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Everything posted by Life&Death

  1. I’m the one who shows up about half the time, eats the food, leaves with no explanation, then comes back and is suprised when things happen without me.
  2. Since we are talking about bringing overall power levels down, I assume bringing in a character that specializes in killing Fullborn power level characters and could possibly pose a difficult enemy to Voidus Prime is probably not recommended.
  3. How much more meta can this get? Life is here and will be called as such even though he is technically Death as well. Do I need to put quotation marks to represent speech? So many questions. Also, none of my current characters do much currently so I might use this “quote unquote” infinite power to bring Soul back as he should be. There. My two cents have been thrown in. I might chime in later but this Author has lots of food to eat today and might not get very many chances to hop back through the now destroyed fourth wall.
  4. Are you saying you want to join, or just screaming out the newest war cry? Or both?
  5. Okay, so he would be very difficult for Soul to defeat, and because of annoying healing factors he wouldn’t die. But Soul wouldn’t instantly be vaporized by him. Thanks.
  6. I’m not sure I’m going to bring Soul back, so just for the sake of me thinking, of what nature are his powers? Directly affecting, or can he basically do anything?
  7. @Voidus What are Voidus Prime’s abilities. I want to know if it is actually possible for Soul to defeat him. It usually gets easier for Soul to kill things the more powerful they are. Up to a point anyway.
  8. I am considering bring Soul back into the Alleyverse, but not how he was in Era 1, but how he is supposed to be in my book I’m writing. This isn’t official yet since I’m still deciding but would anyone be opposed to this? This way I could do more character development for Mr Amber instead of using him as my main character. (Ski is officially not being used anymore.)
  9. The millionth digit of pi is 1. Just wanted to say that.
  10. I don’t have time to say all I want to right now, so I’ll keep it short. Thanks for being a part of the Alleyverse while you did. Hope everything goes well. You will be missed.
  11. Because chocolate is delicious. And no, you can’t convince me to join the light, white chocolate just simply isn’t as good as dark.
  12. And hot chocolate. But I drink that year round.
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