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Everything posted by Life&Death

  1. We are having relatively weaker characters correct?
  2. I hate it when people try to make me work all weekend. I need a relaxing few days to survive.
  3. Sorry about that Ink. I feel the same a lot. Have a mental hug, and good luck
  4. The chocolate fountains looked like a hit, and many guests were enjoying his refreshments. Nodding to himself Mr Amber sat down off to the side and watched the party. Knowing this group, fights could possibly break out or a army would attack. “Prime all defense systems.” Mr Amber spoke into his fabrial communicator. Each chocolate fountain was equipped with top of the line missle and laser systems. With pamphlets in case of librarian attacks. You could never be too careful.
  5. The Jackel is supposed to be a villain right? He seems like a villain
  6. Mr Amber snapped his fingers and chocolate fountains stared errupting from where his servants set them up.
  7. *Returns to the thread after months of being away* I have VICTORY!!! Wow. What an amazing 700th post. (I gotta plan my mile-mark posts better)
  8. Mr Amber studied this one much like the other before speaking one word. “Yes.”
  9. Mr Amber remained silent for a while, peering at the ring with a practiced eye. “Yes.” He finally replied.
  10. Mr Amber looked slightly disappointed. Putting his own phone and playlist away.
  11. Mr Amber walked into the clearing of the forest leading 16 servants each bearing a giant tray of wedding themed chocolate desserts. "Set them up in a large circle off to the side." He ordered. Mr Amber walked over to the couple. He was dressed in a completely black suit with a black gemstone imbedded tie. It glowed with stormlight as he walked. "Congratulations." He said, bowing slightly. "I have brought chocolate for the occasion, I hope you enjoy."
  12. As the new Era starts, I will have new characters, but I will still use Mr Amber. Any objections if he fixes the Waystop and brings it back? I think having a tavern type area a vital in every plot.
  13. If this was a reference, then I understood it. If not, then congratulations on an unintentional referance!
  14. Would a character that can kill literally everything and can never truly die be to powerful?
  15. I’m a Ghostblood. Sent a PM to Archer as well.
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