get Allomancy or Feruchemy, if it doesn’t start with it. I’ll save my vote for if I get an elim reading on Ashbringer or anyone else.
  12. Of course! Why didn’t I think of that! Well too late now, I’ll just leave my vote where it is now to see how Mist feels about it.
  13. Alright, I will also poke vote Mist because why not. I think it would be good if the hemalurgist made their spike first turn just to get it out of the way and maybe pick off an elim. Though whoever they are, my suggestions may not wise considering I’m not that great at this game, unfortunately. Also, I would think Nicrosil ferrings don’t have any downsides to storing. The only time I can see Soulbearing being a negative is ones a twin born or has a hemalurgic spike. Otherwise, I would say Soulbearing is one of the better roles in the game. Anything that seems slightly OP is the Lerasium bead. As long as you post or PM enough you can get it pretty quick and I think whichever team gets it first would definitely get the upper hand in the long run. You could save it until the end, assuming you don’t die, and get just the right role to win. To me this seems pretty OP and I’m scared of whoever gets it. Anyways, best of luck to everyone.
  14. Lafay looked at the dead man’s body and prayed to the Harmony, and any other Shard listening, that he never ends up like him. Lafay considered death very... messy and did not it condone it in most circumstances. He also thought his death would be even more messy but he figured he wouldn’t get to be properly disgusted if he was dead. He laughed to himself at that and continued on his walk. This training facility was inadequate to Etteax, considering he’s Harmonies chosen one, but he would suffer it to until everything was cleared up and he could go back to drinking some fine Elendel whiskey. Oh how he dreamed to sit down with a fine glass of whiskey and get drunk out his mind. Maybe, he thought, if I help clear this whole mess up, I’ll be able to back to my mansion and go back to living the good life. The thought was refreshing in Lafay’s mind and relieved some of his stress. He decided he’d ask around and find out if anyone had seen anything before that man died, like who he was talking to and what he did leading up to his death. That information could be helpful in the coming days. While he was at it he could decide if anyone was being suspicious or not, if it would get him closer to drinking whiskey, he would do whatever it takes to clear this situation up and go home. Even though he thought death was messy, Lafay Etteax will do anything for a bottle of whiskey. And yes he knows that rhymes.
  15. But no one would ever break the walls of the Cup God’s Cup Fort, it was just a fact of life.

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